It is now 3:43 in the morning. I had the most incredible day of my life yesterday – it wore me out totally. I went to bed at about nine (2100 hours) and immediately fell asleep. So I have had sufficient shut eye.
Shut eye means sleep. Here it is used in a sentence: “We had already spent too many hours watch-keeping on the long voyage out not to take advantage of a little shut-eye when the opportunity came along..” Thank you, Collins Dictionary for this sentence.
It is always best to begin one’s morning with a little humour as humour puts things In perspective. SOFTS, a new and precious Edmonton friend, can be relied upon and I do rely upon her for humor and other things. No idea what I ever did without her, to be honest (which I always am.) This was her historically funny email:
She: Read your latest blog. ..Moral to the Story:..when one door closes 8 Saudi men open another door LOL
Me: What an absolute delight, I am laughing SO hard. I totally love you and miss you. I went to the Canadian embassy today. I can apply on line. HONESt. More on blog.
Then I sent this thread to a certain individual.
Me: It is so true. I have eight other guys. Who needs you?
He: Hahaha
This man is not taking me seriously. Speaking to a colleague of his I described a certain characteristic of some men.
Me: Have you have met men who are too good looking for their own good?
He: I know the type, I have indeed met them.
Me: That guy is. Perhaps I should tell him, but it would have no effect.
He: Probably not.
Me: Unfortunately, and I do pity them, they lack the resources to change.
Conversations with SOFTS and her colleague (who does hot have a nickname as yet) can also also touch upon serious matters. I was beginning to develop an attachment to a mere mortal man. It began in a light hearted fashion.
She: Great happy snap if of you and your new Boi.
Me: I loved the way your spelled boi. In prayers this morning realized I should be more devoted to Allah and less to him It was instructive. It brought comfort. This is just post prayer at 4 am. Tour of Riyadh today with his namesake, another A.
A similar interaction with SOFTS colleague brought this exchange.
Me: So during morning prayer realized that I should be more focused on my devotion to Allah (In His Glory) not a mortal man. A rather amazing mortal man but nonetheless.
She: I agree with God. I am happy you are hearing his message and trying your best to follow them.
I do admit that I was stunned but incredibly uplifted to get this message. So much so that I was speechless, believe that or not.
A solution, a happy ending soon appeared.
The old tour guide supplied me with a a new tour guide, who was able to meet my needs (at this moment) fully. New tour guide is a gift (and at a reduced price). Hahaha
But back to the incredible day. I do remember an old TV program. Cannot now remember the name but it was before color came to TVΩ- that long ago. It contained a snaps shot os history, renenacted., Walter Cronkite would begin with this memorable words.
He: This was a day. A day like all days. Filled with the events that alter and illuminate our times. And you were there.
I have no idea how I can remember that., but I did. Just now when I was writing the blog. Of course, I simply had to Google it.
“As anchorman of the CBS Evening News, I signed off my nightly broadcasts for nearly two decades with a simple statement: ‘And that’s the way it is. ‘ To me, that encapsulates the newsman’s highest ideal: to report the facts as he sees them, without regard for the consequences or controversy that may ensue.”
When I used the ‘copy and paste’ trick a fancy quote appeared. For reasons beyond my control and my understanding such entries to not appear when my emails are posted to the Internet. I mused upon the quote nevertheless.
Me: Is this not the example we need at the present time in the vast world of media? That statement about leaders, is so absolutely and fundamentally true. “We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary ac of intelligently selecting our leaders.”
That is so true the world over. but particularly most acutely in my province of Alberta with the present Premier Danielle Smith. She is so entirely self destructive and-ill educated (no nonedicated) that she may do herself in. What an example! Why was I placed in Edmonton at such a dismal moment in time? Who knows? Perhaps it will be played out upon my return in August. I shall be filled with energy and joyous, a result of all my positive experiences in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has an incredible Ruler – no one here was educated enough to select him . Therefore, Allah (In His Glory) chose him and fave him power. I truly believe that.
At this precise moment I am having too much fun, enjoying such fine adventures, spending time with and being surrounded by such truly fantastic people that I do not want to seclude myself to write. Therefore, the remainder of this blog and the blogs in days to come shall consist of photographs of my adventures with little content. I will supply the details during down times here and after my return to Edmonton.
It is now Tuesday morning. Yesterday an amazing day. The climax, at sunset, was to ride a horse. Enjoyed this interchange.
Me: I rode a horse for the very first time in my life. WOW
He: Really? Your first time?
Me: Yes, A virgin horsewoman at McKenzie Stables.
It was a fine Arab horse. McKenzie Stables is located on the outskirts of Riyadh. As you can see it is the adventure of a lifetime. Spoke to one of the McKenzie Stable Owners.
Me: I totally love being here, my experiences in Saudi Arabia – the country and its Rulers. I would NEVER be here, NEVER if I had not become of the Islamic Faith. It has been a total blessing. All praise to Allah (To His Glory).
Another ABSOLUTELY amazing day planned. Down to breakfast at AmBar, then off to another adventure. Some photos will follow.