Somewhere Over the Rainbow Could be a Jannah Precursor;  Forsaking Revenge to Find a Sunrise of Hope and Inspiration; Gratifying Reactions to Photo; Inspired to Seek Greater Knowledge: Searching for Islamic Learning Took My Breath Away: Medina University of Islamic Studies Does Not Accept Women; Messages of Distress Bring Encouragement and No Response From Saudi Man; Having to Eat My Words, Not ALL Saudi Men Distort the Image of   Islam: Photo of a Sunrise Bringing Hope Then a Usual Sunrise  


I find peace and serenity when writing by listening to the playlist Classical Chill streaming from my Apple devices.  The instrumental Somewhere Over the Rainbow streamed into my ears. I added the lyrics from memory, thereupon deciding it could be descriptive of Jannah. These are the words bringing it to mind: 

Somewhere over the rainbow 

Bluebirds fly

And the dreams that you dream of

Dreams really do come true-ooh-ooh

Someday I’ll wish upon a star

Wake up where the clouds are far behind me

Where trouble melts like lemon drops

High above the chimney tops that’s where

You’ll find me, oh

Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly

And the dream that you dare to

Oh why, oh why can’t I? 

This was the second inspiration of this morning rich, in blessings. I have been consumed somewhat in anger and revenge aimed, deservedly at a certain individual.   I awoke in time to get my brain in gear prior to Fajr prayer – realized during prayer that I had to let it go – leave  the revenge to Allah (SWT). Daylight dawned, walked on my patio to find the most glorious sunrise – the best EVER. The sunrise spoke to me, it said:

Sunrise: Look at me in all my glory. I am saying that to let go of your revenge and go onto other matters more deserving of your attention is the right decision. 

You shall see the edited sunrise. It was WhatsApped and Instagrammed to several, including he individual to whom I was vengeful, with this message to him. . 

Me: Allah gave me this sunrise this morning telling me not to seek revenge on you. I will stop. That is His job. Hahaha, He is much better than I could ever be. Hahahaha 

Not heard from him. Others receiving the photo were adamant in their praise

She: Mashallah How beautiful. Alhamdulillah

Another man said: 

He: Very beautiful. Mastery in creation 

Me: I totally agree. Our Creator an artist, here in Earth and certainly in Jannah.


He: Wonderful 

Me: I know For me a message of hope. I did some editing but it was all that.

Sent to a Medina Saudi woman. 

She: responded in Arabic. I do not know how to say it in English. 

Me: Perhaps Alhamdullah It was a message of hope. I had never seen a sunrise like this. I needed to abandon my revenge and see that our Creator had better things for me. There is a man on staff who can translate to me.

It now seems that this is much better use of my time and energy, a better purpose provided by our Creator. The June 18, 2024 blog spoke of my admiration of the wisdom offered by the scholars on the program offered by Celebrate Mercy. Their knowledge enhanced my faith, forcing me to consider the  wisdom of returning to graduate school, the degree in Islamic Studies. I immediately set forth discovering the location of learned institutions.  

The four most prestigious schools were listed. University of Al-Qarawiyyin, Morocco, the oldest existing, continually operating and the first degree-awarding educational institution in the world according to UNESCO and Guinness World Records. Al-Azhar University, Cairo. Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. University of Ez-Zitouna, Tunis, Tunisia. 

This was a beginning. Had an idea, as I lived in Medina for three months, and knew there was an Islamic School  located ten km from the Prophet’s  Mosque, I had Medina friends and my Grandson Hamza lived there. Went to their website and was  absolutely appalled at what I found. I, as a woman, could not enroll in post graduate Islamic Studies.  I was totally flabbergasted, could not believe it. 

There are many words for flabbergast: astonish, astound, startle, shock, take aback, dumbfound, render speechless, stun,  take someone’s breath away, confound, overcome. , stupefy, bewilder, bowl over. My very favorite is gob smack  

Gob smacked, dumb founded, bewildered,  particularly when one considers this. The leading university offering Islamic Studies is in Morocco was founded by a woman.  What does that say about the Islamic Faith as is practiced in Saudi Arabia??? 

In my astonished, stunned, stupefied state reached out to two friends in Medina. A Saudi women friend,  in her early thirties responded. 

She: Why don’t they accept woman? I thought the backward pre-Islamic eras had ended. Men here in particular distort the image of Islam. 

Me: It is never going to be over. I am going to fight it. I have a plan, not for today but a great plan. 

She: You have the power of words.

The second person I WhatsApped was a man, A Medina Saudi of much influence and status. 

Me: I was watching this incredible program after fasting yesterday and I am most imspired. Which is good, of course. Inspired to go back to school – Islamic Studies of course. 

No response, hours later wrote. 

Me: Just discovered the University of Medina does not take female students. I am a female. But I have a plan already. 

A day later – no response. So again I asked for his cooperation. 

Me: Will you at least sign a petition asking that women be allowed. Funny if I would be the first woman student. I would return to Medina. 

Four days later, still no response. 

Me: What happened to you? Disappeared again as you do. I am sure there is a reason but only God knows. I put my trust in God not you. You have too much authority. Typical of Saudi men. Women are to be equal partners but you men have stripped them from that. And you shall suffer in the end. 

