Am I Changing or Evolving? Defining the Terms Brings Clarity; Examining the Decision to Change My Instagram Name; Remembering Call Me a Pollyanna Reveals That There is Some Consistency in my Life; Photos Showing a Changed Environment; No Louvre in Penang

I am changing. People  who know me well, say that I am. Voluntarily tell me, to my surprise. I am not trying to elicit information from them. Accompanying this has been, and will continue to be, a social media change. Discarding WhatsApp folk, both by design (blocking) or attrition (not sending messages to those who only inconsistently respond never initiating contact). Then another public change, to as yet noticed by anyone. Yesterday I changed my Instagram name from Alexis _Dryburgh to Alexis- Alaa-McBride. Is all of this a sign of changing, or is it evolving. 

At this moment I am not sure. It seems that if I examine the thought processes that went into my Instagram name change I can figure it all out, make that determination and also perhaps figure out what is causing the change. 

The first step is to define the two terms so we know what we are talking about.  

The simple definition of change is to make (someone or something) different; alter or modify

One can either change one’s heart, change one’s mind or change one’s tune (maybe all three)  

If you change your mind you behave in a different way. 

If you change your tune you adopt a different opinion or plan. 

If you have a change of heart you have a different opinion or attitude.

For all of these changes you have a re think, think twice.

Alter is a word that can be used instead of change. Altering activities can improve aware and identity bering about personal change. 

One always has to remember and distinguish impermanence which is an adaptation – a different state of affairs at different points in time.   

Then you ring the changes which is to vary the ways of expressing, arranging, or doing. 

I am exhausted and we have not yet discussed evolve. 

The simple definition of evolve is to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Rolling out the synonyms helps one understand, as does the antonym which is stay the same. Some people specialize in staying the same and are proud of it.

Alter Ego: Is that a problem, staying the same. 

Me: Yes, for two reasons. Life in today’s societies, each and every one it seems, is changing. It is necessary to adapt because what used to work in a given situation does not any more. Saudi Arabia is the prime example of that. 

Alter Ego: I can see that but is there another problem with staying the same. 

Me: Yes. I suppose a minor one. People who stay the same are boring, predictable and often narrow minded. 

Alter Ego: I can see your point. What is the solution? 

Me: Simple. Stay away from them and if they are in you life avoid them by blocking etc etc etc. 

Refining and undergoing the definitions helped me understand my Instagram name change. Being Alexis Dryburgh was not working for me. It was not attracting any Dryburghs, very rarely did a Dryburgh appear, either liking commenting or posting so that I could respond. I stopped being a Dryburgh at the age of 23. It did come in handy when writing the biography of my uncle Dave Dryburgh, but those contacts have disappeared and I fear the book will never hit the presses, so to speak. I did try to revitalize a sense of family with many but it met with utter failure. I give up. So why keep the Dryburgh name. 

Many people ask if I am going to take my Muslim name. I tell them no. Changing one’s identity – passports, bank accounts, investments, wills , my blog, my email would be a  major undertaking. I love my name. I laughed with my first ex-husband decades after the divorce, when we both had a better perspective on the demise of our relationship. . 

Me: I think I loved the name more than you. 

He: I guess you did. You kept the name, 

Me: So did you! 

He: It was my name to start with. 

Me: Oh, I forgot about that. Hahaha 

I also love my Muslim name. Some precious people call me Alaa. It is so special to me. But this hotel could never be called Laa. Get it?? I would not be living in a hotel called Laa Suites – none exists probably – none in Penang anyway. But there is, and was, a Lexis Suites. 

Then a sudden inspiration. I would use my Muslim name in Instagram  Elephant Man and I sitting in the children’s play room on the 8th floor of Lexis Suites (there were no kids there at the time). With his help we changed my name, it was not that difficult to do. I changed my heart, changed my mind, changed my tune to do that. It was also an evolution. I did adapt and change, metamorphosed, transmogrify. 

Therefore weather I changed or evolved is irrelevant – in this instance I did both. 

But in some ways I do remain the same. The following will prove this to be true. 

