My January 27, 2023 blog ‘promised’ more discussion of Arab Unity but there have been some intervening influences. One of the influences was a dream, actually a nightmare. So frightening. I woke just prior to Fajr prayer, thankfully. Received some solace from prayer, enough to give me some peace of mind and enable me to continue with the day. In my newly customary habit texted AMA and we had a rather lively discussion about many matters. Arguing, admittedly.
We spoke, eventually, of a treasured trait.
Me: Although, goodness knows, I am opinionated, I can listen. My former London Lover (preIslamic Faith) said that my ability to listen to another viewpoint, take it in and then change my mind (graciously) was the thing he admired most about me. And he knew of my other qualities – if you catch my meaning.
One thing I did realize is that the article from which I quoted was written during the early 1980s when the situation and conditions of Arab countries are extremely and decidedly different than they are today. It seems that there are serious impediments to Arab Unity which I am slowly beginning to see. Perhaps Arab Unity is not the answer. But rather than worry about that, I have decided to focus on the positivity that surrounds me. So back to positivity. The following was written before I got involved in this tangent about Arab Unity.
Tangent is a completely different line of thought or action. So I am back on track. Back on track means to return to the right path, or the right direction. That is, of course, the Straight Path.
Do remember what Muslims say several times about the Straight Path – being led by those who are blessed not those who are astray or have earned Your wrath.
So this was what I was writing when I may have veered off the Straight Path.
This from an email send to Computer Guru Chris:
He: Done! Blog and pictures posted.
Me: So LOVED seeing it because it was so upbeat and happy. It was a relief to write it and a relief to read it. PHEW . This place is, so sort of, normal. Wait until you read about the girl’s basketball school. I am utterly amazed at it all. Thoroughly. I am telling the truth as usual. It does not sound like I am but I am. Hahaha 😝 Alexis
Yesterday morning saw a group of young women having a great time at breakfast. So went over to them, with my basic question.
Me: Do you speak English?
They: Yes we do. We all do!!
Me: Well that’s great because I do not speak Arabic. You guys are having so much fun. What are you doing here?
They: We are here to play basketball against an English speaking International School.
Me: WOW! I am super impressed! I am not at all athletic but women playing basketball is most amazing to me – anywhere. But in Saudi Arabia – it blows my mind!
So the school is Basket-in-School It is the first basketball school in Saudi Arabia. Ages; 6-18 . It is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. There are reels of the bus on Instagram called Heading to Dhahran. What a joyous group of young women. So incredibly assertive and strong. Never have I ever seen anything like it! The world, in its present condition, needs to see this. There is indeed hope for this world – that is what I think and see and rejoice. I am so tired of the pervasive negativity. This is a total and complete breath of fresh air.
Breath of fresh air is an idiom meaning someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting. There are other generic ways of saying ‘she was like a breath of fresh air. You must love them all, I do. :
- She was like a sight to sore eyes.
- She was like a note of music to one’s ears.
- She was like a cool breeze on a hot noon.
- She was like a rose in the midst of nettles.
- She was like an oasis in the middle of a desert.
- She was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
- She was like a touch of velvet inside a crucible.
- She was like a burst of laughter on a sorrowful evening.
- She was like a drop of honey in the sourness of this world.
- She was like a buoy of kindness in the unsympathetic sea.
Every breath you take is an opportunity to inhale positivity and exhale negativity. So take a deep breath and let go of the toxins in your life.
Inhale courage, exhale fear. Let the fresh air empower you to face your challenges head-on.”
“Inhale the good vibes, exhale the bad energy. Let positivity be your oxygen.” The team is here for the January Jam. I would say it seems so American – but the USA is not like that any more. It used to be, perhaps twenty five years ago but is not any more. You should see the bus that brought them here – it was not a yellow school bus that is for sure. Never have I ever seen such a classy bus and I have seen a few buses in my time.
I had such a good time with them. I suppose the funniest thing that happened is that one of the girls has blue eyes.
Me: Oh my goodness! You have blue eyes.
She: I know it is very unusual.
Me: Okay. You can be my spokesperson.
I am weird in many ways, goodness knows. But never, in my whole life, did I ever think that having blue eyes would be so utterly freaky. I am not desperate enough to consider getting brown contact lenses – but I just might, so I can blend in.
These young women were not wearing hijabs. They looked and acted freer, more independent and confident than anything I have seen in the United States. I left the US in October of 2021. An affluent county in California, so we are not talking ghettos or inner cities.
This is the second school experience I have had since coming to Saudi Arabia on September 20, 2023. A prior school experience was at Grandson Hamza’s school in Medina. I shall find a photo of that day and include it. It was a most memorable and uplifting (in every way) experience. Hamza is so darling, I sent a short reel to someone introducing Hamza. This is approximately what was said:
Me: This is my Grandson Hamza and his friend Muhammed.
Hamza: No!!! He is your grandson too.
Me: Goodness! Now I have two grandsons and one of them is Muhammed,
Hamza’s father is Muhammed. I gave him this nickname. “Not the Prophet” He does not like his nickname. Perhaps he would like it better if he were: “Not for Profit” Hahaha. That is funny because the father has made a great deal of money – legitimately and honestly. Disassociating himself from those who were not moral. Actually, I have done the same thing, once I discovered they were immoral, in much the same way.
Anyway, now it is the next day but now I am hungry and will get dressed and go to breakfast. More later.
This happened at breakfast. I was just told that I should live in Egypt.
He: You should live in Egypt.
Me: Well, maybe. You do make a good point. I revere history. Canada does not really have much recorded history, nor does the USA. The colonists took over with their culture suppressing and denying the Indigenous people in their own land as the colonist do in every land and continue to do so. And will do so. They did not have such luck in Egypt although they tried during Suez Canal days (if I recall).
I have subsequently to this had a conversation with this man. He confirmed my memories, saying that other colonist countries tried to bring Egypt under their submission but were never successful. He says that all religions live in peace in Egypt – within his own family there are both Christians and Muslims, sometimes living in the same home, The more you live and learn.
Just look at this profound quote. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”
The Islamic Faith reveres learning and learning is valued by Allah (SWT) Not blind obedience as promoted by those who have a profit motive – such as those in Medina, for example. The profit motive Muslims are not encouraging Muslims, saying they should stay home and read books from libraries or use the Internet. They are saying come to Medina – we have hotels for you there. But, everyone worships in their own way. I did a reel from the Prophet’s Mosque saying just that. I was sitting outside the Mosque on a stool provided by an employee of the Mosque. He kindly provided it, when I was leaning looking at all those gathered there. I now worship from my room, which has wifi access. My room is inexpensive, not like my room in the Oberio Hotel. Besides, a close ride away I have access to all of the books in the Ithra Library
Back to the Basket-in-School. They won their game. I did not attend, somehow that did not happen but received word via Instagram that they did win, with shots of them scoring and everything. I have no idea, at this moment, what the score was. One of the young women, the one with blue eyes, scored at least once. How truly and absolutely amazing all of this is.
I am indeed blessed by Allah (SWT). Will now look for photos of Hamza’s Medina school event and pray Duhr prayer. I Just got notification on an App provided by a wonderful man, a Bahrain Ritz Carlton employee. Allah (SWT) does certainly work in mysterious ways.
I am successful, that I do know. How do I know?? Winston Churchill told me, in these words. Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm —Winston Churchill. That is definitely me.
The photographs were taken at Hamza’s Medina school event in December.