Dateline: June 25, 2024
I have finally (and I do mean finally) reached a place of safety here in Malaysia. Safety is the condition of being protected. Reading the Quran this morning enhanced my understanding of the true meaning of safety. . Safety is self-sufficiency, no one can touch you, protection is unnecessary if one is self sufficient. The inspiration was Quran 64:6 Loss and Gain: That was because their messengers came to them with their clear signs, but they replied, “Shall mortals be our guides?” And so they rejected the truth and turned away. God has no need of such people; God is self-sufficient and worthy of praise. “
God has no need of such people, God is self-sufficient – those words formed the basis of my new found thinking. Of COURSE I am not God. Synonyms of self sufficient are autonomous, independent ,competent. When one has those traits, one does not need people (nor Shaytans) who do not listen to you, do not understand you have no respect for you, probably wish to undermine you, When you find yourself free of them and their evil influence peace of mind descends enveloping you with care. This happened to me recently. I see now that self sufficiency is the key.
Now, of course, no one can be entirely self sufficient. One must rely on other humans for many of our needs. If these needs can be met in an ideal situation then one can continue in self sufficiency. My present abode provides s an example. I am protected by the elaborate, complex and effective security that exists in Lexis Suites. Knowledge of it brought an immense sense of comfort when the head of security explained how thorough, complex and elaborated planned the system was.s. I rely upon Lexis Suites, my fortress. but maintain my self sufficiency because I have independent income which allows me to live here. I am beginning to feel like the Blue-Eyed Queen, which many teasingly call me. Modeling myself after Queen Elizabeth I; I call myself the Blue-Eyed Virgin Queen. Those, in the know, will realize that despite my three marriages I am now technically a virgin. There are many hidden benefits in becoming a revert, that is all I shall say about this rather strange set of circumstances at this particular moment.
My physical needs for food, clothing and shelter are amply and ably met by the helpful, efficient, able and (actually) admiring staff of Lexis Suites. Mashallah is an Arabic phrase that literally translates to ‘God has willed it’, implying that something positive has happened, of greatness or beauty. It expressing a feeling of awe).
An example of self sufficiency in action shall now be provided. Recently I entertained the thought of returning to school – entering a University of Islamic Studies. My self sufficiency came into play, resulting in a different outcome. (Outcome is the way a thing turns out; a consequence) :
I have no need for a further university degree. I have earned four. A degree in Islamic studies can never be used for employment purposes because , or some reason, that job is reserved for men, the only exceptions are in China and Denmark. However, I am self sufficient. Proving for my . I have income to fuel my basic needs and also my needs. basic needs of food, clothing and shelter by working for the County of Marin for thirty years, therefore have income to fuel not only my basic needs, but also my dreams. With my basic needs met, have time to research, to objectively examine my options. The Internet supplies the needed information, (if one looks hard enough and is discerning. Lexis Suites has great internet commotion. I am blessed with curiosity and discernment. I was, therefore, able to have the means, method and opportunity to discover that Salafism is the, shall we say philosophy, that controls the instruction. It is considered by at least one learned scholar, to be a school that lacks Intellectualism . My existing autonomy enabled me to see that even if my heroic attempt to attend the Islamic University of Medinah proved successful I would be dependent upon its faculty, whose praise and guidance would not be forthcoming. This would erode my faith. The Islamic Faith is the core, of my self sufficiency. I am self sufficient as I need only the acceptance and love of Allah (SWT). The Quran is my guide to the Straight Path.
I now must get dressed and go for breakfast.
After Breakfast
As usual had great conversations with the other guests at this hotel. Yesterday met a young couple from Yeman. Never met anyone from Yemen before. This Muslim Sunni ‘braanch’ is predominant in Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and Yemen. During my Saudi Sojourn (as I now call it) met many from Indonesia and Egypt but these were the first Muslims from Yeman. Well, I loved them. They were not fluent in English but we were able to communicate. She and I are both on Instagram,, we became followers of one another. While at breakfast, even though they were at a nearby table, I sent Likes and messages to her Instagram posts. She could, of course, translate them as I could her messages and posts. I spoke to them as they left breakfast. We later ‘spoke’ on Instagram.
Me: Great to see you at breakfast. Hahah
She: Four laughing emojis. I felt happy when I saw you.
Me: I felt happy when I saw you. And I loved our hugs.
She loved my message.
This is the next morning.
She: Good morning. We will return to Kuala Lumpur
Me: I will miss you. We must keep in touch. I admire your work. You are a great graphic designer. I love your work.
She: Oooo Thank you.
Me: Yes, your Instagram posts are treasures.
Her talent and skills as a graphic designer shine on her Instagram posts.
Yesterday’s breakfast brought another blessed surprise encounter. I stopped to talk to a family whom I thought to be Malaysian. O thought they were Malaysian because Malaysian families are colorfully dressed, the men very involved and nurturing men, they all enjoy each other immense. The mother at this table was was colorfully dressed, the man dressed in comfortable clothes. They were breakfasting with their three charming daughters, the two older ones spoke English. Much to my surprise learned they were Saudis – living in Jeddah. The father an engineer, the mother a 24-7 mother, (as she described herself). For them family was ultimately and completely important. I was so happy to have met them, told them so, as I was losing hope and faith in Saudi families. I was so happy for them. Spoke to them about this.
Me: I am so blessed somehow, Even before I was a Muslim I was happy for people that had a good and happy family – although I never had one. That happiness I have for others in more fortunate circumstances is a gift. I am not jealous, nor disdainful of their good fortune. .
The Saudi family was happy. I was happy for them. They appreciative of my appreciation of them. It was a win/win.
As I wrote this, in the back of my mind, knew that I had mentioned win/win in the blog before. The first blog that popped upon after win/win was entered in the search engine was January 8, 2024. This straight from that blog to you:
“On an impulse I typed win/win in the search engine of my blog and came up with 21 entries. Mashallah!!! Could not imagine how, and under what circumstances, I examined win/win.’
One was from a blog of 2017 while living in London, England. Another blog from my Vancouver days. The win/win of that particular day was exceptional in its concluding paragraph.
“I am truly blessed by Allah!! There is hardship – throwing up the contents of your stomach is not exactly fun. But look at the benefit!!!! I have gifts given by Allah, when I share these gifts I am gifted. It is definitely a win/win. The Islamic Faith is a total win/win, come to think of it.”
Good way to end this blog as well.
The photographs a rather eclectic collection. One, my most recent Lex Spa manicure, expertly applied by Amy. I shall speak of vast array of International food found at the breakfast buffet at another time, but here an example of Malaysian delicacies eaten on Monday when my Malaysian Muslim Sister joined me for breakfast. She took the photograph of me chowing down dressed in my Nigerian abaya – most International indeed. Noticed in the background a young woman I had spoken to on a previous occasion. She and a friend, were from England, nineteen years old and traveling for the summer before beginning university in the fall. I was so proud of them despite the fact that when I was nineteen I was slaving in a meat packing plant earning the tuition for my university education. I am so blessed to be able to travel at this time of my life. Allah (SWT) has given me a happy childhood at this stage of my life – now, in 2024.