Did something totally noncharacterological this morning. I announced the new direction of my life on Instagram, not on the blog. I have no idea what got into me. This morning, took a series of photos, combined with music (Unstoppable) with this caption:
A place of absolute inspiration, Ithra’s Library. I shall make it my new home from which to write. I am a Knowledge Partner, Swipe to see an inspiring phone cover and several of the multitude of volumes found within. Such a wealth of knowledge so needed in today’s world.
It has not been extremely popular with the masses, not so many Likes. Oh well.
This decision, to make Ithra’s Library my new ‘writing’ home is, what is commonly referred to as a one-eighty. Doing a one-eighty means a sudden change from a particular opinion, decision, or plan to an opposite one.
Deciding to focus entirely on my writing from what was, only about a week ago, an unknown location is most definitely a one-eighty. Done a few of those in my life – decided to use the search engine of my blog for clues, – thinking that using the key words changes in latitude, changes in attitude might be good key words. The results brought forth gales of laughter. It had been mentioned fifteen times.
Me: I cannot believe that – 15 times I was changing.
Alter Ego: No one could ever say that you are set in your ways.
Me” Too true. Just call me Flexible Alexible. I guess I am determined to be the opposite of that popular saying: The only difference between a rut and a grave is the dimensions.
Alter Ego: Indeed you are never in a rut.
Me: I was prior to 2013 but no more. That is for sure.
If I were to focus on all fifteen entries, I, (and hence you) would be spending a lot of time looking backwards. Decided to look only at the yearly date of entry.: 2017 (4 ), 2020 (3) 2019 (1) 2018 (1 )2023 (1) 2021( 5). That told me nothing. So perhaps I made many changes in 2017, in 2021 but not so much in 2023. Hmmmm.
Comfortable in the land of idioms I proceed. Do a 180, land on my feet – taking things to the limit an Eagles song referring to living life to it’s fullest (e.g. knowing what is important and aiming towards that limit). Can see that in the last few months, that was what I have been doing, it is time to settle down.
My most recent one-eighty feels most comfortable. An Instagram post from the brilliant Dr. Ranianaawaad helped me understand why this might be. Spoke of the Prophet’s Musa’s mother, her absolutely trust in the Planner in the following way. I am paraphrasing but the link will be provided.
We often face circumstances in our life that leave us stranded, with little or not control with the situation at hand. When we do not know of the plan it is undoubtedly necessary to trust our Planner. the greatest of all Planners. He will mold our trials and resilience into the most beautiful of ways. Trust that with your hardship comes ease, they come together not one after the other. Here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2OMeCVNKNj/?igsh=OTN5MTcxMWV1ZDBm
During my initial guided tour of this city AMA spoke of the story of Musa’s mother, her immense bravery, and trust, placing her baby in a basket then floating it through the water. I cannot recall the context in which it was discussed but this was so familiar, having happened only two or three days ago.
The immense number of occurrences that had to go wrong (hardships) before everything went right (ease) does show that somebody was planning something – and it was not me, that is for sure.
AMA adamantly encouraged my visit to Ithra. Texted, telling him of the results of my visit.
Me: I had an amazing day at Ithra. Became a Knowledge Partner. Made many friends, even was invited to be a speaker at a conference. Mashallaha
He: Wow, that is great. I told you are an inspiration. You must’ve liked it.
Me: I LOVED it. Thinking of making it my home and writing from there. I am SO inspired by it all. My new phone cover says it all. (Included a picture, which says: Create the Things You Wish Existed)
He: I am glad for you.
Me: Me too. Hahahaha Then I got a gift. A poster that says A Year of Inspiration with a calendar attached This shall be that for me: A Year of Inspiration.
He: Happy that you regained your strength and health.
Me: Me too as well. Knew all I had to do is rest and give my immune system a chance to kick in.
This morning, after thinking through many things sent AMA another text message.
Me: I seek to be inspired, not be an inspiration. The Prophet (PBUH) did not try to be an inspiration but only to convey the word of His Allah (SWT)
Sent word to my Indonesian friend I met at the Oberio a couple of months ago.
Me: My joy in Ithra shall dominate my blog in months to come. I am to write from the Library there. It seems destined. Alhamduillah. We must find new ways to worship our Creator. It is through knowledge, not passive obedience and ritual.
