This morning, this fine Saturday morning, it does seem like I am in heaven and I shall explain why. The heaven is not Jannah but it has to suffice for the moment because I am not dead yet. What does suffice mean? Suffice, a verb means be enough or adequate. It is to be enough, be sufficient, be adequate, do, serve, meet requirements, satisfy demands, pass muster; fit/fill the bill, make the grade, cut the mustard, hit the spot.
My top floor apartment, amongst the clouds will have to cut the mustard, pass mustered hit the spot for now. Why is it heaven at this point in time? Probably first, and most importantly, it is finally cool, finally livable here in this northern city. The good news, shared by text to two men in Abu Dhabi is that it is the high today is going to be 21 Celsius. Here is the funniest interchange, it is with a man who runs in the dreadful heat of that place. He pictured a run under conditions best described as hell.
Me: Go for it!
He Why (with laughing emoji)
Me: You must be insane running in that heat. Come to Edmonton.
He: I can’t stop! (With laughing and broken heart emojis)
Me: Poor you! Edmonton is far away and if you cannot run on water impossible I guess.
Me: Then I added a giph of a guy looking about in vain, and added.
Me: Impossible. That is me looking for you.
The other Abu Dhabi guy was less articulate. I added a photo of my coffee of the morning with this caption.
Me: My humble Canadian coffee
He: So yummy Nice mug dear.
Me: Thanks. Bought it at a dollar store. I have fancy Monet ones as well but love my Canadian mu one.
He: You have a nice test of choice.
As you can see the first guy, the runner, requires a lot less effort but do have to admit that I am funnier with him than the other.
I do have plans for the day, after I finish this blog. I am going grocery shopping.
You: How thrilling is that?!?!
Me: Well it is great for a change and for me it is a change. For years I have been living in hotels and eating in restaurants so it is an adventure to be able to shop for groceries and cook for myself.
You: Where will you go?
Me: I will call Yellow Cab and tell them to take me to Save-On. It is an absolutely huge grocery store. Actually walkable but need to save my energy. I will take my carry-on luggage and put many groceries in it, along with a couple of bags.
You: What then?
Me: Call another Yellow Cab to come and pick me up and take me back to my apartment. Save-On delivers but it is more fun to go to the store, the selection is much better and prices cheaper.
Therefore, after finishing this blog shall make a grocery list, get dressed and be off for the first task of the day.
Then shall put away the groceries. Another reason it is heaven is that I can readily afford them. I do not have to worry about the cost of groceries because there is only me to feed. I did not have children (on purpose) and got rid of all my husbands and do not have a family.
Then I do have a job to do – a skill set to be learned, something to occupy my time and talent. I am going to learn how to tie a head scarf, just to show some women that I can do it.
You will need some background to understand this, and it will be instantly provided.
Yesterday I went to the Al Rashid Mosque for Friday prayers. It is a long cab ride away, joked with the driver.
Me: Yes I am going to Friday prayers. I am nervous. I feel like a little kid going to kindergarten for the first time.
He: Why?
Me: Well I have only been to prayers at a Mosque once before, actually at the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. There are many rituals that I do not understand as I became a Muslim during Covid days and the mosques, particularly for women, were closed.
He: What happened at the Grand Mosque?
Me: A Muslim man, my taxi driver, took me pushing me in a wheel chair as the Grand Mosque is huge and much walking. A staff member came and helped me teaching me how to cleanse myself first. I sat on a chair during prayers which was allowed. At the conclusion of prayers the wonderful woman wheeled me out and we waited for my pusher to leave his prayers and take me back to the hotel.
He: But now you do not need a wheel chair
Me: No. I have a great Edmonton physiotherapist and have made great improvements. And this Mosque is not as grand. Hahaha
I arrived and was instantly befriended by a wonderful woman who was also a revert. She showed me where to put my shoes, and we had a wonderful time exchanging stories. Another woman, a friend of hers, was also new to the faith. She sat on a chair next to me and gently showed me what to do – the placement of hands and the body gestures. At just the right moment the first woman revert said she had to go to the bathroom – it was a necessity for me so I followed along gratefully. While there I randomly spoke to a woman, telling her how awkward I felt.
She: Me too! It is the first time I went to prayers.
Me: Let me give you a hug! It was difficult but we made it through the experience.
She: Yes we did!
Me: Next time it will be easier.
To say the very least, it was an entirely different experience in some ways, and in some ways not. Women attend prayers with their children – usually their girl children. The little ones do not pray but often climb all over their kneeling mothers. It is a beautiful sight as the child can see their mother at prayer. Not segregated as in Protestant faiths where the children go to Sunday school. The little girls were often beautifully dressed in head scarves and abayas. I complimented many on their dress, their mothers were grateful. The ‘sermon’ was meaningful, found myself nodding in agreement. The Inman spoke of the importance of good manners which is strongly, very strongly emphasized in the Quran. He spoke of going back to school, stressing that children must return with their good manners as that would help them during the school year and in the rest of their life.
The wonderful fellow reverts I met told me of a class for those new to the faith on Saturday at 7 pm. I promised to attend and shall go. But in the meantime the first revert texted me.
She: Assalamu Alikroom. This is M’s number. She asked me to give it to you. She was wondering if you needed any new Hijabs?
Me: Who does not need hijabs. Hahaha
She: LOL. My husband complains that I have too many all the time.
Me: Tell him that one can never be too rich nor too thin nor have too many hijabs. Hahahaha
She: Hahaha I will tell him that.
Me: If only I could figure out how to time them on properly
She: I can show you are there are a lot on videos on Instagram.
Me: Perhaps scarf tying should bee the sixth pillar.
She: LOL
Me: I am laughing at my own joke even if it was a bit blasphemous.
She: I got a lot of ideas from Instagram It’s not easy.
Me: Well I try but somehow I end up strangling myself. I just need to figure out one or two.
We chatted longer and then I signed off.
Me: Gotta go to sleep. See you tomorrow.
She: Good night!
We exchanged giphs – hers was better.
Me: You win. So funny!!
She: Hahaha
So secretly, before this evening and after the grocery shopping, I will master at least one hijab tying. I am determined. If success is reached it shall be pictured on tomorrow (or the next day’s) blog.

Where did it come from? One theory is that it was used by the ventriloquist Edgar Bergen – who had radio shows in the 1940s and 1950s – as the catchphrase of his not very bright dummy Mortimer Snerd.
On that profound note I shall close.