Have You Ever Seen the Rain; The Lull Before the Storm; Immediacy Defined; A Nightmare Inspires a Night time Prayer Leading to Further Inspiration: A Day of Delight: World Turned Topsy Turvy; Al Jazeera Article Brings US Political Insights


July 23, 2024

The beginning portion of the blog was written three days ago – but SO much is happening, everything has gone topsy-turvy.. in every way. It is certain, one hundred per cent sure that the Lexis Suites Lull was absolutely necessary. Do read on and then we will catch up.I will put the old stuff in quotation marks, but you will be able to see the difference. 

“The expression lull before the storm came to mind ; immediately followed by my favorite song by Credence clearwater Revival which plays on my Days of San Francisco Apple Playlist during my exercise routine in e Lexis Suites Big Pool. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Have You Ever Seen the Rain. I could supply the lyrics but the words alone do not capture the immediacy of the song. So you should YouTube it and listen. 

Thought of the word immediacy then looked for its meaning. It is perfect. No idea whatsoever how I came up with it. Boggles my mind. Immediacy is the quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something, giving rise to a sense of urgency or excitement. That does describe exactly what I am talking about. RIGHT ON. 

Thought I would give you  a few more words for right on: absolutely affirmative agreed all right amen assuredly aye beyond a doubt by all means certainly definitely even so exactly fine gladly good good enough granted indubitably just so most assuredly naturally of course okay positively precisely roger sure thing surely true undoubtedly unquestionably, on the money, on the button, you betcha, you better believe it. Beyond a doubt, with certainty. 

Needless to say I am in good mood.But what led up to this mood the precursor to this mood is not to be believed. 

Back to the lull before the storm for a paragraph or two. Lull or calm before a storm means a quiet or peaceful period before a period during which there is great activity, or difficulty   It is beginning to seem like my Previous Penang Six Weeks has been the lull before the storm.  Blessedly it does seems there is great activity, not great difficulty ahead. Situations and opportunities coming to fruition, taking a directions not at all anticipated. The rest is essential to prepare me for the next step in uncharted territory.

First you must learn of the portent, the prelude, the precursor to my intuitive feeling about the future. I had a dreadful, frightening nightmare during the early morning hours of Sunday, July 21, 2024, I awoke stressed, fearful, doubting myself, afraid of my future. 

I have done dream analysis in the past, aided by an extremely qualified professional, referred ti him on this blog as Wise Man. Under his analysis learned that dreams can be  expressions of the subconscious. The subconscious has not sense of time, therefore drams emanating from the subconscious are usually about the unresolved past. This dream about the past. I went to see a dentist who I thought knew from the past. But not so – I was stranded a long way from home with no knowledge of how to return. I was wearing high heeled uncomfortable shoes, walking about lost. Came upon a group of women near the College of Marin but they were not helpful at all. Would not tell me about the bus schedule, would not let me use their phones to get in touch with my third husband. Was very reluctant to call him but had no other choice. Got a replacement pair of shoes but they were uncomfortable. It began to rain and the building was to close. 

Upon awakening was grateful it was a dream but the feeling persisted. I was alone, there was no one there for me. I am after all living in foreign country, with no relatives, disappointing friends and acquaintances. Unable to have a local bank account, a reliable telephone plan. I was utterly along. 

In the midst of sheer panic realized I was of the Islamic Faith. There was Allah (SWT). I knew of and had under similar circumstances prayed. There is an Arabic name for such night time prayer. Cannot at this moment remember the name. I performed ablution, Allah was with me. I calmed. Went to my patio to retrieve something from the pocket of my robe – glanced over my shoulder to see the most amazing sight, The moon, clouds, reflected on the water. I took in this sight, what seemed to me a sign, in absolute awe. Then attempted to capture the glory with my iPhone. You shall see soon. It was wondrous. 

The day progressed. Messages back and forth from My Anonymous Family. I sent them a photo of taken on the 8th floor of Lexis Suites giving them good news. 

Me: Elephant Man gave me a Malaysian fog and his mother gave me sunglasses. It was before I sent swimming to music. Flag not fog. Hahaha 

She: lovelyyyyu Hahahaha 

Me: Well cute and funny. I loved waiving that flag. 

