Discerning readers (there must be 2 or 3 of you out there) will notice that the format of this blog has changed. The most significant change is that there is now a Gallery, containing photographs of guess who? Me, of course.
Had a long email correspondence with my blog master about ten days ago. You shall hear more about it later but, at the moment, you will hear about a couple of other things. This is my blog, if you do not like it – stop reading and write your own.
Discern is the word we shall first define. It is best described with its synonyms: perceive. detect, recognize, observe, spot, identify, determine, distinguish, differentiate, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of. Antonyms: overlook, miss.
A discerning reader would perceive, become cognizant of, become aware of the changed format of my blog. The non-discerning reader would overlook it, miss it.
Last evening, July 12, 2024 I was upset as I had been disrespected and harassed by a Saudi family – spearheaded by the matriarch, an older rude woman from Riyadh. She was in control and jealous of me – therefore evil. Evil is a vile emotion, so complicated and so to be feared. There is a verse in the Quran, often repeated which implores Allah (SWT) for refuge from the evil of enviers when they envy. I needed refuge from this woman.
I returned to my room, feeling somewhat defeated. Looked to see if my blog had been posted. Saw the format had been changed and there was something called Gallery. Opened it and was utterly and thoroughly amazed, gratified and elated. I immediately sent an email to my Computer Guru, my blog master of seven years – Chris. The subject line: I am in absolute awe. My blessings upon you.
Me: My goodness!! Just when I needed this most!!! Went to the Gallery not expecting anything but there were the best pictures. How you managed to pick put the most important ones of my time is absolutely amazing to me. It is impossible for you to have done a better job. You captured the recent moments of my erratic life perfectly! You definitely inspire me to go row by row and speak about them at one point in time. They speak of the joy – with some underlying sorrow in each. The Malaysian people are the kindest, most generous most awesome people I have ever met. In absolute contrast to a segment of the Saudi Arabia peoples. That outmoded group are so rude and arrogant. I once championed all Saudis – but no more. One family of about seven treated me SO rudely and disrespectfully today but I got back at them. They in their absolute arrogance thought they would get away with it. The staff who have to put up with them were subtly cheering me on. Although the situation is changing for educated women most women are so passive. Not exactly passive but passive-aggressive. Women have never stood up directly to men so the men bask in their arrogant superiority. Women undermine them constantly but indirectly. They are controlled by them totally in subtle ways but in bad ways. No one gets any respect. I love kicking sand in their face. I quote the Quran at them – most have never read it. And never will. The Quran actually speaks of this. They are going to be in for a big surprise. Anyway – enough of them. Back to my gratitude. I am so grateful I am also blessing not only you, not only Clare but even Beryl.
You made my evening. Cannot wait to tell my many fans and tell them to check into it. With heaps of love.
He: Ok, Im blushing here Alexis McBee!! XX
By the way, Beryl is his dog and XX means love in UK language.
I had sent a long email to Chris about a week to ten days ago entitled: New Directions.
I have edited it slightly but this is what I said.
Think I will send this as a pdf but there are easier ways I think as we both have Apple computers. When I get a reliable and decent phone plan I will get in touch more regularly with Apple Support. This is not the right time (or place). Hahaha
I am sharing my rather embryonic thoughts with you on the blog asking for your input. I shall begin by talking about what I intend to get rid of. All of the stuff needs to be saved in a place that I can retrieve at some point but I have given up on Saudi Arabia and Palestine. So Free Palestine and Quest for Life can go the way of Photo – hope we can retrieve that one day but not at the moment.
I now see Saudi Arabia is something I had to endure, to learn about in all of its lies – learn the truth about it as no one else could have. I will, at some point, begin my negativity and knowledge about the arrogance and evil and desecration of its holy sights – but not at the moment. The thrust of the new direction will be to sit back – take an occasional look at the mess of the USA using the negativity of Saudi Arabia and the US and the world – in stark contrast to the peace I now find in Malaysia. Start positive with the negative contrasting. Hardship then the ease of benefit, hardship with more ease of benefit.
