I have established a new early morning ritual. I awaken and offer Fajr prayer, sooth myself with some caffeine and gentle thoughts waiting for sunrise. I leave my room to take in the beauty of sunrise from the outside corridor of Lexis Suites. This May 26,2024 morning recalled a summer camp salutation to morning from about 65 years ago – my early Christian days.
“God has created a new day. Silver and green and gold. Live that the sunset may find us, worthy His gift to behold.” The green of the Malaysian lush trees added a particular poignancy. Although Christian in its origins – it speaks to those of us in the Islamic Faith as well.
The continuing genocide in Gaza makes it difficult to appreciate the terrible disorder found in the world today. Gaza is horrific, but all over this world there is unrest, upheaval, tumult, turmoil, violence, fighting insurrection, anarchy, furor and affray. Order and peace are nowhere to be found.
Globalization has made us terribly and awfully aware of what is going on the world over. It serves no particular purpose as there is nothing whatsoever I can do to help the Palestinan people, much less anyone else in any part of the globe. Knowing the news is merely destructive. Its aim is to make us happy with our unfortunate circumstances as we could be living in Gaza, or in dire poverty in any number of African countries. It is a ploy used by the USA for generations – their news media, controlled by the rich, flashes horror before US eyes diverting them from conditions in their own land.
Some leader has got to take an effective stand. Yesterday thought of the saying upset the apple cart. Knew vaguely its meaning, but looked to Google for more info. Found that it was the expression I was looking for – it meaning to cause trouble, especially by spoiling someone’s plans. Particularly spoil carefully laid plans
I do laugh because it is not somebody’s plans that need to be spoiled, it is the entire world’s disorder. The definition of disorder includes both 1) a state of confusion AND 2) the disruption of peaceful and law-abiding behavior. That covers it.
It is interesting, but not necessary to know that the apple cart phrase was first recorded by Jeremy Balknap in the History of New Hampshire, 1788. “Adams had almost overset the apple-cart by intruding an amendment of his own fabrication on the morning of the day of the ratification (of the Constitution).
As a US lawyer I studied the US Constitution. I say with certainty that it is a ridiculous, even farcical document that has gotten them in so much trouble. Previously and horribly gotten the whole world in trouble in recent years. Their influence must be obliterated, immediately if not sooner.
What the world desperately needs at this time is a strong leader, of a country with no global aspirations of power, who who is honest and speaks the truth, heels of the consequences. I am happy, even absolutely joyous to report, that there is such a man.
It is extremely unlikely that I should learn of this leader by reading a Nigerian online newspaper, Punch. I suppose that is a story in and of itself, but it will have to wait. The headline read Malaysia’s Anwar Slams Hypocrisy Over Gaza Crisis. Here is the link https://asia.nikkei.com/Editor-s-Picks/Interview/Malaysia-s-Anwar-slams-hypocrisy-over-Gaza-crisis
In another article Anwar strongly condemned the United States.
In a question and answer session, he described the situation in Gaza as a “humanitarian crisis of an unprecedented scale.”
“How can you condone the genocide or apartheid or ethnic cleansing, and how [can] you deny that when the whole world can see?” he said”
He spoke not only of Palestine but also world wide super powerS, with an understanding of history. .
Muslim-majority Malaysia has consistently expressed support for the Palestinian cause for decades. But Anwar said he sees a “systemic shift” in how the conflict is viewed elsewhere, including in the U.S., pointing to the protests against Israeli actions by American students on college campuses. He said the demonstrations reminded him of “what happened during the Vietnam War.”.
Anwar on Thursday also touched on another conflict dividing the world — the U.S.-China rivalry for global leadership.
Malaysia and other Asian countries should remain neutral and balance their relationships with both powers, he advised.
“Things have changed,” Anwar said. “More countries are exercising their more independent views, other than being part of a Cold War sort of grouping.”
He addressed both President Biden and former President Donald Trump, who are poised for a rematch in November’s U.S. election. “We just hope that both Biden or Trump would accept these new realities.”
These are not just empty words, Malaysia relies on both China and the United States as their major import/export partners.
I have so much admiration for this man – the Prime Minister of my about to be adopted country.
In an extremely bizarre way I took a similar stance. I had been in Penang for only two or three days. My Malaysian sister was visiting, we were listening to background music from Apple, the Western oldies but goodies stuff. Suddenly I heard a Beatle’s tune from the sixties which said it all.
Imagine lyrics by John Lennon
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin’ for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
For some reason I felt compelled to not only sing along, but to ask my poor sister to video my horrible singing. Then I posted it on Instagram, of all things. Trust me, it is not going to change the world. I cannot sing, I cannot do math. I titled it the Brotherhood of Man with this caption.
Me: A Beatles Song. The Brotherhood of Man will only take place in peaceful countries such as Malaysia with an end to globalization . The megalomania of Saudi Arabia must end. I spent six months there. Such hardship to now cherish the benefit of Penang Malaysia . From my balcony I send messages of hope.
Three comments 2 from dear women who are my fans, and one a man met in Medina .
She: divine really inspiring, as always
She: IEmojis of Love, Strength and Stardom
He: Emoji Hearts and Fires
I did reach 626 folks – 21% more accounts than recent reels. Gotta start somewhere. Initial plays of 418. Replays of 114. Trust me they are not admiring the singing. Hahaha I am clad in an abaya and a scarf tied by my Malaysian sister. I most reluctantly: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DBXzPhqkp/?igsh=MTR4d3kzaGhyYTJtMQ==
The song took me back to a time when there was hope. It definitely was short lived, the Viet Nam War was looming. The one spoken of by our Malaysian Prime Minister.
Somehow we have got to go back to that world of no possessions, no need for greed or hunger, the brotherhood of man. Imagine nothing to kill or die for. It is not happening and religion, even the Muslim religion has been twisted by greed. Examples will be shown in future blogs.
Megalomania, by the way, is the obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. Also the obsession with grand schemes. It has several synonyms, the French one is my favorite: obsessionalism, grandiosity self-importance, egotism, conceit, French folie de grandeur.
The photographs will show the fine side of me, which exists at the same person as the religious, serious one. I sent the one of the elephant and me to several people asking them.
Me: Who is cuter? The elegant or me?
All responses said that I was the cuter.
He: You
Me: Right answer! But I do love his glasses and his trunk.
She: Surely u r a lot cuter.
Me: Thank you dear sister. I got free high tea again. Queen Alexis of the Blue Eyes. Surely I am blessed.
She: I am blessed too.
Me: I will get fat and happier. You will just get happier.
She: Yes I am Inshallah. Always wanted that. Now u got it.
Me: Good night sweet little sister. Preparing myself for big day tomorrow Inshallah
She: Good nite my sweet big sister. C u Tomorrow.
Tomorrow is today. She and her family are coming to the hotel for a barbecue. I will meet her eldest daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren for the first time. I will get someone to take a photo of me. I will be wearing a chef’s hate – the one given to me by the Bahrain Rite Carlton. It has my name on it – Alexis. Everyone here at Lexis Suites will laugh.
The barbecue not only had great food it also had entertainment of the finest quality – romantic tunes sung by a crooner accompanied by a guitarist. It seemed very deja vu (all over again). I knew all of the words to these romantic songs, pantomiming them in romantic fashion. I arrived to I’ll Never Stop Loving You which had particular poignancy to my life at the moment. Photos of the singer and me in my Chef’s hat shall appear.
There is also a selfie taken in the mirror. It was sent to my sister via WhatsApp to show her I could tie my own scarf.
Life has never been better. Allhanduillah