Yesterday was not so fantastic but after the successful trip to the Marin County Clerk’s Office all was well. I did not fuss about the fact that a totally illegal and wrongful unlawful detainer had been filed against me and I had to pay a filing fee to Answer the piece of dodo.
Now dodo is a perfect word an old-fashioned and ineffective person or thing. Used in a phrase, it is dead as a dodo. The origins of the word: early 17th century: from Portuguese doudo ‘simpleton’ (because the bird had no fear of man and was easily killed). Now where would you people be without me and these valuable truths? You are certainly going to miss me if I go away. Well I am going away – to Dubai as a matter of fact, but as I am taking my computer with me – you shall be stuck with me. I do ABSOLUTELY love Air Emeritus already and I am not even on the plane as yet. I woke up to a confirmation of my trip to the airport – it is not a limousine but a passenger car but who cares? I just want to get to the airport and it will certainly get me there. Somebody suggested I take Uber.
He: So you will take Uber to the airport?
Me: Are you kidding???? I am using an Air Emeritus service and it is even cheaper than Uber, You clearly do not know exactly what you are doing but you are only 24, after all.
Then another email from Air Emeritus telling me that someone will greet me at the airport. I do not even have to wait for my luggage as it will be taken to my hotel. My goodness I feel like a Queen already. I can call ahead of time and make arrangements if I like but I do think I may just wait until I get there. I realized (suddenly and joyfully) that I will be celebrating my first anniversary of becoming a Muslim on October 20, 2021. I am thinking of booking a trip to Abu Dhabi that day as there is an incredible mosque there. I have never been in a mosque, never my whole life and I am 78. It is the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and was conceived of by the country’s founding father. You will hear about it after my visit there, I promise.
But back to yesterday at the County Clerk’s Office. So I flashed my credit card, paying the filing fee, thought of the poor people that had been wrongfully served with a complaint – but I guess they can get free filing if they qualify. I would not qualify and here is the good news – I get free rent during this whole process. I can request a jury trial (which I shall) and it can take probably months as it would not be a priority case. Therefore, I have the money to pay the filing fee as my rent is far more expensive than the filing fee. You see the Qur’an came true yet again when it says that good and evil are not evenly matched – good always wins over evil. Sometimes it takes a little while but it does.
I look back at my prior visit to Dubai, January 2020. I arrived in the middle of a rain storm (believe that or not) with no hotel reservations – nothing. I do have a very good excuse for that poor planning, by the way. But magically got hotel reservations at a great hotel, licked my wounds, had a large margarita at the pool and all was well. Attached to the blog will be a picture to me in my Wonder Woman bathing suit at the bar. The glass is empty, it was an empty glass but if was filled (and emptied) later. I can do it all again (except there will be no tequila in the glass because now I am a Muslim – then I was not.
But back again to the Clerk’s Office. I spoke to a woman, she was there with another woman who did not speak English.
She: I know you! You go to Select Physical Therapy, that is where I met you.
Me: I do! Yes I remember you!
So we hugged and I told her of my plans (going to Dubai and everything.) She is very happy for me. Then on the way back to my apartment (the one I do not have to pay any rent for while this unlawful action goes on), I stopped at the nearby Lucky’s and there was a man who works at Andy’s Market. I have not been there for months, now there is another story with a happy ending. This is the happy ending, it was a conversation between me and Andy, the guy that owns the store.
Me: I am banned from Andy’s
He: So you are the trouble maker.
Me: I am not a trouble-maker, it was a lie. I realized later that security cameras do not have audio. It was said that I made racist statements and I did not. I was going to sue but I let it go. Who cares? With the money I saved shopping at Safeway’s rather than expensive Andy’s I was able to buy that Lexus you see parked there.
Well, it was a slight exaggeration as I lease the car, did not buy it. Always remember this about me – I always tell the truth, sometimes I exaggerate a little, but I always tell the truth.
When I was unhappy, the day before last, I guess. I thought of this song.
It is Smile, the best version on You Tube is the one by Nat King Cole. There is another poignant song by he and his daughter which will be in a subsequent blog.
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrows
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although our tears may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you smile
When there are clouds in the sky
You’ll get by
If you smile, smile
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile (smile)
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
It works, it always does and then you bring joy to others. Well not evil jealous women who hate it when you smile, when others around you smile and they do not get the attention they crave. Poor Amanda in 122 (well soon formerly in 122).
Two photos. One is me at the Dubai hotel bar and the other is me and a wonderful employee at the hotel whose job was to give people dates – the edible kind. When I left in 2020 he said that he would kill himself if I did not come back. Therefore, I signed a note promising him that I would – and I am. I do what I say I will do and tell the truth. It is a lethal combination, particularly to evil people. Particularly with Allah at my side protecting me (in the long run).