Well, the eagle has landed, said I, in an email to Jacob. But where does that expression come from? “The eagle has landed” is a common expression used to indicate any successful arrival or completion of a “mission” objective. More on the subject: The Eagle has landed.” The relief between the astronauts on the moon, and mission control back on Earth must have been immense. Charlie Duke in mission control replied: “Roger Tranquility, we copy you on the ground. “When the struts of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module met the powdery surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong marked the arrival with an eight-word message back home. “Houston,” Armstrong said. “Tranquility base here.” The Eagle has landed.” We could go on and on about this, there was even a movie by that title but onto bigger and better things.
Well, it is not altogether an accurate phrase because, obviously I am not an eagle, and not even birdbrained. Birdbrain is an idiom and while ‘birdbrain’ has long been a pejorative term used to insult someone’s intelligence, rooks are considered particularly smart. What would you people do without me? Teaching you all of this useless trivia. So I am not an eagle and I am not even bald. I recently learned that a certain man is bald. He tactfully posted a photograph of him, bareheaded, kissing his grandchildren. I was very tactful (believe that or not) – merely saying that I had thick white short hair (which is the truth). I did NOT say this:
Me: Oh No!! I had images of running my fingers through your formerly thick hair.
I had seen many photographs of the individual with thick hair, usually he was on a horse. Well aging does affect one. I searched for and found a photograph of me with short hair, taken probably fifty years ago. The hair looks about the same but there is no doubt that I have aged. I definitely was cute and you shall see that for yourself.
I am writing this from bed (as usual) but not the usual bed as I am in Dubai. I emailed Jacob Huerra, who did turn out to be a good guy after all even though I previously called him a fork-tongued lizard. He was in a difficult position that I was not aware of. So he is definitely ok in my books, but his boss, the Regional Manager and the so-called attorney are still, to be polite, scum. This was the email send to Good Guy Jacob with the Subject Line: The Eagle Has Landed:
Me: Hello there, I am here in Dubai. In my fabulous hotel with a fabulously big bed with great sheets. Lovely to the skin. I am in bed alone (of course) except for the V, I can imagine you laughing when you read that. It is 3 in the morning – the joys of jet lag. Breakfast is not until 6 and I am counting the seconds as I am absolutely starving. Arriving super easy – photo on Instagram where I am Alexis McTwit. I had an anxiety attack just before landing – not pretty. Felt that I could not breathe, felt sick to my stomach but did not throw up and Paul, the guy next to me – taught me a breathing technique that worked. “Where would I be without you?” Said I. You have heard that before from me.
I am going to breakfast Muslim style. Abaya and head scarf. Qur’an says when you meet your husband for the first time you should be so dressed. So I had might as well, because I have not unpacked the rest of my clothes. It is 80 degrees here but it is 3:22 am. Some instant coffee is helping out.
Hope you are well and not too bored without me. Hahaha Alexis.
So he is definitely in my good graces again. He said the sweetest thing.
He: Every time I have a conversation with you, I laugh.
Me: That is the sweetest thing anyone said to me. Well once Joo Kim Tiah said that every time he read an email from me, he learned a new word. That was sweet but it did not work out AND English was his second language.
Basically the Air Emeritus flight was fabulous (well except for the anxiety attack and then my right arm started to bleed (thank you Officer Mendes and the other creeps at Central Marin Police Department). But the crew on Air Emeritus were so fantastic on both occasions. They gave me suggestions about my nausea and put a bandage on my bleeding arm ( supplying me with several more, just in case). As the photograph illustrates the welcome at the airport was most welcoming. It is posted on Instagram as well with the following caption. Watch out Dubai. I am here! These wonderful people greeted me at the Dubai Airport. Another man joined the crew as he picked up my bags. He said I made his day because I called him “My Hero”. We were all so very jolly. One fellow woman traveller congratulated me on my cheerfulness. Then a taxi to my hotel. More later, Stay tuned.”
The other photograph is from the plane as we were landing in Dubai. I posted it Instagram with the following caption: Landing in Dubai. Obviously I did not have the window seat but did the best I could under the circumstances. I received a TOTALLY funny response, to which I, of course, responded:
He: Is that a private jet, girlie?
Me: Shut up! No, not yet. Hahaha
I am now going to have another cup of instant coffee, then put on eye make-up according to Ricky’s directions. By then it should be breakfast time. It better be breakfast time!
As all can see, I am happy, happy, happy. Honestly, last night I laid my head upon the pillow and said:
Me: What a relief! I am here where I am safe and feel at home. I totally do, it is so very strange.
You shall hear more as this visit progresses.