Email Means You Might Not be Reading This  When  it is Being Written: Glastonbury Taking Precedence; Dunya Discussed: Being Stood Up Leads to the Blessings Found in the Nearby Omi Restaurant; Eating the Best Sashimi Ever;  An Internal Conflict Faced, it Came to the Fore; Appears I am Androgynous; Rediscovering Amina Wadud; Good Prevails Over Evil but It is a Constant Challenge: Bye Bye Notifications; Photos of Omi Sashimi and Me: Links to Instagram and Wikipedia

Dateline: Penang, Malaysia June 28, 2024 

Received a word of warning from my Computer Guru Chris 

He: Hi, Posted this morning, in a rush as I was going to be late for work.

I am going to Glastonbury festival this weekend (in and out from Thursday – Monday) so please bear with me as I will be out and about in a field with roughly 200,000 other eejits  Thanks!! Chris

Me: Thanks luv! Wish I could be with you!!’ I will be going for high tea today in a town which means back of the  hill in Malay. Got stuff to do here but being in the UK is looking good. We shall see. Maybe next year I will be joining you! There is a mosque in Edinburgh. Alexis I suppose poor Beryl has to stay home??!  

Beryl is his dog, by the way, not his wife. I am assuming that Clare is joining him. Hahaha I did not go to high tea by the way. I got stood up.

Stood up means to intentionally fail to meet someone when they said they would – usually a romantic relationship but not so in this instance. By the way, standing someone up  is the ultimate sign of disrespect. Admit I was rather expecting it, due to the person’s record of ‘no show’/late show, failure to honor commitments, however it was  bothersome because I did not consume breakfast with great gusto (I usually do). Went down to Reception in a weakened condition. 

Me: Where can I have lunch in this fine hotel. I got stood up and I am starving. 

She: You can go to Roselle Coffee Shop OR the Omi Restaurant and have Japanese food. 

Me: Japanese food is my very favorite. A great suggestion. I can just walk across the lobby, thank you! I prefer Japanese food over ‘high tea’ anyway. What a blessing! 

It was a blessing beyond belief. The no show was a hardship, the Omi Restaurant was a benefit. You shall see a photo of the sashimi – the best ever! The freshest of fish, beautifully arranged. The sushi chef came and spoke to me at great length, he telling me of his plans for retirement. My waiter was most attentive. I had been to Omi restaurant twice before. A photo of me at the entrance weeks ago will be shown.  Then breakfast was served in the restaurant one morning, when I happened to be wearing my Palestinian scarf. ‘Hired’ a cinematographer, put the reel on Instagram. Here is the link: 

By the way Glastonbury is reputed to be the best festival in the whole world. I would absolutely love to attend before I go onto ‘bigger and better’ things. (Hahaha). We shall see, not using WE in the manner of royalty, despite the fact I am recognized as the Blue-Eyed Queen.  I am using WE in this manner: Allah (SWT) and myself. Thinking of my remaining time in this dunya: Scotland is my ancestral home. A return to West Wemyss (rhymes with dreams) or a place near Dryburgh Abbey would place me near the mosque in Edinburgh.

Wikipedia tells us: In Islamdunyā (Arabic: دُنْيا) refers to the temporal world and its earthly concerns and possessions. In the Quran, “dunya” is often paired with the word “life” to underscore the temporary and fleeting nature of the life of this world, as opposed to the eternal realm of the afterlife, known as “akhirah“.According to the Quran, humans and other communities have a limited time on earth before they pass on to the afterlife. In fact, the Quran teaches that everything that exists is temporary and will ultimately fade away. The pursuit of nearness to God is thus emphasized as the ultimate purpose in life, as only God’s Being and Essence endure forever. … The term “Al-dunyā” appears in the Quran 115 times and refers to both the temporal world and the duration of one’s life on earth.” 

I recommend reading the Wikipedia article Dunya in its entirely – it is most instructive, citing the Quran, Hadiths and other sourcesIt links to Religious discussion of Dunya. This also is worth reading in its entirety. 

I do laugh at myself for the following reason.

Many people who know me cannot even be bothered to read the blog, much less go exploring onto greater knowledge with me. Oh well, clear communication is my only responsibility. People with ears will listen, those who are deaf will not. People with eyes will see, people who are blind will not. 

