Yesterday I spoke of the ephemeral qualitity of flowers, surrounded by dying species which had previously brought great delight. After finishing writing, and performing chores returned to my room, glancing at the newly cleaned and refreshed surroundings. I could not believe my eyes. I had removed many of the dead blossoms. Found to my wonder that they had been replaced, not a dead blossom in sight.
I cannot at this moment find a word to deceive my emotions, my feelings. Awe, wonder, surprise being three, but not adequate. One message was clear; because of death one appreciates life. Decided to pray – then begin the rest of my morning. Pray and consult my Quran.
It is time to leave the opulence found here at the Ritzy Carlton. Opulence describes these surroundings; it is interesting to examine the synonyms of opulence: sumptuousness, lavishness, lushness, luxuriance, swankiness, poshness, classiness and ritziness. So the hotel is aptly named. The antonyms is simplicity and restraint.
I spoke of the next stop of my impending journey to FAMED, taking and receiving humor.
Me: Car booked for 10 on Monday
He Good timing. As soon as you reach the Saudi side kindly let me know.
Me: Do I get a parade?
He: With lights on the Causeway (laughing emoji).
Me: I am ready with my Sheikha Fatimah Royal Wave.
We were looking into hotels.
He: The hotels I recommended are within 15 minutes of our home.
MeL I take it by car and not walking. Hahaha
He: What about a motorcycle. Hahaha
Me: :I am too old for that and was hit by one my second day in London. Landed on my head and almost died. Oops
He: Life is about experience.
Sent him photos showing my massive injuries. Twenty seven staples on my head to stop the bleeding and twenty six stitches on my forehead, explaining the circumstances.
Me: No one not family nor friends came to help me. I could not travel because of head injury. I was totally alone. I survived and started school on time. It was a blessing actually. Half a cm more I would have died or had massive brain injuries. No real residuals.
Thought about the experience, seeing in retrospect that it became a step on the way to Allah (SWT). I became totally self reliant, looked not to the usual ‘comforts’ of friends and family. My adherence to their values to gain approval disappeared, Looking for new values led me on an adventurous path that led me to becoming of the Islamic Faith. But it was one step and a time, and requiring seven more years.
Glancing at my email found one from the El Rashid Mosque in Edmonton. It announced that the convoy planned to flood the Henway (a major thoroughfare) for Gaza had been postponed until further notice because of the severe weather conditions.
Me: What is severe for there I wonder.
Alter Ego: Look it up and call WhatsApp Manjinder.
Me: Great idea.
Sent a text message: Read about the severe cold. Oh my goodness. The homeless?!?!
He immediately called, we chatted, me in the lobby of the Ritzy Carlton. Learned the weather was even more severe -50. He just gave up, did not go to work, stayed home.
He: You got out of Edmonton at exactly the right time.
There are hundreds of homeless in Edmonton, often in crude encampments which the police routinely invade; leaving them no respite whatsoever. I am overturned with empathy. The pain I felt for them was crippling. Spoke to staff of my concerns, to one woman from the Philippines.
She: The Government of Canada will help them.
Me: The very opposite is true! The government created the situation in the first place, in a huge land of great resources.
I began to feel guilty for my my existence. Spoke to another staff of the exemplary conditions in Bahrain.
He: Yes. There are no homeless here. In order to stay here one must have a visa – so a job or income. There is no crime whatsoever. There are cameras everywhere, people are caught and prosecuted, jailed or sent back to their country. There is peace of mind and contentment here where all can practice their faith freely.
Me: I can see that and the paper is full of news of the generosity of King Hammond. Recently the pension program had a financial crisis and he rescued it with his own funds. All the Alberta government does is squabble and raid the fund for other purposes.
When I returned to Canada in May of 2022 I did think there was something I could do. Studied the problem, got books and studies from the Alberta Legislative Library – but realized there was nothing I, one person, could do. I turned back to my Islamic Faith, expressing gratitude for my blessings, which had been earned through my efforts.
My Islamic Faith rescued me from despair yet again. I made an Instagram reel showing the absolute beauty of Bahrain. I am SO grateful but also beauty. How did I reach such blessings and the homeless on the land of my birth and in Gaza live under such horror??? Only Allah (SWT) knows and will save the patient, the charitable and the worthy. Alhamduillah!!
But all in all found I was suffering from culture shock. I looked it up – it is defined by Wikipedia in the following way:
It is defined as the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes. One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign environment. Culture shock can be described as consisting of at least one of four distinct phases: honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and adaptation.One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign environment. Culture shock can be described as consisting of at least one of four distinct phases: honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and adaptation.
I shall study it more but now I think I am in the adjustment phase. I reached out to FAMED in the midst of my despair and found comfort.
Me: Help I am suffering from a severe form of culture shock. I know why but it is not helping.
He: Hello what seems to be the problem?.
He then immediately called me.
He: What is important is that you are OK
Me: Sorry the wifi went out in this hotel. Your call was so uplifting
He: Being a new Muslim alone kind and a guest in an Islamic land makes it an obligation to see that your experience is worth it with all the support. You have been endowed with numerous special gifts Strength of character is not the least. Dig deep inside you Bless you
Me: You are an incredible gift from Allah (SWT) He called upon you to help me. I am positive.
Then, it seemed a miracle happened. I looked out a window to see the sunset. Sunsets from my Edmonton window were glorious and edifying but not seen any since coming to Saudi Arabia. My Oberlio Hotel window was like a jail facing a crowded street. My view here is magnificent but does not face the right direction and somehow had not been walking around at sunset. But there it was. Took two photos which will be attached to the blog. The seen sunset seemed also to be a gift from Allah.
More support is streaming in this morning. From a Malaysian woman met at the Prophet’s Mosque. We have been in contact with one another since and she too is totally there for me.
I will send this off as it is packing time, time to trip down the causeway to Saudi Arabia.
I shall write later of the amazing staff in this hotel, rescuing my from dropped AirPod yet again.