I suddenly remember the saying: A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. I am not going to let that get in the way of my next pronouncement. I was reading the YaQueen Institute’s
Introduction to Ramadan, receiving the following break through news. “Muslims still fast from before sunrise to sunset. This could be anywhere from 10-20 hours. In extreme cases, such as those who live above the Arctic circle, they can choose to follow the fasting times of a city in their country with fewer daylight hours, or even to follow the timing of the fast in Makkah.”
Hmmmm. Fasting times throughout cities in Canada do not offer much relief. However, I could follow the timing of the fast in Makkah. I actually had thought of that as a possibility – it seemed reasonable – and the Islamic Faith is totally rational (and scientific). My iPad Muslim App could provide the times – I shall immediately look into this possibility. PHEW.
Then there was other good news, complete with a citation to the Quran. “God intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.” Quran, 2:185
The Yaqueen Institute explanation was most informative and well written. It describes the overall purpose of Ramadan in simple terms
“Going hungry is a reminder of the dependent nature of humans on God, including for basic necessities such as food and drink.
It also encourages the practice of gratitude for all of the blessings of life and sympathy for those who have less.
Many Muslims spend extra money giving to charity and extra time volunteering while fasting.
The entire month is meant to help Muslims shake off the complacency of daily life and jumpstart spiritual growth, piety, and generosity to others”
We now have two phrases and one word to look up – well I do, not counting on any of you strangers to be doing this.
Piety is the word and it has two meanings, both quite different from one another. One is: the quality of being religious or reverent. The other is; a belief or point of view that is accepted with unthinking conventional reverence,
The difference between the two is more readily seen when comparing their synonyms. The first:devotion, piousness, religiousness, religion, holiness, godliness, sanctity, sanctitude, saintliness, devotion to God, veneration, reverence, faith, religious duty, spirituality, sacredness,
The second: obedience, deference, duty, respect, respectfulness, compliance, acquiescence, tractability, tractableness; submissiveness, submission, subservience. ANTONYMS impiety.
Let me say this – about that. I reverted to the Islamic Faith two and a half years ago – my devotion based on Allah’s vision of women as being equal to men. I became of the faith during the pandemic, therefore my practice of the faith began in solitude, and continues in that manner. That is because Muslims do not value woman as they practice the faith in that manner(except perhaps in Indonesia. I am speaking of Muslims world wide – not just in Middle East countries. I did learn the hard way. I observed practices during my stay in the UAE, and here in Edmonton. I also have some insights into some African countries. Muslim men are totally in charge, – there are no such a thing as a female Imam (except in China and Denmark).
Men demand their women to serve with obedience, deference, duty, respect, respectfulness, compliance, acquiescence, tractability, tractableness; submissiveness, submission, subservience.
But it could be that the next definition should come into play. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing is a proverb with the following meaning . A small amount of knowledge can mislead individuals into believing that they are more experienced and expert than what is actually the case. Alexander Pope is the originator: Alexander Pope actually wrote in his often-misquoted “Essay on Criticism” (1711) was: A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.
Here are two examples of too little knowledge. “He read about the procedure online and thought he doesn’t need the doctor to get it done. Now he will have to stay in the hospital far more than he might have in the first place, a little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing. She cut her own fringes and ended up making her face look ridiculous.”
I knew this, but now it has been confirmed. It is thought the greater your intelligence, the greater your learning. But it is actually the other way around. The more you learn, the more intelligent you become.
But what am I doing to do with all of this knowledge? Can I use it to get power? “To become the next Premier of Alberta? (The election is on my 80th birthday.) It is said that, Knowledge is not power, it is only potential. Applying that knowledge is power! The possession of knowledge, unless that knowledge is applied, does not give leverage to the organization or the cause.” I am unclear how my knowledge can be applied in this instance and time is running out.
What are the signs of high intelligence in adults was a question posed. The signs of high intellectual power in adults are similar to those in children. They include quick learning, interest in unique topics, and the ability to process information fast, among others
I am going to break this to you gently, gentle reader. I have high intelligence. Hahaha And I am most humble. Hahahah
More proof is on the way.
7 common traits of highly intelligent people
- They’re highly adaptable. …
- They understand how much they don’t know. …
- They have insatiable curiosity. …
- They ask good questions. …
- They’re sensitive to other people’s experiences. …
- They’re open-minded. …
- They’re skeptical.
I do realize that most of you have not met me but I do have an insatiable curiosity about life, thrive on learning and love finding solutions for real-life problems. “For highly intelligent people, whilst they are most interested in finding solutions for real-life problems, they also enjoy pondering deep philosophical ideas and abstract concepts. From a young age, they have an insatiable curiosity about life; They thrive on learning.”
Again, many of you have not met me – but I am excessively empathetic and have been advised by a professional, to pretend that I am a narcissist saying to myself.
Me: What is in this for me? What am I getting from this relationship?
Alter Ego: You know this!! But you do not practice it.
Me: I know! I know! Maybe I can get my head on straight after Ramadan.
Some psychologists believe that the ability to listen to another person, to empathize with, and to understand their point of view is one of the highest forms of intelligent behavior.
The last promised phrase (help is on the way) shall now be addressed. Go to YouTube and listen to Quicksilver’s version of this song. It is most tongue-in cheek when compared with the Islamic Faith. It is corny one definition of corny is mawkishly sentimental.
This has been a most serious blog and I do realize that not all gentle readers are of the Islamic Faith. One of my Intentions was to abandon world politics for thirty days. In my defense, I assert this is not really politics, it is Trump and it is funny. Once again, Andy Borowitz comes to my rescue with his satire. This is hilarious even if you know nothing about USA politics. The title of this March 23, 2023 jewel is: Trump Says Failure to Arrest Him is a Conspiracy to Keep Him From Getting Donations.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump claimed that the failure of the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, to indict him thus far is “quite frankly, a conspiracy” to keep the Republican Presidential candidate from attracting campaign donations.
“Alvin Bragg, who is a disgrace, should have arrested me by now,” Trump said. “He has treated me very unfairly.”
Trump said that he had made repeated calls to Bragg’s office to demand that he be arrested but has received no answer.
The entire scene is bizarre enough already, the crime Trump allegedly committed was paying a porn star called Stormy hush money prior to the 2016 elections. But Andy goes on to delight.
“There’s something going on,” Trump said. “Obviously George Soros is telling Bragg not to arrest me. This should never be allowed to happen in this country.”
Issuing an ultimatum to Bragg, Trump said that, if he is not arrested by Friday, “I will perform a citizen’s arrest on myself.”
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Trump said. “The easy way would be for Alvin to keep his promise and arrest me, but time is running out.”
Trump has never actually admitted that he was a citizen – how could he perform a citizen’s arrest on himself? Then he could be charged with another offense – Impersonating a Citizen. The punishment for that crime is placing the accused in gallows. Now THAT might bring forth donations for his campaign.
I have nine hours to go before dates – the dried kind, not the ‘go out to dinner and a movie’ variation of long ago. I am planning to research Makkah time. Immediately, if not sooner.
The humor will continue unabated. Two cartoons from an old New Yorker magazine. One depicts the situation in which I found myself in the good old days. The other illustrates why I prefer to hike alone.