Everyday I open a book gifted to me by Mr. Ali of the Medina Olerio Hotel for inspiration and guidance. The book is The Beautiful Names of Allah.
One of the 99 names is picked at random. This morning it is Al-Wakeel, Al-Kafeel. The English translation are The Disposer of Affairs, the Guarantor.
The Meanings are provided. Al-Wakeel is the One who disposes of all His creatures, the One who provides for them, grants their request, fulfill their needs. He assists and protects those who seek his refuge, takes charge of His righteous servants’ affairs by guiding them to all that is easy, keeping them away from all that causes them hardship and assists them in everything . Al-Kafeel means the witness, the guardian, the protector and the guarantor.
A woman Islamic scholar provided a means, an exercise to assist in one’s worship.There are three steps. First one reflects upon the glories of the attribute by the Creator. The second is to focus upon others in your life – looking for the same attribute to see if any have that quality. The third is to look inward to see if you have any of the qualities, attempting to grow and nourish them within yourself.
Only the first step is possible with some of the 99 names. Somewhat reluctantly I shall attempt this exercise publicly. I say reluctantly because my worship is a private matter between Allah (SWT) and myself.
Reluctant is unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. Synonyms that catch my meaning are: hesitant, not have the heart to, shy away from, have qualms about, have misgivings about,, think twice about.
Despite my misgivings and with some hesitancy I shall proceed. In the past few days it does seem that Allah (SWT) is providing for me, fulfilling my needs and granting my requests – actually divining my requests. I feel his guidance keeping my away from all that causes me hardship, guiding to me to all that is easy. It makes me feel most protected.
I suppose an example might be in order. Many financial matters were not finalized when leaving Edmonton. Rather than immediately attend to to them I relaxed – my attentiveness would have caused stress. Instead this early morning found the necessary deposits had been made, the transfer of funds made easily. This measure of calm is most unusual in my dealing with money. Another example was the easy avoidance of a man who proved to be predatory and parasitic. He was using my fame to bolster his failing media business. His chicanery was revealed before my very eyes with little or no effort on my part. I am far too trusting – becoming immediately distrustful protected me from harm. The Islamic Faith teaches its adherents to immediately walk away from evil, to flee seamlessly. I did, very much relieved.
Other people, mere mortals as I teasingly call them, assist Allah (SWT) it seems. My need for stability in making major moves in my recent life has been provided by a man who has all the answers, it seems. He provided similar assistance to his mother under similar circumstances, and provides me peace of mind, by escorting me to IKEA for example. It is a relief to see that cheap furniture is readily available in Saudi Arabia. Another mere mortal man helped me to see the chicanery of the predator previously mentioned.
Chicanery, a noun, is the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. I shall provide an example of how my sense of humor often rescues me. Rather than experience rage toward this louse I instead find funny synonyms to describe him: skulduggery, swindling, hoodwinking, crookedness, monkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, shenanigans, flimflam, jiggery-pokery. That guy was a flimflam man, whose attempted jiggery-pokery, and hoodwinking because he was such a consummate looser. The rage disappears and I laugh. The Creator protected me by enabling me to catch him early in the game before any real damage was done. Removing him from my firmament left room for others – helpful, attentive, considerate men. PHEW.
Now onto the third step – looking for the qualities of Al-Waleel within myself. I do try to assist people I care about, as best I can. I do not, of course, have the power, authority, or resources to do everything. I have no dependents so do not have to provide for anyone. As to Al-Kafeel, It is impossible for me to serve as a guardian, protector or guarantor. .
It is high time to provide some fun. I am departing the Riyadh Hilton very soon and there have been problems. They have been eliminated. Management is looking less, shall we say missed, to me. My prior blog accused them of putting the Mis into mismanagement. Oops. Fortunately Upper Management does not appear to be reading the blog.
Soon a reel will appear before your very eyes. Just prior to my last departure, the one on August 2, when I was homeward bound, I went to the spa here at the Hilton and had a facial. I do not look terribly attractive, not at my most glamourous. I have already sent it to Computer Guru Chris with this message
Me: It is funny. But I look ugly. Gotta get rid of the admirers somehow. Hahaha.
Faithful readers will know that in a couple of days I shall leave Riyadh, fly to Jeddah and then motor to Mecca. I shall meet an incredible young woman who lives in Mecca. We met at the National Museum, exchanged hats and have sent messages back and forth. We have bonded although she speaks Arabic and I do not, only English. She sent a reel which will now go public. You can readily see why I am looking forward to this trip. It does seem rather unusual to be going to Mecca with no plans to go to the Kaaba – but it seems this might be so. Please do not forget that my next stop will be Medinah, where I shall stay for one month. There is fast and efficient train service between Mecca and Medinah. There are no baboons along the train tracks. Therefore no temptation to feed them. Please see blogs of July 17, 2023 and July 19, 2023. AK ‘brilliantly’ stopped to feed them. They are not cute they are vicious. I am considered by many to be cute, I am not usually vicious but it is not a good idea to mess with me.
The photograph was taken on the day my new friend and I exchanged hats at the National Museum. I think I got the better deal, I am sure you will agree. Hahaha