Do you remember that song What a Difference A Day Makes? This is how it goes I think:
What a Difference a day makes, twenty-four little hours.
Do have to admit that I looked it up, just now. . Many words but this is how it begins:
What a difference a day made, twenty four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers where there use to be rain
My yesterday was blue dear
Today I’m a part of you dear
My lonely nights are through dear
Since you said you were mine
Oh, what a difference a day made
There’s a rainbow before me
Skies above can’t be stormy since that moment of bliss
That thrilling kiss.
That is, when you think about it, a rather silly premise to base a song upon. Some guy (or girl) is depressed and lonely, and there is bad weather. But he/she (or IT these days) exchanges a kiss and now there is sun, flowers a rainbow and they are a part of each other. This makes no sense at all.The song ends on this optimistic note:
It’s heaven when you find romance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is you, is you, is you
I am convinced, and thoroughly believe that this is how it really works. It is Heaven when you are a Believer in the One God, prayed five times a day, if you so happened to make a mistake you sincerely asked for forgiveness etc etc. then you die, pass the necessary strict exam on Judgment Day – THEN, and only then. you arrive in is Jannah (heaven) The song was actually written by María Grever, a Mexican songwriter, in 1934. There is no indication, whatsoever, that Maria was a Muslim.
This blog was begun with the intention of comparing the ‘yesterdays’ cautionary tale of the dangers of Instagram and its overseer the Meta Media Giant with positive and rewarding moments spent twenty-four hours later. The most positive memorable was a reel of a pro Palestine enormous gathering in Hamburg. Yet now another day has dawned – and that enormous outpouring of support has made not a shred of difference. Made the masses feel good but has done nothing to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people, nor done anything to topple the evil and corrupt leadership of Germany. Such displays have become, strangely enough, the new opiate of the people.
Researched, using Wikipedia to discover that Karl Marx, the originator of the opiate of the people, was German.
“The opium of the people or opium of the masses (German: Opium des Volkes) is a dictum used in reference to religion, derived from a frequently paraphrased partial statement of German revolutionary and critic of political economy Karl Marx: “Religion is the opium of the people.” In context, the statement is part of Marx’s analysis that religion’s role is as a metaphysical balm for the real suffering in the universe and in society”
Marx went on to say: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
That is exactly what the network distribution of huge events like the Hamburg Pro Palestine demonstration does – it is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions.
I am sure that this is neither the time, nor the place, to be debating this. Nevertheless, Marx was speaking of organized religion – not the Islamic Faith. There are fundamental differences between the organized religions of Marx’s time (and place) and the Islamic Faith. This shall be discussed at al later time. Getting back to the topic at hand, which does involve Wikipedia.
Faithful readers will know that I often use Wikipedia. I was discussing my frequent use of Wikipedia with AMA .
He: It is like skimmed soup with imbalanced spices. Hahaha
Me: Good analogy. But it can get you started. And since the authors have to cite to their sources it can get you started with the advantage of it being somewhat fact checked. The skimmed soup is a great analogy actually.
Using Wikipedia yet again:
Analogy is a comparison or correspondence between two things (or two groups of things) because of a third element that they are considered to share. Wikipedia does go on endlessly but this is a gem. “An analogy is not a figure of speech but a kind of thought.”
And this:’ Analogy has been studied and discussed since classical antiquity by philosophers, scientists, theologists and lawyers.”
At one point in time (my time that is) remembered that I may have discussed what a difference a day makes in prior blogs. Used the blog search engine discovering that I had, indeed, mentioned it. There were 84 blogs, yes eighty-four. Six had those very words in the title. I am not tempted to read them, as I make it a practice not to look back. I shall read the most recent one only.
January 28, 2023 appeared first, with a Year Makes not a Day. It begins in a strident and humorous fashion. I will, put myself in quotes:
‘Do admit that I took the title from that terribly romantic song: “What a Difference a Day Makes”. It is actually utter drivel but suppose it might be inspiration if you lack education and credibility.) First, we shall look at the word drivel. (Well that is what I am doing first, if you continue to read, that is what you are doing first. I am in charge here. It is my blog.)”
