The Last Hurrah: My Last Hurrah the Oberio; After that Test My Islam is So Strong I Can Go Anywhere Said a Saudi Man; That Message Conveyed to a Medina Man of Much Power and Authority; My Palestinian Scarf Does everything for Me; A Link to Instagram Reel and Several Photos

It seemed  like that, when I first began writing this blog at the breakfast bar of my refugee camp preparing to depart. At the time was I almost thoroughly packed, taking only one carry on bag, leaving my other luggage at the Oberio. It seemed like the end of a chapter, not the book as I am still alive.  There  still might be an autobiography in me – before someone else tries to make sense of my life. That is what biographers do. How do I know? I have a well-earned Certificate in Biography from the University of East Anglia (UK) in collaboration with the Guardian. I enrolled in this program because my London City University Master’s program was utterly and completely devoid of any wisdom, Julie Wheelwright the head of the program systematically tried to cripple her competition, every year picking on the most creative person in the class. That was me in 2013 – she lived to regret making that choice because of this blog. I am not complaining – London City University provided the student visa which got me to London for two and a half years and utterly changed my life.  

Do let us  first speak of the Last Hurrah . Do admit that I did not know the meaning of the three words when first beginning to write. Someone’s last hurrah is their final effort after a long period of work., their last period of influence of power. Used in a sentence” This huge, unfinished building represents the last hurrah of the former regime. It is a final, often  valedictory effort, production, or appearance. On December 24, 2023 (Christmas Even in the Christian world) a stranger, a young Muslim man spoke to me in the Bahrain Ritz Carlton Hotel. Was in the Lounge at the time multitasking – speaking to the wonderful people, but also in a  WhatsApp conversation with a Medina man, a trusted man of the Faith.  

Me: You cannot believe what a young Saudi man said to me. I spoke of the restrictions of Medina and the Oberio. He said that your Islam is strong now – you can go anywhere! He is absolutely correct. 

But I am getting ahead of myself. Back to the Medina Oberio Hotel, my last hurrah.  I was there for almost three months. It required massive efforts on my part, observing all of the restrictions imposed upon Muslim women. Most ironic as the Prophet (PBUH) truly liberated women, making them equal to men at a time when girl babies were buried alive. Something has gone drastically wrong over the years, that is all that I have to say (at this moment, anyway). I did run into disfavor, but not with the Oberio staff and the few individuals that were there for their private spiritual renewal. The criticism, the scorn came from the pilgrims, who were at the Oberio for two or three days, then onto Mecca. Mecca keeps its pilgrims under slightly better control – more about that later, I promise. 

I wore my Palestinian scarf throughout the day, it was a long day, ending in joy, an utterly unbelievable experience. Read On! The Palestinian scarf was purchased in Edmonton, in late August of 2022. Little did the scarf ,nor I, know of the journeys ahead culminating in the enormous lobby of the Bahrain Ritz Carlton. The scarf brought the attention of a man in the business lounge of the Medina Airport Business Lounge. He congratulated me for wearing the scarf, saying that the wearing of the scarf was prohibited in many countries. A hurried conversation revealed that he was from Qatar, his uncle the ambassador in Gaza. I was blown away – his country’s diplomatic relationship has provided the much needed food, medical supplies and treatment that are so necessary.  Without their diplomacy the suffering would even more monumental. I only wish we had longer to speak. 

The flight was brief, my seat mate was an Indian engineer, working in Oman. Landed, was eventually greeted with flowers and driven to the Ritz. It is exquisite utterly unbelievably wonderful in every way. Called the Oberio Almost Jannah – this hotel is a vast improvement. It must therefore be Jannah – it isn’t. I am still alive so it can’t be. Hahaha

Upon check in was greeted by the Front Desk Manager, in person and himself. He not only incredibly gracious and welcoming – but had read my blog. I got upgraded without asking. I am on the top floor,  have a view of the ocean (and a massive elaborately decorated Christmas tree). What did I do with the view? Other  than look at it, of course. Grabbed the iPhone, did a reel, put it on Instagram, inviting all to guess where I was. Nobody even tried, got a few Likes, that is all. However, here is the


Then went out to dinner, it was a massive mistake and I ended up paying for three meals. Do hate being used, exploited and victimized. I detest victimhood so strongly, and it is incapacitating, therefore I almost always get even.  

Get even, an idiom: to punish someone who has done something bad to you by doing something equally bad to that person. Used as a verb, its meaning is to take revenge or even out a score. “Getting revenge” typically implies a more intense, vengeful act aimed at harming or hurting someone in return for a perceived wrong. On the other hand, “getting even” often conveys a sense of seeking balance or retribution without necessarily seeking to cause harm. 

When one is a Muslim, and the perpetrator is also a Muslim – it is SO easy. No need to forgive, as only Allah (SWT) forgives sins. Allah (SWT) is All-Knowing, a Believer does know, is assured that justice will be done. So onward with my positivity and good vibes. 