She: Absolutely agree… without knowledge we’ll be blinded and become religious fanatics.
Me: I love that you said that. I never had thought about that before but it is ABSOLUTELY true. And that is what has happened with the lazy and those not properly trained in the faith. They look only to the rituals with no knowledge of why or how they began to exist.
She: Yes…some beliefs can be misleading if we don’t understand the true purpose of it.
Today is Friday, a Saudi Friday definitely not a Bahrain Friday. It was a study in contrasts – the Medina Fridays versus the Manama Fridays,
Faithful readers will know of my careful observance, and participation in Friday prayers, wrote of them often during my almost three month stay in the Oberlio Hotel in Medina. The difference between Friday observances between Medina and Manama were an an absolute study in contrasts.
A study in contrasts stand out, be contrary, be different, be dissimilar, be in stark contrast, be in contrast, stand in contrast, disagree, contradict, conflict , diverge, deviate, be at odds, go against, be diverse, be unalike.
As mentioned in my November 10, 2023 blog It is one of the most exalted Islamic rituals and one of its confirmed obligatory acts. But that is definitely not what is happening in Bahrain – the Sinful Saudis , as I called them, treated Friday as their weekend time to party – crossing over the causeway to eat, drink and be merry. The locals spoke of youth who would pull up to liquor stores, buy the hard stuff and guzzle and pour it down their throats. Concerned Saudi women spoke of the influence of freedoms of Bahrain on many Saudi youth.
Friday here is not as ritualized as it was in Medina but is respectfully calm. The massive shopping center next door did not open until after Friday prayers, for instance.
The manner of women’s dress in Ithra is also more relaxed – some women wear abayas and scarves but others wear modest Western clothes, often without hijabs. It is a choice but not an extreme choice like in Bahrain where women are often very scantily clad.
Al Khobar seems like a happy medium. Happy medium is a a state or way of doing something that avoids being extreme, often combining the best of two opposite states or ways of doing some things.
For some reason I was ‘cut off’ Al Jazeera while in Bahrain. My computer said that Safari could not establish a connection – or something. It is with considerable relief that now back in Saudi Arabia I am able to again read the well written Opinion page which said this about Blinken’s Blinking Middle East Tour.
To the people of the Middle East, Blinken, the fireman, looks more like the arsonist’s assistant. For his or any recent US secretary of state’s efforts are hobbled by the 5 Ds of Washington’s policies on Israel-Palestine and the region: delusion, denial, dishonesty, distortion, and diversion. All were on full display during Blinken’s tour.”
Rani G. Khouri then discusses the 5 Ds: “1) Delusion describes well how the US projects its image as the selfless foreign power that comes to bring calm and brotherhood to the Middle East region, all while fueling and prolonging violence and conflict. 2) Denial describes well the US rhetoric about the circumstances that fuel a wider conflict in the region. This violent confrontation has been building up for three decades very much due to Arab-Iranian reactions to two chronic American policies: support for Israel’s subjugation of Palestinians and the suppression of Arab movements that resist US-Israeli domination. 3) Dishonesty describes well Washington’s statements over the last half century about working for peace by creating a Palestinian state alongside Israel – when the US has actually funded Israel’s military dominance of the region, its slow and now active genocide against Palestinians, and the colonisation and theft of Palestinian lands for new Jewish settlements that have been growing since 1967. 4) Distortion describes well how the US says its recent military build-up in the region aims to deter the Gaza war expanding, and Iran and Hezbollah from threatening Israel – while US militarism since the 1950s has primarily maintained a frozen Cold War regional order to its liking. 5) Diversion describes well how the Biden administration responds to worldwide and American citizens’ accusations that it ignores the Israeli genocide against Palestinians.”
I did miss the learned, objective and well written Al Jazeera Opinions.
Photographs shall include ones taken at the Ithra Library yesterday. I sent one my photo of the library to a man who constantly send controversial TikToks to my, and many ,others WhatsApp mailboxes. .
Me: From Ithra. Knowledge not titillation is the source of inspiration. Look up the meaning of titillation, if you dare.
He is not the kind of man who is likely to look up the meaning, respond to other’s messages (nor is he likely to read this blog). However, I shall provide the meaning: the arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words.