I am mindful that perhaps Malaysia will prove imperfect as did Saudi Arabia , as did Canada, as did the UAE etc etc. But I am enjoying it at the moment, I am utterly and completely safe and it is most affordable. This is important for peace of mind, necessary for the creative process. .
I do think I will continue to add to the About Me – using it to speak of the events which followed my entrance to the faith. I can cut and paste from the recent post where I revealed the harm inflicted upon me. It did feel good to talk about it – to get it off my chest so to speak. People see and actually resent my rather blessed life at this moment not really seeing how hard I worked for it and the suffering I endured. I find it interesting that people who consider themselves my fans – never or rarely read the blogs – or even worse – lie to me about their reading of it. The most recent culprit was my ‘Muslim Malaysian Sister’ who in a sense brought me to Malaysia. She shall not be mentioned in the future – that is a better fate for them. Walking away, ignoring and forgetting them is better for me, better for readers, better for everyone I am SO happy that she and the Nigerian guy are gone. The vast relief of their absence is great.
I think I might go back to school as I have discussed. But we shall see. I am proceeding cautiously and slowly. Blog writing and research takes up a great deal of time. I would be doing research on a related subject, there wouldn’t be a lot of class time. Designing a program will be the first task. Again – this is preliminary.
Back to the blog. I am thinking of bringing back Gallery – that addition you made some time ago and then was abandoned as I was trying to save the world. I have given up that pursuit. Ostensibly anyway.
Out of habit I looked up ostensibly – it was the right word. It means apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually. I am thinking of using this conversation in the blog. There are great synonyms.
I have been analyzing my statistics in my recent blog writing. I am really at a loss to understand it all and, perhaps, I should not. Perhaps my recent focus on the US is a function of the knowledge that they remain my hugest supporter but I think not somehow. What is happening there is truly alarming and getting worse and do not think that there is much awareness.
Just got a message from that wonderful Saudi family I have been blogging about. They do give me hope – so different from the evil I see so prevalent there. We shall see.
I continue to have problems with telephone plans, with my Canadian bank accounts etc. Some work needs to be done coordinating my YouTube stuff, editing it etc etc etc but again that can wait until I have more stability here in Malaysia. That is all for now.
Chris immediately responded.
He: Hi Alexis, I’ve switched off ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Quest for life’ They’re still saved in the background so can be retrieved.Return of the gallery sounds good, let me dig through the archive and put something back up over the weekend. School sounds good, free the mind and the ass will follow right!? (I know that from a very obscure song but it stuck with me!) Have a good day.
As you can see he was good to his word. Good to his word is used to describe a person who is trustworthy and honest because they keep their promises. They do what they say they would do. If someone does not repeatedly, it is best to get them out of your life. I have given too many people too many chances. Planning not to do that any more. I am now surrounded by people who are good to their word.
I am about to be good to my word. I promised faithful readers that I would include Instagram links to my Lexis Moments Instagram videos. Here they are. Enjoy!!!
The first from one of the 8th floor children’s playrooms. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C86rcPCRCL_/?igsh=dmptMTFscHFuenR3
The second from my self styled water aerobics class in the Big Pool. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9RnFkzx7_I/?igsh=NGRtNGpyMTZxcXNy
The third showing the two kingsize beds in my suite. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9QTv7pseOr/?igsh=MTNia3h5dnRoNWloYw==
The fourth, my favorite room in the suite – the room with a view AND an enormous bathtub, the best bathtub I have ever bubble bathed in. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9QQdfYsjxK/?igsh=MWlxenJ0d2N3MDJjag==
I have such fun here at Lexis Suites. This July 13, 2024 day was an A sticker day. Placed A stickers on people’s shirts and people’s hands and people’s noses. Some photos will follow.