This Ramadan has seen my stumbling about, looking for direction and meaning. Initially there was a plan in place but it was abandoned for another and that one was abandoned when I learned I was following a man not on the straight path. Therefore I am going back to my original plan focusing on resources that I already had. It is back to the basics.
Back to the basics is to return to a simpler way of doing something or thinking about something . This is a totally irrelevant quote from the web. “If Zoom really wants to achieve its long-term goals, the company needs to get back to basics and reinstate its goal of making communications frictionless. — Roger Dooley, Forbes, 23 Feb. 2024”
I hope this quote made you laugh. We are talking about the seriousness of Ramadan, then suddenly we are talking about Zoom and frictionless communication. Talk about frictionless communication, here is the site from which it came. “Get/go back to (the) basics.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 27 Mar. 2024.
‘Sticking to the basics’ is simplicity and adhering to fundamental principles. Sometimes it is called back to ground zero.
Ground zero, sticking to the basics in simplicity and adhering to fundamental principles was, for me, certain versus in the Quran which were found, quite by accident. The verses contain instruction on achieving what I hold most dear and inspirational. English translations of the Quran differ, some are more understandable than others. I have explored many versions of this passage. I repeat it during my daily Ramadan prayers.
The following passage is taken from an online source;
Quran 11: 112 -123
So be upright, as you are commanded,
along with those who repented with you, and
do not transgress. He is Seeing of everything
you do.
- And do not incline towards those who do
wrong, or the Fire may touch you; and you
will have no protectors besides Allah, and
you will not be saved. - Perform the prayer at the borders of the
day, and during the approaches of the night.
The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This
is a reminder for those who remember. - And be patient. Allah will not waste the re-
ward of the virtuous. - If only there were, among the generations
before you, people with wisdom, who spoke
against corruption on earth—except for the
few whom We saved. But the wrongdoers
pursued the luxuries they were indulged in,
and thus became guilty. - Your Lord would never destroy the towns
wrongfully, while their inhabitants are right-
eous. - Had your Lord willed, He could have
made humanity one community, but they
continue to differ. - Except those on whom your Lord has
mercy—for that reason He created them. The
Word of your Lord is final: “I will fill Hell
with jinn and humans, altogether.” - Everything We narrate to you of the his-
tory of the messengers is to strengthen your
heart therewith. The truth has come to you in
this, and a lesson, and a reminder for the be-
lievers. - And say to those who do not believe, “Act
according to your ability; and so will we.” - “And wait; we too are waiting.”
- To Allah belongs the future of the heavens
and the earth, and to Him all authority goes
back. So worship Him, and rely on Him.
Your Lord is never unaware of what you do.
The following is an example of using these inspirational words in my daily life. Last evening at the hotel’s Sahur (predawn meal) a man ,clad in a white thobe approached me.
He: You are like an Angel. I have seen you for days here, you speak to everyone and bring happiness to others. What are you doing here?
Me: I can tell you but it will take some time. Join me at my table and we can speak.
I told him what I was doing here and then discovered what he was doing here. He was originally from Syria – he immigrated to Canada – his wife and three children live in Ontario. He is a civil engineer living in Jeddah but in Kohbar on business. We spoke of many things, including the tragedy of Syria and the downward cycle of Canada.
He: The word is in such a mess. How can this be?
Me: I wonder about this as well. I look to the Quran. I have my computer with me and I can quote you a verse that might help us. Then quoted another simpler 11: 118-119 If your Lord has wished, He would have made mankind into one community. As it is they will not cease to dispute—and to this end He has created them (all) except those in whom your Lord has shown mercy, The word of your Lord shall be fulfilled I will fill Hell with jinn and men altogether.”
After reading that, I rather laughingly said:
Me: That to me means that Allah (SWT) has a plan and Israel is going to get it in the end. There is no doubt that they shall be occupying Hell and not Palestine. Israel’s unbridled genocide is testing our patience – there is no doubt about that but we do need to trust in our Creator.
Genocide we know the meaning of – perhaps not unbridled, which is uncontrolled; unconstrained. Israel’s actions, aided and abetted by the USA and most Western and many Arab Nations is nothing short of unrestrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unchecked, uncurbed, rampant, runaway, unstoppable, unquenchable; excessive, wanton. The violence Israel inflicts upon innocents in Gaza is unquenchable, wanton and unstoppable.
Multiple countries are aiding and abetting this genocide. Aid and abet is both an idiom and a legal term: to assist someone in committing or to encourage someone to commit a crime. Do let us be aware and serious about the repercussions of aiding and abetting. Wikipedia makes it clear.
Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets (encourages, incites) another person in the commission of a crime (or in another’s suicide). It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if he or she is not the principal offender.”
In Canada, a person who aids or abets in the commission of a crime is treated the same as a principal offender under the criminal law. In England and Wales The Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 provides that an accessory to an indictable offence shall be treated in the same way as if he had actually committed the offence himself. The United States has extended aid and abet sanctions to even ‘white collar’ crimes.
I return to my earlier comment, adding the aiding and abetting countries:.
Me: That to me means that Allah (SWT) has a plan and Israel is going to get it in the end. There is no doubt that they shall be occupying Hell and not Palestine. Israel’s unbridled genocide is testing our patience – there is no doubt about that but we do need to trust in our Creator.
It is sad, but true. Nobody really wants to see the serious side of me, probably including the man who got to share Quran 11: 118-119. He was attracted to the ‘happy me’
I sent a GIF to my WhatsApp people this morning. A dancing Peanuts character with the Message BE HAPPY, with the caption: I am.
Photographs will include the first response to my BE HAPPY GIF. There will also be photo of a Sahur Staff who loves my sense of humor, not my serious side and has not only allowed the use of his photo, but encouraged it.
More about my Back to the Basics Ramadan tomorrow. .