I am fasting today to ‘make up’ a day in which I broke my fast during Ramadan. Coffee was the temptress, the Satan, but when the forbidden substance entered my mouth I decided I might as well throw caution to the winds and eat of the forbidden food as well. I was learned in the Islamic Faith, did know that I could make up this day after Eid. The confusion that has marked by life since April 11 has not allowed the opportunity to do so before. I now have the perfect setting and the state of mind necessary for this fast. Well, except for the dates – the edible kind with which to break my fast. I always seem to manage to have plenty of the other kind.
Do let us the define one or two words and a concept before we delve into the murky and troubled state of the world today.
Let us look at murky first, it is the perfect word to describe the conditions we find in the world of today. There could not be a better word actually. Murky is dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist. Another usage: not fully explained or understood, especially with concealed dishonesty.
The situation the world finds itself is certainly dark, gloomy, threatening, cheerless, depressing, shadowy, somber, dismal, bleak, leaden depressing, shadowy, somber. The antonyms are bright and clear.
The synonyms of the second definition: questionable, suspicious, suspect, dubious, dark, mysterious, secret. Its antonym is innocent. There is nothing whatsoever going on in the world of today that is innocent.
Examining the definitions of throwing caution to the wind makes me see that I did not do it, for the following reasons. In one situation (not applicable to mine) a person stops being careful and does something that is dangerous or that might result in failure. Drinking coffee and eating healthy food is not dangerous. The second situation is to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results. There were no negative results as I could make up the time. Faithful readers will know that I had borrowed a book from the Ithra library Islamic Fasting, so I knew the rules. I was not acting, in any way, in a reckless manner.
We all know about dates and Wikipedia goes on endlessly in the explanation. “Dates are mentioned more than 50 times in the Bible and 20 times in the Quran…. In the Quran, Allah instructs Maryām (the Virgin Mary) to eat dates during labour pains when she gives birth to Isa (Jesus).[58] In Islamic culture, dates and yogurt or milk are traditionally.”
That is all behind us, we are now on the same page, therefore we can now talk about politics. It is my customary practice to form and follow intentions during Ramadan.This year was no exception. My third Intention for Ramadan 2924: Do not follow the news. Avoid world politics. This Intention was made and followed for each of my four Ramadans. On April 20, 2024 I was unaware of the state of the world except being all too aware of the continuing genocide in Gaza. There seems to be cessation of the horror.
I looked to politics this early morning. My guide was Arab News. For some murky reason it is impossible to get the online written version of Al Jazeera here in Bahrain.
The headline news brought vast and considerable relief. The Malaysian Prime Minister, visiting Riyadh, took a strong stance on the war of in Gaza. (It is not war, it is genocide, by the way, but at least he is speaking out)
Malaysia takes a strong stance on the war in Gaza and condemns the “sheer hypocrisy” of Western countries over the ongoing Israeli killing of Palestinian women and children, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said. Speaking to Katie Jensen, host of the Arab News current affairs program “Frankly Speaking,” during a visit to Riyadh for a special meeting of the World Economic Forum last week, he said that a failure to prevent genocide in Gaza could foster extremism.“We have issued statements to suggest that their genocide must end,” Anwar said in an interview that can be read in full on page 3.“And it’s sheer hypocrisy for countries, some countries in the West, including the United States, to deny these continued killings of children and women and civilians.“Whatever your political position is, I don’t believe that in this period we can condone these sort of inhuman, barbaric acts against fellow human beings. And I think that position is clear. Our position is very strong in that direction.”
The reason I find this incredibly encouraging is that Malaysia is my next stop – my attempt to find a hospitable home in a hospitable Muslim majority country that shares my view. There was something else so incredibly extraordinary. His last name is the same as my Muslim Little Sister I am going to visit. Hmmmmm.
I completed further research on the leadership abilities of Anwar Ibraham to learning the following from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a reliable source of information as contributors to Wikipedia must cite their authority. This can lead to misinformation, as the sources may be unreliable but it is still superior to the lies and misinformation found on almost all traditional and social media platforms.
“Anwar has advocated for Islamic democracy and has expressed hope that Malaysia be an example of democratic practices in the Muslim world.[201][202][203] He has been described as a “liberal reformer, talented technocrat, genuine intellectual and perhaps even a man capable of bringing the spirit of the Arab Spring to one of Asia’s largest majority Muslim nations.”[204] He has supported the Islamic concept of Ummah as a framework for democracy in Muslim countries, and called the three-world model “redundant” and “simplistic”.[205] Anwar has called for judicial independence, good governance and rejection of authoritarianism.[206] During his time as a youth activist in his early career, he expressed his admiration for Philippine revolutionary José Rizal.[207]: “
More encouraging news was found in an Opinion article written by Baria Alamuddin. The central message: One of the benefits of democracy is that politicians, if they desire to win elections, must align with the sentiments of voters.”
“Within Western politics, it has tended to be an article of faith that serious politicians who desire to rise to the top must be unstintingly pro-Israel, their views enforced by aggressive and well-funded lobbyists who can be brutal with those who fail to toe the line.”
