Well, this contribution from Andy does feature a woman therefore we are still on target. “In a remarkable discovery, a customer who purchased a MyPillow duvet found it stuffed with classified documents from the desk of Donald J. Trump. Carol Foyler, who lives in Akron, Ohio, said that, after she accidentally tore open the duvet, a trove of shredded documents came spilling out.”
Where will this go? You are probably wondering this. “After she began taping together the documents, she found several relating to national defense, including an order from Trump to send a birthday cake to the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un. Foyler said that, once she finishes reconstituting the documents, she will send them to the National Archives in Washington for safekeeping. “Obviously, it’s not ideal to find classified documents inside a random duvet, but so far I haven’t seen the nuclear codes,” she said.”
The birthday cake to Kim Jong Fu and not finding the nuclear codes – hysterically funny in my eyes.
But back to serious. As About Me goes on to discuss. “As you will read I became a Muslim, the inspiration for my conversion is Allah’s treatment of women. They are revered, honored and cherished. Western lazy journalists know nothing of the faith – their laziness and lies have cost Muslims their lives. Most recently in Canada, my birth country. London, Ontario, Canada saw the a Muslim family murdered simply because they were Muslims.” They were run over by a car driven by a man filled with hatred and Islamophobia.
My observations about women within the faith was confirmed by a February 7,2022 article, again appearing in The National. “Seven Emiratis have been named among Forbes’ 50 most powerful businesswomen in the Middle East in 2021. The UAE, along with Egypt, had the most entries in the list of the Middle East and North Africa’s most influential and successful female entrepreneurs. Some are leaders of multinational companies, while others helped their organisations achieve major milestones in 2021. The list includes women of 19 nationalities working in 17 sectors, with banking and financial services featured most.”
The article goes on to discuss, in greater detail, the accomplishments of select women.
“Raja Easa Al Gurg, an Emirati who is the group managing director and vice-chairwoman of Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group, ranks first on the list. Her organisation owns 27 companies that have been operating for more than 60 years in retail, lifestyle, construction and real estate.
Ms Al Gurg is also the president of the Dubai Business Women Council and a member of the board of directors of Dubai Chambers. Hana Al Rostamani, an Emirati who is the group chief executive of First Abu Dhabi Bank, ranks third on the Forbes list. She is the first female chief executive of the bank, which is the UAE’s largest, with total assets of $268 billion as of September 2021.”
It is almost difficult to get one’s arms around Ms. Rostamani’s accomplishments, the first female chief executive of a UAE bank that has assets of $268 billion dollars.
Others are mentioned. Women leading companies based in the UAE are also on the list.
Renuka Jagtiani, chairwoman and chief executive of the Landmark Group, was ranked in second place. The Dubai-based organisation operates in 21 countries and has more than 50,000 employees working in more than 2,200 outlets.”
Other Forbes’ accomplishments are mentioned: “Forbes also released a list of the top five Arab women that made history in 2021. It included Emirati engineer Nora Al Matrooshi, who is the first Arab female training to be an astronaut.”
Here is the link to the article: https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/2022/02/07/forbes-list-seven-emiratis-among-50-most-powerful-businesswomen-in-middle-east/
But, as mentioned, there was also another woman, a Canadian, who inspired me. She was discovered through the powers of Instagram, a link to YouTube which provided viewing of a speech made by Member of Commons Raquel Dancho. Wikipedia provides us with some details: “Raquel Dancho MP is a Canadian politician who serves as the member of Parliament for Kildonan—St. Paul, Manitoba. A member of the Conservative Party, Dancho was elected following the 2019 Canadian federal election.”
Her stirring, enlightening speech illustrated the aspects of a fractionated Canada. The cause of the division is due to the effects of Covid-19 and the classically inept handling of the crisis by The Liberal Government which has left the populace deprived of all hope. So Google her, there are several videos made by this inspiring woman. The February 7,2022 speech is titled:
There is a Time to Build Bridges, Not Burn Them. She addresses other topical issues in a series of videos that are yours for the viewing. There was a fascinating moment – she spoke of Members of the House of Commons being privileged and this was met with disdain by one of her male colleagues. She was not building bridges when she came back at him – he was burned! Some people mistake collaboration and consolidation by women as weakness. They are utterly surprised, shocked and dismayed when the person they perceive as vulnerable and passive strikes out and annihilates them. I am capable of such aggression when it is warranted.
Annihilate is such a good word: destroy utterly; obliterate. It has powerful synonyms: wipe out, obliterate, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map, kill, slaughter, exterminate, eliminate, liquidate, eradicate, extinguish, finish off, erase, root out, extirpate; take out, rub out, snuff out, zap, waste. It antonyms are: create, build, establish .
So Raquel Dancho in this midst of a speech calling for the creation and building bridges in fractionated Canada obliterated, snuffed out, zapped, slaughtered and wasted a haughty male colleague. It was a joy to behold.
But onto something completely different. Today is Valentine’s Day. One day, many moons ago, I composed a poem. I had to be about thirteen but I still remember the fateful words:
Valentine’s Day is the day
That I am made to pay
For the way I was most coy
To more than one boy.
All can now see, and are, no doubt relieved, that prose, not poetry is by vehicle. Today is a totally IN day – going no where and doing nothing but take care of myself and perform a number of boring tasks. I shall treat myself to coffee at Costa and hope for foam in the shape of a heart. But otherwise, have no plans at the present moment. Two chefs here in the Middle East are offering sumptuous Valentine’s dinners. But I have no date. I did propose to both of them that I be their date – but have not received a response as yet. Oh well…it would be fattening and my GERD precludes late night dining. We shall see. That is the utterly amazing aspect of the Islamic faith – one puts their faith in Allah. No matter what happens there is no dismay, follow Allah’s guidance and all will be well. I have no idea how non Muslims can cope with this world or how I managed for 77 years without HIm, the all powerful, all merciful, the only God. All praise to Allah.
Photographs will be attached. One is of my beautifully manicured hand (and I have toes to match). The magic was performed at De Joie Beauty Lounge at the St. Regis. It was a delightful experience with the staff and a curious, intelligent eight year old from the UK, who actually was born in Abu Dhabi. She and I had great fun. But there was also great news. My nail, slammed into the taxi door, is fine and has been restored to all of its glory with purple nail polish. I owe it all to my quick thinking and the incredible speed and assistance of SAD
(Sheikha Awesome Driver). He sped to find ice, found a container for the ice and my poor finger was submerged which prevented severe swelling. Such a team this Sheikha Fatimah and her Driver.
Also pictured is a treat presented yesterday. Honest to goodness, it is vegetable biscuits called Lexus. No idea where he found them. So now I can eat a Lexus biscuit and perhaps lease a Lexus yet again. We shall see. I had to turn in my leased Lexus when I fled the USA where I was persecuted as a Muslim woman. But I am happy here and am, in a way, thankful for the persecution., because without it I would not be here, which seems to be my destiny.
Oh, by the way. The photograph is of my left hand because my right hand (the one with the injured finger) has no rings. I must tell the hilariously unlikely story of the rings on my left hand. I do so in person but can definitely share it on the blog.
Bye for now. Onward with the Day. The Day I was made to pay for the way I was most coy for more than one boy.