Texting My Cousin Telling the Truth About Saudi Arabia; Sleep Tight Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite; No Bedbugs Here in Saudi Arabia; Hopefully Kissing a Cute Camel; But Then Serious; MBS” New Creative Civilization  

This conversation conveys my feelings on so many matters, It is an exchange between a cousin who has a new nickname: C.U.C. It stands for Canadian Uncrazy Cousin. That is because we both refer to me as the Crazy Cousin, she is no. I am not either actuallyt .Here goes.

Me: I am having a truly absolutely amazing time here. The Saudis are the kindest, most generous people. If only the world (or at least Canada were populated by such people.

She: Good to hear you are having an amazing timer. 

Me: Thank you!  I shall write more when I have a chance. I have a very handsome 30 year old tour guide and there is just me. Yum. But not only is he good looking but he is so knowledgable and is showing me the most incredible place on earth. I shall write more of it later. I have never seen such scenery and, as you know, I have travelled the world (and back). I am learning so much from him. 

Me: My hotel very Saudi. My room larger than my apartment in Edmonton, with every amenity. These Saudis know how to live!! 

She: I guess money helps! 

Me: No, it is most inexpensive to live here. I am thinking of spending my (our) winter in this hotel. Photos of this part of Saudi Arabia will follow on the blog. This country has infrastructure that does not stop. There are wide, well paved roads with no traffic, free wifi everywhere, public transportation, cleanliness abounds, no homeless people littering the streets and byways. It is how a country should run and work. I am constantly surprised about this because of the outright lies of Western media (which I once believed). Saudi leaders spend their $$$$ on and in this country Other Middle East rulers spend it abroad with vast holdings in the UK and in the USA. They do it to garner favor – shut up Western media so they do not tell the truth about the oppression and abuses. Spend vast amounts of money competing with one another even though it is expressly forbidden in the Quran. The contrast (I lived in the UAE as you know, and visited Qatar) is amazing. Now at the breakfast buffet, which is free and yummy by the way. 

I then sent her photos of the Jacuzzi bathtub in my room, a gift given to me by management (for no good reason at all) and my prayer room, located in the living room. It faces east (I know by the symbol on the ceiling.) It is a prayer rug provided by the hotel. I sit to pray (that is allowed) because of my knee. 

She:  All very nice. Enjoy your breakfast.. I have a headache so I am off to bed. 

Me: Sorry for your headache. It is morning here with a great day planned. Sleep tight do not let the bed bugs bite. Hahaha 

No idea why I remembered that!! Sleep tight do not let the bed bugs bite. Of course I had to Google it. “Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite” found its origin in the early 1700s, and it is a reminder to tighten the ropes on the bed before sleeping. The “bedbug” is the bed wrench, so “don’t let the bedbugs bite” means to be careful and don’t pinch your fingers on the wrench.In more simple terms: “Don’t let the bed-bugs bite” a long-winded way of saying sleep-tight which means get a good night’s sleep.

But back to Saudi Arabia where it appears there are no bed bugs. There are ones in London, England. I know that from my stay there but not here even though one would think that the climate would be most conducive to bugs, By the way I checked the weather this morning to find that it is only 74 Fahrenheit here at the moment. And, may I point out to the world – it is summer, here, there and everywhere. 

I have a very busy day planned. My tour guide will take me on a final fantastic tour where he has promised the following: 

He: I will try to make you kiss a camel today. 

Me: Okay I guess as long as I do not have to hump one. Please laugh! 

He: hahahahahaha They will be cute camels. 

Me: Thank you very much 

He: Friendly ones. 

Me: All camels are cute. And me and you. 

He: Yeah!!! 

Me: We have a totally crazy relationship but everyone I know has a crazy relationship with me. 

He: Yeah

Me: It must be me. What do you think?? Do not tell me, please. 

He: Okay I wil not tell you. Hahaha I am browsing your blog. 

Me: Finally!! You have known me for three days and finally you get around to it. Hahaha 

He: It is incredibly fantastic 

Me: Oh, thank you!!!! 

Then we talked about chocolate bars and other matters. 

He: See you at 8:30 tomorrow. 

Me: Fabulous. 

But back to serious matters, coinciding with my conversation with CUC. Yesterday an Instagram reel with MBS – so timely!!! Follow the link and you shall see. More about that in the next few days when I have more time (free of the heavy duty of kissing camels) to write. 

The link. https://www.instagram.com/p/CuW5pzAI5or/?igshid=NjFiZTE0ZDQ0ZQ== It is called new creative civilization and that is what he is proposing and has clearly done in his country. I am a witness to that. 

Photos sent to CUC will follow.