Call me a Pollyanna is, I think that is the name of the song that suddenly came to mind, Call Me a Pollyanna. I am not sure however.  Decide first to look up the meaning of Pollyanna. Found it is one  characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything. Who could not love the thought of this? Except for the excessive part.  The origins of the word are most interesting. It is a recent word to the lexicon: early 20th century: the name of the optimistic heroine created by Eleanor Hodgman Porter (1868–1920), American author of children’s stories.

That was not helping me remember the name of the song. But the more I thought about it, learning it was a song written by Doris Day – I realized I had written about it before. Went to the search engine of the blog – it was difficult but lo and behold, I found this.  

February 19, 2022. 

‘I sat on the patio of the restaurant and thought of a song. Everyone, well practically everyone, says that they love me. There is a song by Doris Day, of course I googled and here are the lyrics.

Everybody loves a lover
I’m a lover, everybody loves me
Anyhow, that’s how I feel
Wow, I feel just like a Pollyanna
I should worry, not for nothin’
Everybody loves me, yes they do
And I love everybody
Since I fell in love with you
Who’s the most popular personality?
I can’t help thinkin’ it’s no one else but me
Gee, I feel just about ten feet tall, havin’ a ball
Guess ya might call me a Pollyanna
Everybody loves a lover
Who’s the most popular personality?
I can’t help thinkin’ it’s no one else but me
Gee, I feel just about ten feet tall, havin’ a ball
Well, I feel just like a Pollyanna
I should worry, not for nothin’
Everybody loves me, yes they do
And I love everybody
Since I fell in love with
Fell in love with
Fell in love with you, (Call me a Pollyanna, do)

But here is the absolutely, unqualified good news. I love everybody since I fell in love with Allah. I do know for a certainty that it is not unrequited. Definition of unrequited (of a feeling, especially love) not returned or rewarded.”

Wondered what restaurant I was in. Read the blog to discover that it was the world renowned restaurant at the Louvre in Abu Damai.  I was living there then, What was happening that day almost two and a half years ago? Now I know. Was at the Abu Dhabi YAS Mall Apple Store taking a class getting some technical problems solved. Then I left with my taxi driver, whose nickname was SAD. I think it stood for Sheikha Awesome Driver. . 

 “SAD and I sped off to Louvre on Saadiyat Island where I received a huge welcome. One handsome young man escorted me to the restaurant saying that he follows me on Instagram – spoke of my fish feast at the Fish Market. The staff at the restaurant so happy to see me again – the Chef came to speak to me receiving compliments on the delicious food which shall be pictured. It was an utterly beautiful day, a slight breeze, moderate temperature, surrounded by happy people including a family from Canada located two tables away. Of course I spoke to them and gave them blog cards. The conversation began when I sneezed and then announced in a loud voice.
Me: Do not worry. I sneezed but I do not have the virus. I am negative in that regard, that regard only.
They: Much laughter.
Me: Where are you from?
They: Canada.
Me: Me too. I will come and speak to you”

I admit to being downright shocked, reading this, Had forgotten all about it. Loved the Louvre, have photos and many happy memories of the exhibits, the art, the staff – all calling me Sheikha Fatimah. Perhaps I shall feature some of my prize photos at the conclusion of this blog. 

This is figuring into my current dilemma sorting out changing, evolving and consistency. consistency. What is consistent, what remains the same is since coming to Lexis Suites in Malaysia everyone is saying that they love me. I am the most popular personality, there is no doubt about it. I should not be worried – not for nothn’ . Although some things do go wrong in my world – things straighten themselves out. I remain cheerful in the midst of near catastrophe and betrayal. Nowadays I love everybody and everybody loves me since I fell in love with you. Who is the you in my life?  It is of course and always will be. Allah (SWT). Not a mere mortal man (or woman). 

Photos taken in 2022 at the Abu Dhabi Louvre shall follow. There has been a significant change in my life since Abu Dhabi days. There I lived in the Premier Inn, a back to the basics hotel, with no view, a small room, no huge pool, no patio with small pool, no elephant man. . Here I have it all, and more. There was a competition. The final date of submission was July 11. I submitted four Lexis Moments on Instagram using my new name. I hope to win at least one of the prizes. Stay tuned – will link the Instagram posts at another time. Bye for now.