That song echoed in my head this morning during breakfast at my Residence Hotel in Bahrain. In some ways that could, and perhaps is, the song of the rest of my life. However, I do laugh. There are many versions of this song. Shirley Bassey’s version is the one I was thinking of – this particular chorus line.
Now you must wake up
All dreams must end
Take off your makeup
The party’s over
It’s all over
My friend
Does this song apply to me? Perhaps but before coming to a public breakfast buffet I put ON my make up. I am overly social when with people. Decided this must stop, must keep to myself, merge my public self and private self – become restrained. Came down determined not to speak to men, in particular. As usual, I failed at the task, it did not work.. I successfully ignored a man intent in eating at an adjacent table. He stood up to leave, The words just jumped out of my mouth
Me: You are SO tall.
He: I know. I was tall since I was 13.
Me: Do you experience any disadvantages in being so tall? I asked a man working at the Hilton in Kohbar, he said you could not get in sports cars. So he never purchased one nor even hardly rode in one.
He: Well there are disadvantages but the advantages outlay the disadvantages.
Me: Do not say that!! I am short.
We spoke, he comes from the USA – he has a name, it is Omar. He is here for ‘duty’ and bu also recreation as he is enjoys life here. He is staying at MY hotel. There goes that short lived, let’s be private resolution. This hotel does offer greater privacy, as I can retreat to my room and be solitary. I have been staying in five star hotels since I came to the Middle East. Everything is done for you in a 5 star hotel. This hotel is a gem it has everything. It has a stove, a full size refrigerator, a microwave, a dishwasher, cutlery, dishes, pots and pans, Everything to live an independent existence. A leisurely independent existence with a breakfast buffet and a housekeeping service.I do not have a great view, but who needs one? There is ample storage space. Gentle readers, do not forget this, – all this and I can cook too.
Me: Wait until you hear this?!?! Put on your seat belt, not just the lap belt but also the shoulder belt
You: What? What is SO surprising.
Me: There is a supermarket next door. The supermarket has everything. Even a butcher. AND non alcoholic beer. And you know what else?
You: What else?
Me: There is Japanese restaurant nearby. I can walk and have sushi. And you know what else”
You: What else, Alexis. This is getting boring!!
Me: There is a newly opened Greek restaurant. I had moussaka and a virgin mojito for lunch.
It is wonderful to have everything within walking distance. All of the essentials. There is even a place I can get a sim card. So every day I shall explore more and more. There is a pool and a gym and the hours are open at all times – not the boy/girl men/women stuff in Saudi Arabia. Do please remember that there was not sex segregation at the time of Muhammed (PBUH) and it is not mandated by the Quran. Many of the restrictions in Saudi Arabia are cultural – not religious. However, Saudi men seem ignorant of this and purposefully remain so.
There is an amazing young family next to me. A Saudi woman with her three children and a Nanny from the Philippines. They are visiting for a few days from Riyadh to see the sights. Unlike many, perhaps more affluent, Saudi women, this mother is actively involved in their child care, getting support from the nanny. This in marked contrast to what I have been seeing in 5 star hotels. It does fill me with some degree of hope for the future os Saudi Arabia.
CNN bears over the televisions. This is news, as I never watch TV – although there are always televisions in every room. An actual miracle, there was some good news. London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan was reelected. He is, as I recall, a Muslim. I will now look it up. It is impossible to get reliable news in Bahrain. For some reason Al Jazeera news is unobtainable although Al Jazeera can be found on YouTube live. Hmmmm. I now have a mission – to find out if the Mayor of London is a Muslim. Off I go.
Answer already in. Wikipedia to the rescue.
“Khan is a practising Muslim who observes the fast during Ramadan and regularly attends Al-Muzzammil Mosque in Tooting. Journalist Dave Hill described him as “a moderate, socially liberal Muslim”.[147] Khan has expressed the view that “too often the people who are ‘representing’ the Islamic faith aren’t representative, they’re angry men with beards. And that is not what Islam is about.”[106].”
