Recently, I was in a state of extreme distress and despair. Something I thought to be necessary and attainable proved not to be. Relief from utter and complete anxiety was badly needed, a new direction had to be found, quickly. It came to me what to do recalled what I had done once before, in 2022 while living in Abu Dhabi preparing for return to Canada. A leaned Islamic scholar provided this guidance; look to the Quran, randomly open a page, read it and you will find the relief you are seeking. I did and I did. It worked then and it worked now.
Quran 93: The Morning Sunlight. In the Name of God-the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.Reassuring the Prophet. 1. by the morning sunlight, 2. and the night when it falls still! 3. Your Lord ‘ O Prophet has not abandoned you, nor has he becoming hateful of you’ 4. And the new life is certainly far better for you than this one. 5. and ‘surely’ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased 6. did he not find you as an orphan that sheltered you? 7. didd he not find you unguided then guided you? 8. And did he not find you needy than satisfied your needs? 9. so do not oppress the orphan 10. Do not oppress the beggar. 11. And proclaim the blessings of your Lord.
On the same page of this Quran is 94. Up-Lifting the Heart. In the Name of God – the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. More Reassurance to the Prophet. 1. Have we not uplifted your heart for you O Prophet. 2. relieved you of the burden.3. which weighed so heavily on your back. 4. and elevated your renown for you 5. so surely with hardship comes ease. 6. Surely with hardship comes ‘more’ ease. 7. So once you have followed ‘your duty’ strive in devotion 8. turning to your Lord ‘alone’ in hope.
The preface to these chapters informs: It reminds the Prophet of more blessings to reassure him of God’s continued support.” This from a Quran given to me at the August 2022 Muslim Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Almost immediately comfort, solace, even perhaps, deliverance came. This unattainable object was not necessary at all. I turned to my Lord ‘alone’ in hope.
Days later, I look back at the continuing blessings I continue to receive. Peace of mind, meeting a new Muslim Singapore Sister, awarded news of my blog statistics, meeting more Malaysian Muslim families holidaying at Lexis Suites, and to top it all off, a most glorious sunset. You may partake of the sunset by seeing photos which cannot do justice to the sheer beauty of the skies.
Will speak now of the blog statistics, explaining why I see them as an award, a blessing. As mentioned in the June 8, 2024 blog
“The larger question remains. Why are the folks in the United States and Canada still reading me? I am not speaking of the goings on in their countries, not amusing them with New Yorker cartoons and Andy Borowitz humour. I am sure that attracted readers in the beginning days of this blog.”
This is of course, true of Canadiana readers as well. Nobody has any idea at all what goes on in Canada. I am no longer opening the door to truth and justice as I attempted to do during the year and a half residency in Edmonton. Why are Americans and Canadians still reading me?? Thought and thought – then the truth became self evident. (That was a play on words of the US Constitution, which begins We hold these truths to be self evident. However, it goes on to say to confabulate. All men are created equal? In the USA – you must be joking. At the time was written there was slavery. And now if you are Black, Indigenous or Hispanic you do not have an equal opportunity. Oops – got off topic there.
Back on track. To get back on track means to return to the right path, or the right direction.
The self evident truth is Canadians and Americans are reading me because I am writing of my life in the Islamic Faith. I do admit, that for some strange reason, found it difficult to accept this. Suppose because it is an enormous responsibility. I spoke of my coming to the Islamic Faith in the About Me section of this blog.
“What a perfect way to begin the next chapter, seems to be a gift from Allah (SWT).
You see, wondrously, the blog has been the vehicle, the driving force behind my coming to the faith and then the driving force to my journey to Saudi Arabia where I live as a refugee.”
About Me continues in some detail, in the end explaining why the blog was instrumental. This is the conclusion. Imam Hamza of the Masjid Al-Noor, in Richmond, CA. is the He. is he.
He: He: I teach young men of the faith, but only can reach ten or fifteen at a time. You can speak to the whole world. You have been Chosen by Allah (SWT)……… At the time I was told I was chosen it did have an impact, but it has taken some time and some effort to understand what that means – to grow into it, so to speak.”
It is has taken more time and effort. This is being written months later having undertaken more study, more time, more effort, and yes – more life experiences. Now with greater peace of mind I shall continue. To date, this June 10, 2024, the search engine of this blog tells me that I have spoken of the Islamic Faith 483 times. Hmmmmmmm
The statistics also uncovers the reason why readers in Saudi Arabia have fallen by the wayside. (If something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it, making it, or using it). Saudi’s ways and manners of worship is unique, very different than the practices found in other branches of Sunni Muslim theology. My mission beginning today and then throughout following days is to learn more of this. Such learning is possible via the Internet. Modern technology can, and must be used, in learning and furthering and worshiping within the Islamic Faith. Do not forget (please) of my suggestion concerning a virtual Hajj – more about that later.
Anyhow, do you know that phrase. All work and no play? Wikipedia tells us.
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is an old proverb that means without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and boring. It is often shortened to “all work and no play”
Goodness knows I do not want to become both bored and boring. Always take time to play. Play takes place at breakfast, here at the Lexis Suites. There are many friendly folks to play with most days because as many Malaysian families come here on weekends to use the fantastic facilities AND this week is Singapore school holidays. I was laughing and joking with a young Malaysian man, telling him that I was planning to make Malaysia my second home (Inshallah).
He: That is excellent news.
Me: Why are you saying that?
He: Then Malaysia will be the Home of the Loudest Laugh.
Me: That is brilliant. My loud laugh will finally be put to good use. Countries need to be known for something! I shall contribute to the life and economy of this chosen place.
He: Yes!! Please give me a sample laugh again.
Me: Okay. But first of all someone has got to tell a joke or make me laugh naturally.
He: Well tell a joke, or do something to make yourself laugh.
Me: Why do I have to do all the work around here? Oh I know it is because I am an orangutan.
He: No you are a orang puteh, Malay for white person.
Me: I know but I prefer orangutan The pronunciation is close but no cigar.
Then we both laughed.
He: Thanks
Me: You are most welcome.
Close but no cigar is used to say that someone almost succeeded, but is not completely successful or correct. I cannot somehow remember orang puteh but can recall orangutan.
Photographs today will include the one of my new Singapore Muslim Sister mentioned int he June 4, 2924 blog, I did receive her permission to put it out in the world. We follow one another on Instagram and speak on WhatsApp. We have plans to see one another again Inshallah. She has returned to Singapore.
We were ‘speaking’, she waiting for her delayed flight. It was sunset, began taking photos to show her the view from my deck. Took many, eventually posting them on Instagram with the caption: The sunset on June 8 from my balcony at Lexis Suites in Penang, Malaysia. Please swipe to see its grandeur. Absolutely Awesome. Allhanduillah. Even put it to music: Sky Full of Stars. It only reached 91 accounts getting 3 likes. Who cares? I have this blog. Look at the photos and hum some tune if you wish. Hahaha