Now finished the reading, now totally flummoxed, the greatest word to describe my feelings. All of these synonyms express them: baffle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confuse, confound, nonplus, disconcert, throw off balance, disorientate, take aback, bamboozle, discombobulate, faze, be all Greek to, make someone’s head spin.
I am so incredibly bamboozled, discombobulated, battled and nonplussed that I can barely explain. That blog looked back at my prior life – one year ago. Could not imagine how I could have possibly felt that way, saw life and my existence in such a distorted way. My life had totally changed in that one year. (2022-2023) This paragraph captures my January 28,2023 state of mind.
“Three words come to mind – flummoxed, yikes and huh? I did say, and I quote: “I am increasingly feeling that I belong here, for oh so many reasons.” I DID NOT BELONG IN THE UAE. No one but a few Emerita belong in the UAE and even some of them want out. “
In one year I had a total change of mind, not recognizing my past stated emotions. Brace yourself, it is about to get worse. At the time it was written, I was living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Spoke of walking in the frigid temperatures to the nearby Alberta Legislative Cafeteria.
“Enough of that. What happened to me yesterday? It has been a most eventual year. Escaped from the UAE on May 8, 2022 and NOW I am where I belong. I am home, living in the land of my birth, surrounded by good people. Not a hypocrite amongst them. Yesterday was so much fun. It snowed – I made an Instagram reel at sunrise showing the incredibly efficient snow removal machines and people at work. Afterwards, read more of the book mentioned above. The Legislative cafeteria serves fish and chips on Fridays at lunch. It was rather slippery but thought the underground tunnels could take me there. But no, as one needs to be an employee pass to emerge from the tunnel into the building. Therefore, I slowly and carefully walked outside, greeting others, laughing and talking. Got to the cafeteria, ordered my fish and chips which were absolutely delicious. I spoke to the Food and Beverage Manager, complimenting him on the food.”
Looking back at this present time, there are some similarities. This has been a most eventual year – more eventual even. This last year I escaped from Canada on September 20, 2023 and NOW, finally, I am where I belong, a humble hotel in Khobar, Saudi Arabia surrounded by kind, caring, welcoming Saudis. Today it is raining, a most unusual occurrence, and for here cold. Needless to say there is no snow. There is no need to go outside as there’s an ample breakfast buffet, with many international selections. My breakfast of yesterday will be pictured – most unusual. As I said in a prior Instagram reel portraying my sweet potato breakfast:
Me: My mother would not approve of such a breakfast, but she is dead. It is now possible for me to eat what I want for breakfast
The pictured breakfast: deviled eggs and funny little wieners wrapped in pastry.
The Canada blog was accompanied by a photo of fish and chips, the ATM machine, and me clad in a wool scarf, a gift from my Edmonton Nepal ‘family. This blog, this year, will feature a photo I sent to my Saudi and Malaysian friends with this caption.
Me: Will send photo of me at breakfast. I look very Muslim wearing eight (8) gifts given to me by Saudis.
He: Pretty and cute.
She: So beautiful Beautiful Salam What a beautiful day to you.
Me: Thank you. So blessed I am. Alhamdulilah
It is impossible to foresee the future. Will I be living in these same circumstances next year? Doubt it. Living here enables the writing of a book from the Khobar Ithra Library. I do hope, and pray, that writing it will not take an entire year. I have absolute confidence that Allah (SWT) will provide guidance providing inspiration along the way.
You may now view a July 2023 day as I have an Alexis McBride YouTube account/channel/subscription or whatever you call the thing. My most recent entry is from July 2023 – a blessed day of inspiration along the way spent in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I will attempt to provide the link, maybe the real thing. I am clearly not a techie and doubt that I will be next year.
One of the many attributes of the Islamic Faith is the ability to worship in many ways. Listening to the recitation of the 99 names of Allah (SWT) is inspiring. Here is a link to reel posted on… Drum Roll… Instagram. (Drum Roll a rapid succession of beats sounded on a drum, often used to introduce an important announcement).