My Smart Phone told me it was coming during the night, but sometimes those Smart iPhones are not terribly smart and their predictions do not come true. But this time the Smart Phone got it right. Yeah Smart Phone! I was looking forward to the snow, have been utterly prepared for over a month so I was relieved to look out the window and see the white. What did I do? I did what any self respecting Instagram Individual would do – took a picture and posted it. Well some sophisticated souls would do a fancy Story or maybe a reel – but not me. They care about numbers, I suppose, and messages from sheer strangers. Not I. At this moment I shall supply the caption and capture the interactions between Alexis McTwit and people I know.
Caption: It is officially winter. The snow has arrived. Just a light dusting but weather predictions say more and not much warming. Had a lovely peaceful breakfast gazing at the wonder. No more Legislative cafeteria breakfasts. It will be explained on a later blog.
Almost immediately received a response from a friend living in Abu Dhabi.
She: How Beautiful!
Me: It is actually!!! I am loving being back. The purity of the snow is inspiring actually. Sort of washing away the sins of dreadful Hallowe’en. I shall be talking about sinful Halloween on the blog. Sinful to Muslims, that is.
Then other likes by some closer to home., to which I responded.
Me: Thanks for the like. And I do not have to go out in the cold. Just look at it from up here in my warm apartment. Hahaha😂
She: I wish I had to adventure out in this weather. Hahaha🤣
Me: How funny! I am talking about our conversation on my blog! You will be famous anonymously. Hahaha 🤣
Then a message to a Canadian guy.
Me: Never thought snow could be so beautiful. But do not have to go out in it.
Then a like from a man in Qatar, whom I have never met. .
Me: Snow has a peaceful put beauty not like wild and crazy Qatar at the moment. Hahaha😂
He. ❤️Yes U come here
Me: Not right now. Too crowded!! I love my Canadian peace.
He: Hahaha
Then a man from Dubai wrote:
He: How beautiful!
Me: Rather the opposite of Dubai. I prefer my snow. And the weather is better. Well to a Canadian anyway, 🤣
Then a message to a Middle East young man who appears to be in London at the moment. He sent a photo of Christmas decorations and a photo of some yummy food.
Me: Looks like Christmas already there. But I have the snow. As for the food I found a place yesterday that has Halal beef and chicken on their menu. Unlikely place. Will talk about it on the blog.
Well I am first of all going to talk about the ‘unlikely’ place to find meat I can eat right here In Edmonton. The name of the place is Beer Revolution, so rather unlikely. Yesterday after my Allin Clinic physical therapy appointment I walked to Staples to pick up some more blog cards and then went to London Drugs to buy a small ceramic heater for the bathroom. One of the last purchases needed for the winter. I can warm up the bathroom for my luxurious bubble baths and also for cleansing before obligatory prayer. Beer Revolution is nearby, they serve nonalcoholic beer (and food) and it is a great place from which to call a cab. So I took my parcels, sat at the bar and talked to a man with red hair, an employee. In the course of our conversation he told me about the Muslim allowed chicken and beef. I am SO happy. The staff is incredible. The bartender’s name is Ethan.
Me: Oh my goodness. I met Ethan Hawke. He was filming in the Marin County Civic Center, where I worked, years and years ago.
He: I was named for him. My mother is going to be SO excited when I tell her about this.
Me: That is SO amazing. What are the odds?? Serving an old lady who returned to Edmonton after an absence of 55 years, who asks for your name and has met your namesake?? Astronomical?!?!
A woman employee came by to chat with me.
Me: What is your position here, what do you do?
She: I am the manager.
Me: My goodness. A woman manager. That is absolutely terrific! What a place this is!
And what are the odds of finding a place called the Beer Revolution that serves allowed beer and chicken. I am in heaven!! I can go to the Allin Clinic, after that walk to the stores at Unity Square, go shopping, have some meat, call a cab and go home. Life is good!!!
I was going to talk about Satanic Halloween, which will include a shocking fact about the practices of an Edmonton mosque but the peace of the snow is leaving me peaceful, calm and serene. This discussion shall , of course, involve matters of the Islamic faith. Perhaps later in the day. I have a number of boring chores that must be completed.
I will also discuss why I have abandoned my Legislative Building breakfasts but that is complicated. It involves matters of theIslamic faith as well.
Hopefully two photos will be attached to this blog. One is the one that appeared on Instagram, photographed this morning. The other is a remembered photo taken in Vancouver from my apartment on Richards Street. Snow occasionally comes to Vancouver but then it departs as the rain washes it away. Rain becomes snow in Edmonton. I SO prefer snow over rain. You see, I am in heaven. Not Jannah as yet. I am behaving myself in order to be blessed in order to get their eventually but, first of all, I have to die of natural causes. My trusted primary care physician in Marin County, California said I would live at least until I am 100. Therefore I am facing twenty-one years of behaving myself. Now that could be rather challenging.
Challenging is testing one’s abilities; demanding. Some of its synonyms are: demanding,, testing, taxing, exacting,, searching; difficult, tough, hard, heavy, stiff, formidable, onerous, arduous, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, grueling. But other synonyms are: stretching, exciting, stimulating, inspirational and searching. I prefer to think of the years ahead as stretching, searching, exciting, stimulating, inspirational. I guess that is just me.