December 24 dawned. It was a new dawn, a new day. Decided to greet the day by going on a walk. It was a perfect, for me, morning. 21 degrees Celsius. Strode down the path towards the beach. You shall never, in a million, ductillion years guess what I encountered. You will never guess, so I will tell you. Pink flamingos – live ones, some standing on one leg. 

This has been my experience with pink flamingos in the past, my early Canada days. If one was celebrating a milestone birthday (40, for example) your friends would collect 40 pink flamingo lawn ornaments and place them on your lawn in the middle of the night. You would wake up, with the whole world (or at least your neighbours) knowing how old you were. 

This was of course, an entirely different experience. Of course, I took a photo. Seeing will be believing. Left the flamingos to walk along the sandy beach. Several men were running along the waters edge. I had not seen that sight for years – not in Edmonton (no water) nor in Medina (no water and the thobe would get in the way).  WhatsApped a Medina thobe wearer including a photo of the flamingos.  

Me: From my morning walk. For exercise. I guess you do not know about that. Hahaha 

The conversation continued. 

Me: I try so heard to be a good Muslim. I am always tested by our Creator. But I pass Hahaha 

I love it here. Am going to stay for awhile. Got a room rate cheaper than the Oberio. The weather is fine. Come and visit. I am in the Ritz. How ritzy. Hahaha 

He sent a reel, loved it. Not sure if I can pass it on to you but will try, or at least put it on Instagram. We shall see. . 

But yet again, I got ahead of myself. Get ahead of yourself, an idiom:  to do something too early, or before you are ready or prepared. Getting ahead of yourself can be a mixed blessing. Because sometimes slowing down is the only way to really gain clarity and experience the fullness of life. It is the frenzied obsession about accomplishing more and more, faster and faster, that leads to burnout and frustration. Sometimes just slowing down and focusing on the next best step is all that needs to be done.

I did focus on the next best step upon returning to the hotel. Discovered the breakfast buffet which is superior to the Oberio Breakfast Buffet (sorry Oberio guys!) There was an amazing Chef, from the Philippines. 

Me: Where did you go to school? 

She: In the Philippines. 

Me: Good for you! Education so important. How long have you worked at this hotel? 

She: Just a few months. I am still in my probationary period. 

Me: I will do my best to promote you if you do a good job on my eggs Benedict. 

Well, she did an excellent job. The best eggs Benedict I had my whole life and that is saying something. I know how difficult it is to make eggs Benedict, because slowly I perfected it. Timing is everything. The egg has to be poached perfectly, the Hollandaise sauce warm and the English muffin toasted – all at the same time. Her creation contained avocado, and smoked salmon – placed on brown toast (at my request). 

Finished breakfast, so incredibly content and happy with my experiences of the morning. Spoke to Sunny the concierge – unlike Saudi concierges he knew about the city, had resources, called the museum to ensure opening hours, spoke of transportation and touring options. It was heaven!! I once WhatsApped a Saudi tour guide. He was typically usurious, lying and inept. 

Me: The tourism business in Saudi Arabia is corrupt to its core. 

Unsurprisingly I did not receive a response. Spoke to Sunny, asking him a second question. 

Me: If I wanted to get a long term room rate, who would I speak to? I am here for three days but I want to stay longer. I LOVE it here. 

He took me to a wonderful woman, working at the Front Desk. 

Me: I love this place and would like to stay here longer. Could you please see if I could get a long term room rate for about three weeks, to start with. 

She: Of course. I will call my manager. 

She did, immediately and immediately received my answer – in Bahrain money of course. 

We spoke, it was miraculous. She is a Muslim – had gone on an Umrah, first to Mecca and then to Medina for a brief stop. I spoke of the chaos, confusion and horrors of the Prophet’s Mosque. She told of her experience.  One must remove one’s shoes when entering the Mosque. She did – they were stolen. 

She: I would NEVER think that. But they were stolen. 

Me: It is totally unbelievable I know. I was warned, so the few times I went there I wore slippers. What did you do? 

She: I was there for only a few hours. We had to go and buy shoes to wear on the train. The shops around there are SO expensive. It cost a fortune. 

Me: I know. Never heard about this before but I am not surprised. The corruption and money making that surround the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina is sickening, rampant and repulsive. I am planning to write about it. I have gathered all my information, interviewed scores of people. But needed to be away from there to write about it. 

Did the currency exchange conversion in my room. This wondrous hotel is much less expensive then my room rate at the Oberio. I have a view, IT staff so helpful, the food is absolutely delicious. I am terrible at math but it is 3/5 the price. That is almost half the price. But, of course, the Medina Oberio Hotel is next door to the Prophet’s Mosque – considering all that I had a very inexpensive room rate. But did not go to the Haram – because the Haram is Haram. 

I must get on with my day. Will write later. I will go for breakfast. Then an appointment for a mani and a pedi. WOW and Mashalllah. Then a special festive Christmas brunch. Alhamdullah. 

Photographs of the flamingos, reel of the nighttime view from my window, photo of the eggs Benedict, and a  photo taken this Christmas morning. Alhandulliah!!! 

To much happened yesterday, not a lot today. Thank goodness. Denied access to the Brunch Celebration But I am Fine. Later.