We are having time zone communication differences. 

Me: This is a stupid time zone. I am going to sleep. 

She: Sweet dreams. We are still in the evening and we didn’t even have dinner yet. 

Went to the 8th floor. Upon arrival found that it was food prep time in a Lex Spa back room. Treasured and special staff occasionally cook and eat like a family.  I was able to contribute, volunteered showing off my talents learned at a California cooking school about forty years ago. I can mince an onion with ease and no tears. Despite the fact that I am a bit rusty as I have not cooked in years, I was a star.  Did not slice off my hand, nor any of my fingers. Elephant Man was the chief chef, that man has many talents. Hahaha The pasta was the best I have ever tasted. The pasta perfectly a la dente the creamy sauce so flavorful with Malaysian spices. It was WOW. Mashallah.  

Throughout the day offered my prayers in a timely way. In subsequent blogs will speak of my ever-changing, evolving practices preforming my obligatory prayers.” 

End of quotations and on with July 23, 2024. Everything is topsy-turvy indeed. I am so blessed, so fortunate to have Al Jazeera at my fingertips. The news, of course, is that Biden has gracefully excited. I absolutely appreciate, absolutely love, Al Jazeera coverage. The independence, the intelligence of the correspondents and the writing. Here is a prime example. 

The July 21 article: Biden is out of the election, but American plutocracy carries on was written by Belén Fernández. . 

“The US president’s decision to step out of the presidential race changes little for Americans. Objectively speaking, too, his function during the past nine months as abettor-in-chief of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip is decidedly less than charming. Hernandez spoke of Biden’s dismal performance in assuring adequate medical care for seniors and the cost of perscription drugs (despite his assertions) using her father as an tragic example. When she wrote Harris had not been named successor. She spoke in this manner 

Biden’s likely replacement in the presidential race is his current vice president, Kamala Harris. While pundits debate her merits on mainstream media, the one main question is precisely what will become of all of the money raised on behalf of one plutocrat rather than another. As an Al Jazeera article published in the aftermath of Biden’s withdrawal notes: “With no precedent for the current situation, questions have swirled over the fate of Biden’s war chest. In the US, after all, election spending can run into millions, if not billions, of dollars”.

Hernandez reports, with accuracy and sarcasm that Biden is remaining  in office to preform his presidential duties. “Among his top “duties” that presently require fulfilling is receiving on Tuesday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House – since genocide is surely in the “best interest of my party and the country”.

Hernandez ends strongly, realistically and bravely. 

In his goodbye missive, Biden signed off with the words: “I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do – when we do it together. We just have to remember that we are the United States of America.”And that’s what everyone should remember in the end: that the US is the US no matter who is at the helm and there is “nothing America can’t do” in terms of inflicting global agony.Biden may be out of the race but American “democracy” – that is, plutocracy – carries on.” 

The author has endless credentials. 

Belén Fernández is the author of Inside Siglo XXI: Locked Up in Mexico’s Largest Immigration Detention Center (OR Books, 2022), Checkpoint Zipolite: Quarantine in a Small Place (OR Books, 2021), Exile: Rejecting America and Finding the World (OR Books, 2019), Martyrs Never Die: Travels through South Lebanon (Warscapes, 2016), and The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work (Verso, 2011). She is a contributing editor at Jacobin Magazine, and has written for the New York Times, the London Review of Books blog, Current Affairs, and Middle East Eye, among numerous other publications.

News of Biden’s exit and Harris ascending to the ‘throne’ may have implications for my life. Today, decided to dress not as a Saudi woman, not as a Malaysian woman but instead dressed American wearing only a head band – not a hijab. I ate an American breakfast…Lexis Chicken and French fries. I will not do that every day, I promise. Lexis chicken is the best fried chicken I have ever consumed. Much better than KFC or anything. Malaysian cooking in superb. 

I will send this off accompanied by two or three ‘moon shots’ and me patriotically waving a Malaysian flag wearing the sunglasses gifted by Elephant Man’s mother. 

Then prayer, think and write about possible implications for my future. Then to the Big Pool for aerobic exercise.