Onward and upward! Thought of the expression coming to the fore. Come to the fore is a verb: to become noticeable or important, or to start to play a leading role in a particular situation. Another definition is to become visible, make oneself visible; take action.  

Its use in two sentences is illustrative. 
“Without thinking, all the courtly manners my mother had drilled into me came to the fore.’ The Name of the Wind 

As so often happens in desperately poor places, the worst elements came to the fore.
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandala 

Her leadership qualities came to the fore during the crisis. (Author unknown)

What has come to the fore is my sexuality. No! That is the wrong word, the closest  I can come to (at this moment) is my gender identification. Reached the conclusion that perhaps I am an androgynous person: one who has both masculine and feminine characteristics. Androgyny refers to sex-role flexibility and adaptability. In examining this ‘condtion’ found that it is actually a good thing.  It has long been associated with traits such as better cognitive flexibility (the mental ability to shift between different tasks or thoughts), social competence, mental health [3] and emotional reactivity. It is extremely complicated. If you wish to learn more here is the link to a well researched article: Luo, Q., Sahakian, B.J. Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being. Neuropsychopharmacol. 47, 407–408 (2022). 

I am onto something. First became aware of it years ago. My third husband once paid me a compliment. Laughingly I say that summarizes our relationship; once he complimented me. This is true of me – after I divorced him, then he died, then I had no contact  with his family, then I became a Muslim. After all that  my justifiable anger disappeared. Even back then when he said: .

He: Alexis, you think like a man. 

Me: Thanks! I am going to take that as a compliment. 

Now, to take a giant step forward. Allah (SWT) is both man and woman. Most people (including most Muslims)  are not aware of this  – for many reasons. One reason is that Allah (SWT) is always referred to as He. The other reason is that the Islamic Faith has become increasingly paternalistic. I have recently rediscovered, and been listening to presentations by Amina 

Wadad. Rediscovered her by reading one of my early blogs. Such a find!!  Learned of the existence of Sisters In Islam – a Malaysian movement she cofounded during her years as a Professor at International Islamic University in Kuala Lamper, Malaysia. We have some similarities: she is retired, now lives in Indonesia, maintaining her citizenship in Oakland. California. I am retired, now living in nearby Malaysia, maintaining my citizenship in Marin County, just over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. We do have our differences however; she is black, I am white, she has five children and six grandchildren. Another major difference: She identified as queer and has openly advocated “pluralism” and “equality” including dignity for LGBTQ+ persons rights.   Definitely that is not me. I am planning to marry again in Jannah. I am absolutely certain it is not going to be a woman. 

It seems of late, in my individual dunya that good has been prevailing over evil, explain this to my foes.  The Quran tells us that good prevails over evil – does not say wins over evil. Good does not trump over evil – there is a difference between the two which is meaningful. 

 Prevail has an element of survival in it, similar to overcome. To prevail is to emphasize the struggle it took to ‘win’ Prevail says it is not over, the struggles will continue.. Triumph is associated to victory, the celebration that goes with winning when you conclude success after putting all your energy into it.  

Quran: 41:34-36  Good and evil cannot be equal.Respond ‘to evil’ with what is best, then the one you are in feud with will be like a close friend. 35.. But this cannot be attained except by those who are patient and who are truly fortunate. 36. And if you are tempted by Satan, then seek refuge with God. Indeed, He alone is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. 

Photograph is of the salmon belly sashimi. Photograph of Alexis at the entrance of Omi restaurant, taken approximately one month ago. 

I am listening to messages telling me to curtail my Apple device usage – most specifically WhatsApp. It is a constant distraction with its incessant pinging. I took the first step – turned off  notifications. Then I am in control. When I have a free moment or when the mood strikes, I will read them. People often do not need, nor usually deserve an instantaneous response. Peace of mind has returned. This morning I ignored WhatsApp, went to Lexis Suites excellent breakfast buffet greeting many families from Saudi Arabia and from Malaysia. Posed for photos, laughed with many. Talked with GM Ian briefly, making a helpful suggestion. If it is implemented you shall hear about it. I could be sitting in my room WhatsApping. Such conversations could be called vanity talk, which is addressed in the Quran. I cannot find the cite at this moment