Cheerful and uplifting topics. Faithful readers will know that one tenet of the Islamic faith is the belief that Allah gives certain people gifts – but if given a gift one is to use it. Not gloat, not sit about on one’s rear end, not endlessly thanking Allah (or perhaps Jesus) for the gift – but utilize it., exploit the gift for good. Allah has bestowed a number of gifts upon me. The ability to write, the ability to bring cheer and humor to the world, my intelligence, creativity used in flower arranging and photograph are but a few examples. Allah also gifted me with the gift of the gab. What is that and how do I use it in such a manner as to turn it into the gift that keeps on giving? The meaning of the gift of the gab was found with the wondrous assistance of Google: “Meaning: “Someone who has the ability to speak well. Example: Lawyers are often born with the gift of the gab.” How do you know if you have the gift of the gab? If you have the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you. How does one get the gift of the gab? 1) Use Visual Words. Visual words are words that create vivid images in the mind. 2) use alliteration which is the technique of using words that share the same first letter. 3) Use the rule of three. The rule of three takes account of the fact that most minds like short lists of three elements. “ Another simpler definition: “One could say that the person having the gift of the gab is erudite which is having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying knowledge, like an erudite scholar.”
How did I benefit from my gift of the gab? Last week was at Altogether Different getting beautified. Rather than walk home decided to stay and converse with others availing themselves of Kim’s skill and talents. A man and his son who were regular customers arrived, I gabbed, he gabbed, we all gabbed. The father works for WestAmerica Bank, we discussed the banking industry, I expressing my extreme distinct dissatisfaction with Chase Bank, most particularly the inept financial planners I have been ‘blessed’ with over the years. I asked the father if he knew of a financial planner.
He: Yes, Our bank has an excellent one. If you give me your number I will have him call you.
Me: I would be SO grateful.
What made this an incredibly happy story is that the very next day the financial planner called, he took preliminary information and soon we shall meet. He inspired great confidence, says he enjoys helping people. I do believe him – and the good part is this, he could not do any worse than the JP Morgan guys. Apparently JP Morgan men do not have a good reputation. After meeting with him I may share his name with his permission. So my big mouth, my gift of the gab paid off and there will be one less thing for me to worry about in the upcoming crucial days and nights.
Why crucial? What is crucial? It is decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something. Synonyms are: pivotal; critical, key, climacteric, decisive, deciding, determining, settling, testing, trying, searching; major, significant, influential, momentous, consequential, weighty, big, important, historic, epoch-making, far-reaching, life-and-death. What is happening soon that is life-and-death? Well, I do hope not life-and death as we are talking about my left knee replacement surgery. All of my focus and energies shall be fixed upon the preparation and execution of my knee. (Oops, where did that word execution come from?) The surgical scheduler a wonderful woman, so extremely gracious and helpful and efficient. D-Day was not launched with greater precision, with me on the phone making appointments. A dental appointment to get clearance (and perhaps cleaning), a pre-op appointment with my PCP, an appointment with the physical therapist so that exercises are taught and executed before the surgery, unsureness and pain. Necessary drugs will be prescribed and obtained from the pharmacy one week prior to surgery. I shall be practice walking with my walker. I do so want to get this over with – my mobility restored so that I can enter the next chapter of my life.
This aspect is rather unbelievable (as is most of my life). During this past year, during which Covid reigned a new building, Oak Pavilion opened. “With its beautiful healing environment, smart technologies and top-of-the-line equipment, the new Oak Pavilion has enhanced patient care, comfort and safety in a multitude of way. “Surgery & Procedures boasts three large new operating rooms with plenty of space to accommodate the latest equipment. Two of these rooms can be equipped with the latest robotic surgery…… Well, I do hope a robot will not be performing my surgery, I did meet him and he seemed exactly like a man. It seems as if they build this addition just for me. Well, of course this is not true. I do remember meeting Joo Kim Tiah in Vancouver for the firs time, speaking of his new hotel where I was residing to my great comfort and creativity at the time.
Me: (shaking his hand) Thank you for building this hotel for me.
He: You are most welcome!
So when admitted, I shall shake the hand of the Chief Executive Officer and say:
Me: Thank you for building Oak Pavilion for me.
Well, I do not actually think that the Chief Executive Officer will be there admitting me to the hospital. I met the woman that will be admitting me – she is a wonderful woman, She was visiting one of my neighbors, also a wonderful woman.
So that is all.
July 4th was a quiet day with no formal celebrations at all. I did place upon my body my patriotic bathing suit – my Wonder Woman bathing suit – and went to the jacuzzi. But that was about it. One photograph shall be Alexis in the bathing suit pictured at a hotel in Dubai and featured on Instagram about a year and a half ago. It looks like I had consumed a huge margarita but the glass was empty to begin with (although it was later filled to the brim).
The other photograph was placed on Instagram yesterday with the following caption. “My refrigerator magnet and my philosophy of life. Happy 4th to all.”