She spoke of recent examples of the advantages of being anti-israel.
In the case of both Starmer and US President Joe Biden, their right-wing political rivals are obviously even more staunchly supportive of Netanyahu. But many voters perceive both of these dominant options as fatally compromised on foreign policy ethics, and consequently are inclined to vote for alternative candidates, or refrain from voting at all. Cosmetic token gestures don’t go nearly far enough to start winning such voters back. There’s a failure to recognize the massive irreversible shift in global public opinion around human rights, largely resulting from Netanyahu’s flagrantly genocidal campaign. These younger and increasingly diverse demographics are by definition the voters and decision makers of the future. This is not a temporary “problem” with a few Muslim-heavy political constituencies, but a permanent tectonic transformation in geopolitical realities.”
This her final encouraging summary:
“Politicians who fail to get on board by adopting ethical and just policies will ultimately learn painful lessons at the ballot box.” “ Baria Alamuddin is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster in the Middle East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewed numerous heads of state.”
My return to the murky world of politics this fasting morning has been rather encouraging. I will leave it for now to report on my everyday existence.
Getting on with my everyday existence, realizing the buffet breakfast was still open for business. Threw my blue abaya over my pajamas appearing with his request.
Me: Good morning!! Not here for breakfast because I am fasting. But I do not have any dates to break the fast?
They: Madam! We will check with the Chef and get back to you!
Me: Thank you. You are SO kind.
The helpful staff told me when I could eat the dates. There were none ‘in house’ but dates were retrieved from a neighboring hotel and brought to my room. Amazing!! It is very difficult for me to ask for help but when I put aside my fears, it can be SO rewarding.
The simple life offered bu this hotel is to my liking (even loving) I am so enjoying caring for myself, living life as an ordinary person. I went grocery shopping for the first time in about eight months. . My fellow patrons must have thought I was quite mad, exclaiming at the wide selection of ‘American’ food, drink and even magazines. Was able to purchase food for my predawn breakfast. So simple, so easy compared with the overly sumptuous 12-3 am buffet at the Kohbar Hilton Garden Inn in Saudi Arabia. .
Such fun it is taking care of myself again. Cooking, organizing, eating in, doing my own laundry. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be Royalty or extremely rich – everything is done for you. However, one would be utterly dependent on others for your basic needs. I have in recent times met Royalty- mostly Middle East (with a little African thrown in). It is not an easy life. They by no mean, s free. Rather like a bird in a gilded cage. To be like a bird in a gilded cage is to live in luxury without freedom. A bird in a cage is a symbol of lost freedom. Birds are meant to fly, and when they are caged, they are unable to do so. This can be seen as a metaphor for any situation in which someone’s freedom is restricted.There is a song, not one I am familiar with. It describes the sad life of a beautiful woman who has married for money instead of love.
Well I did not do that, never married for money, never will. It is such a source of self esteem to be independent, living from the fruits of my own labor, educating myself with no husband, no children to limit my freedom. I can choose and this blog offers me the freedom of expression. Alhamdulillah
I am concluding with a funny factual story, accompanied by a photograph proving it to be factual – not fiction. For some unknown and unknowable reason I went to bed with a chocolate bar on April 28, 2024, my first night at the Bahrain Ritz Carlton. It melted, leaving a terrible mess in the bed, shown at the conclusion of the reel Complaining About the Ritz Carlton. Not shown was my still soiled night shirt. Cleaning it is job for the ‘professionals’, turning it over to them. You will see the shirt which says Good Night in four different languages (none of them Arabic) A WhatsApp friend commented on the messy bed shown on the ‘complaining’ video.
He: I definitely didn’t think chocolate. Hahaha
Me: I did not either when I woke up. Hahaha Sent it to a certain man man showing him the photo. He said: “You are that hot?!?!” I replied: “I am” Not heard from him since.
Guess the guy decided I was too hot to handle. OR perhaps the relationship was too hot for him, too hot not to cool down. Guess I will never know. That phrase comes from the song
Just One of Those Things.
It was just one of those things, just one of those crazy flings
One of those bells that now and then rings, just one of those things
It was just one of those nights, just one of those fabulous flights
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings, just one of those things
If we’d thought of it, ’bout the end of it, when we started painting the town
We’d have been aware that our love affair was too hot not to cool down
So goodbye, dear, and Amen, here’s hoping we’ll meet now and then
It was great fun but it was just one of those things
Most unlikely we will meet ‘now and then’ The sheets were immediately replaced. It is time that the night shirt be washed, it is the end of an era, I suppose.
When a period of time, which is marked by a significant event, comes to an end, we say it is the end of an era.. The washing of a night shirt does not seem to rise to the occasion, but I guess it does.
End of an era hopeful, optimistic quotes, ones I prefer are:
“Endings are just new beginnings in disguise.”
“The end of an era, but the start of a new chapter.”
“It is always important to know when something has reached its end.” …
“The end of an era but the beginning of a whole new journey”
Photographs shall include the dates, the chocolatey night shirt, a photo of the hotel swimming pool. Sent this to a fellow non swimmer. Picture of my kids pool because I cannot swim.