No response to any of that but forwarded a video as he does constantly to people on his list. Safe causes. This one on American War Crimes. 

Me: True and they used my tax dollars to do it. I am appalled. With the help of a wonderful woman on your Oberio staff I am making a strong stand which gives me peace of mind. 

Still no response whatsoever from him about anything. That does say it all about Saudi men thought I. My friend is right!! 

I may have to eat my words for the following reason. Eat my words means that I have to admit that I was wrong about something I said in the past. 

How appropriate it is that this ‘eating of my words’ occurred at the Lexis Suites breakfast buffet. I was there clad in Malaysian gifts – an abaya, a scarf and accessories given by two Malaysian Muslim Sisters. A huge family gathered at a large table beckoned me, wishing to speak with me. One Saudi man, with his wifewho was colorfully covered) was the spokesman. We all talked and laughed together, he introducing me to all including his eldest son. 

Me: My goodness you are handsome! You must look like your mother. 

Everyone laughed and laughed. The wife and mother raised her colorful niqab. 

Me: Yes indeed! I was correct. 

I forgot the word for niqab,  reached out to Noor, my Malaysian Muslim Sister. She also informed me that the Malaysian word for niqab is purdah. Now I know another Malaysian word. My vocabulary is slowly (and strangely) growing. 

She also wrote: The  niqab is an important part of Saudi culture and in most Saudi cities (including Riyadh, Mecca, Medina Jeddah, etc.) vast majority of women cover their faces, with a long open slot for the eyes.” I observed during my recent stay in Saudi Arabia that this is no longer true for Riyadh, nor Jeddah, nor Kohbar. Women wearing the niqab are no longer in the majority in those cities. 

Back to Breakfast. 

The Saudi man, a dentist  listened to the story of my ambition, and the probable denial of admittance to the University of Medina School of Islamic Studies. He freely volunteered, promising to help me – saying he knew people in high places that could help. I was so heartened. If he disappoints at least I had a glimmer of hope. 

I am remembering my favorite quote, my motto, my mainstay, the manner in which I have lived my life, even before  the blessings of the Faith. “Survival was my only hope, success my only revenge.” –   Patricia Cornell. 

The Saudi dentist’s  comments is helping my survival by giving me hope. Being successful will be my revenge.  

As to the revenge against the men who have belittled me, ignored me, abused me –  this shall be my revenge upon them, one recommended by Marcus Aurelius. “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury” – Marcus Aurelius. To be unlike the hypocrites, the brutes, the cads and the merely ineffective, insecure and ineffective shall bring great joy.  

The underlying problem with Saudi men is that most frequently no one has stood up to them, questioned them. Particularly men in high authority. They are to be pitied actually, in that it is a learned and unquestioned behavior. Recently had an Instagram discussion with a Saudi man concerning his dress, the white thobe. 

He: It is tradition! 

Me: What tradition and since when? I have seen many photographs of the grandfather of MBS. Never have I seen him in a white thobe. 

It is important that we, each and every one of us, examine our traditions. This examination  can and should determine the origins and incentive for practices. The next step is to analyze whether or not they fit our changed life styles. This is an example. There is strong evidence that women wore niqabs to protect themselves from sand and flies as those were difficult times. These days, particularly in Riyadh, but in all Saudi cities with their advanced infrastructures, sand and flies are not inconveniences encountered. Eating with niqabs very inconvenient. It was not a problem in olden times as women did not eat in the presence of men. 

Onto something more important for Saudis at this time.  Perhaps MBS who has ‘freed’ his people,’ modernizing’ so quickly, too quickly actually  should be modeling more appropriate clothing. It is difficult to get, shall we say, down and dirty wearing white thobes. It is impossible to work as a laborer, to do anything but intellectual work wearing a white dress. He should perhaps wear  Western clothes. More importantly marry  an independent woman who would provide a role model for young Saudi women . At the present moment MBS can only marry women from three families. One of them is NOT the Dryburgh family. Hahaha.  And while he is being progressive in this area of endeavor – allow women admittance to the Medina University of Islamic Studies.

Back to Breakfast 

I was bravely at breakfast but as time went on realized I was getting sick.  My sore throat of last evening had quickly disappeared during night but my common cold had advanced to its next phase. I was sneezing, feeling congested and tired. Decided to abandon my plans for the day, came back to my room and went back to bed. Went to the Mayo Clinic website res searching the common cold. I am doing everything I am supposed to be doing. It is the best place on earth to have the common cold for the following reason. High humidity is recommended. As I described I am in the land of high humidity. All I had to do is slide open the door to the patio – look out upon the water. My patio has a small pool AND a steam room. Why that is I will never know. I have a use for it now. I can take my congested self into the steam room and breathe deeply. 

I do not however have the energy to launch my campaign for the admittance of women to the Medina University of Islamic Studies. I do have a plan. I am prepared. 

Two photographs shall follow. One the hopeful sunrise. The other a ‘usual’ sunrise. Look at the difference! The two are needed to appreciate the one inspiring hope. Look at the usual sunrise as a hardship, the hope sunrise as a benefit. 

Blue hour in Malaysia