He is married to a woman solicitor and they have two daughters. Alls well that ends well. From Shakespeare.
I was in the breakfast buffet chatting with a young woman from Riyadh. She and her husband visiting. She has a Masters degree and runs a kindergarten program. Suddenly (NAN) Nimble All Knowing Nancy) came rushing toward me telling me there was a call from the American Embassy. Such a helpful call from a woman answering my many questions, expressing concern over my fate. I am sure at the insistence of her boss. At the conclusion of the discussion I had a game plan – leave Bahrain by May 26, 2024 as my thirty day Visitor’s visa will expire. The Embassy is unfortunately unable to help with my Social Security issues.
Everything seems to be coming together beautifully. All because I gave up and cried on the floor rather than be aggressive and get angry. Hmmm. I hate being a victim. But when one is being victimized perhaps it is just a good idea to act like one. Then the American Embassy rushes in to save you. Note to Self. Only try this when you are sure there is an American Embassy nearby.
I then explored the hotel, finding much to my liking. There is a pool, with a kid’s pool, Wash machines invite one to do their own laundry. The gym is SO well equipped and open all hours, not sex segregated hours. I made a reel and put it on Instagram. It is funny, do have to admit.
I am thinking of settling down, having less adventures and writing the story of my life instead of this blog. But every time I think this would be a good idea – something else happens that must be reported on. I did not blog for a week from April 8 – April 15th. It was the biggest and longest break I ever took from writing. One could say it was a well deserved respite. I laughingly admit that I got into a lot of trouble during that time. Nothing good came of it. Some memories, many of which I hope, will soon be forgotten. I am resisting the tendency to look back, to analyze what happened and why. Instead I look to my own words of wisdom about overthinking.
On January 30, 2024 I wrote:
“I do overthink. interestingly there is an Arab word for it: altafkir alzaayid ean allaazim. Needless to say it is impossible to pronounce – for me anyway. I know of the concept and do know I have been doing it my whole long life. There are books that mention it, for example:in the Darker Side of Western Modernity it says: “over thinking in a Francophone language and dwelling in colonial history; or, yet, has epistemic privileges over thinking in Arabic at the crossroad of Islamo-Arab history, Western interventions…pg. 94”
The book proved itself to be utterly useless, instead did my own research discovering meaning and direction.
“ Overthinking is actually a special form of fear. This fear is exaggerated and becomes worse when mixed with anticipation, anxiety, imagination and emotion. Learn to accept things as they are. Ask the Almighty to constantly guide you. (Mufti Menk on X)
Overthinking is spoken about in the Quran. We are not actually meant to be thinking about everything and need to be aware of our thoughts and stop ourselves when we do it… especially when overthinking about matters in the unseen (Ghaib) and future. That space is only for Allah (SWT).”
My writing continues = offering six Islamic tips to manage your overthinking.
- Turn Your Anxiety Into Dua. 2) Accept that Allah Controls Everything. 3) Take a Salah Timeout 5 Times a Day. 4) Seek Allah’s Help Through Sabr. 5) Have Tawakkul. 6) End Your Day On a Positive Note.
I further discussed the importance of thinking, but not overthinking.
“ In Islam the spiritual guidance illuminates the faculties of reason and perception to enable them to function properly and meanwhile urge us in using them in getting a deeper insight into the reality of things because God created them as a source of guidance. “
I learned a great deal, rereading those words of wisdom. The blog of that day went on to describe my life at the time. The beginning of my love affair with Ithra, which subsequently cooled down. Maybe it was too hot not to cool down, who knows. Perhaps that could be said of the April 8-April 15, 2024 events. Ithra was not the place for me after all. .
The photographs attached to the January 30 blog were of Ithra, the building and books found within. Two reels will be attached to this blog. A goodbye to the Bahrain Ritz Carlton featuring flamingos and baby flamingos. Another one I suppose, a new beginning: Saying Hi to the Gym in My New Hotel.