They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage in multiple languages meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still “ In other words: A picture may convey an idea more quickly and effectively than the written word. Writers of texts that describe concepts involving imagery or abstract thoughts need many words to get their points across.
Here are the photos. You make up the story on your own, I shall tell it when I have some time. I am going to Jeddah today, then Tarif. What an adventure I am having. It is magnificent, definitely five star.
As I say to people.
Me: Fasten your sear belt. Not just your seat belt but the entire shoulder harness.
You: Okay but where are we going?????
Me: I have no idea but it is sure to be exciting.
Here come the photos.