This quote, so profound and meaningful was posted on Instagram. “Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it, possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Maya Angelo.” I shall put that in the About Me section of the blog, giving credit to Maya Angelou but making it my motto as well. It is definitely something I stridently in which believe.
But here is a really rather lovely exchange between Alexis McTwit and Mozdy 360 . His post begins.
He: The Person Reading This: I Know you are Struggling…So I am sending you Strength or Love, Hope and Light. Then: The struggle is real – Depression is real. Mental Health is an illness and not a bad day.
I responded: Fortunately I am not struggling. So I can combine my strength with yours to give people a double dose.
He: Can You Just Imagine Our Combined Strength. Would do. It would heal the Whole World.
Me:I totally agree. I do have a 17 year old administrative assistant who is SO smart and positive. We get things done and I say that we could conquer the world
He: You Beautiful Ladies are the A Team
Me: You are our most honorary member. With so much affection.
My goodness what a wonderful message to receive from him and I do think it is probably true. However, do you remember that he is so far away. Australia as a matter of fact. .
I do laugh.
Me: Wise Man said that the reason the Ozzie guy and I get along so well is because we have the same sort of sense of humor.
He: You know he is Absolutely Right.
Me: He always is absolutely right! He is most unusual and fabulous.
Mozdy is such a sweet man. I reached out to him upon coming home from my Fantastic Birthday party. I was exhausted and in pain – this was our exchange.
Me: I need your care right now. I am in such pain – my knee. Was brave for my birthday. But now?!?! OMG. I can barely walk. I have great medical care and have pain medication but it makes one stupid
He: You Poor Thing. That’s Because Of Your Celebration Grooving.
Me: You are wonderful and so right, Too much grooving. Slightly less painful this morning. Had such a lovely time with people, so thankful to have good people in my life!
Well, it was the best birthday of my entire life and I am old – 78 is old. Well too old to be dancing to Dancing Queen. I will talk about the party more. I mentioned it to my cousin – the beauty of the day, the beautiful vistas of Marin County spread out (without the problems, traffic congestion being one of the main ones). Music, food, barbecued hot dogs from the Pham Fantastic Family, wonderful guests. It is chronicled exhaustively on Instagram, where I am Alexis McTwit. Probably too exhaustively, come to think of it. So many amusing things happened over the day. This a conversation at my party. One attendee is my next door neighbor.
He: Yes, I live next door to Alexis. I said to Management – I live next door to that woman. You need to either give me a rebate on my rent or give me a different apartment.
Me: I think you are joking. But if not, I hope you get a rebate because I would miss you!!!
His wife and I spoke later.
She: That was a fun party. Sorry we had to leave early.
Me: Yes it was a GREAT party. Some of the people that I invited did not turn up. But that was OK because, come to think of it., they would have spoiled it in a way. Obviously, that was not you two because you were there. Hahahaha
But the party did me in – I am in horrible pain with the knee. WW came today to clean my apartment. She has other skills and other employment. She looked at the MRI – she was shocked, She can read that language, a bit too technical for me.
She: Oh my goodness. You have EVERYTHING wrong with your knee. Usually just one – for example bone on bone with no cartilage. But you have five severe problems with your knee.
Me: Well I knew it was bad when I got the MRI results. But this bad?!?!
She: I have never heard or seen anything like that report.
Me: Thanks dear. Now it is hurting even more!!!! Hahaha
But we had a long discussion and I was able to use the information from my right knee replacement surgery. I am going to use my walker – still walk for nearby appointments but the walker will keep the weight off the knee. Asked my Primary Care Physician for his intervention to get me an appointment with the surgeon sooner than June 28. My right knee replacement surgeon retired but an able man (according to PCP) took over her patients. All will be well. It is a good thing I have only two knees (and not three like men have, according to a friend.) All is well, I guess.
Interestingly, the man who says that he is Fazza is communicating with me. Who knows, it might be him??? We have spoken on the phone and exchanged texts. And we are getting along with one another, sometimes speaking of important things.
Many photographs will accompany this blog. Oh yes, it suddenly occurs – must define Fantastic, its meaning being: extraordinarily good or attractive. These are the appropriate synonyms, fantastic can have more than one meaning (by the way). Appropriate synonyms are: marvelous, wonderful, sensational, magnificent, outstanding, superb, superlative, excellent, very good, first-rate, first-class, dazzling, out of this world, breathtaking; great, terrific, tremendous, fabulous, fab, mega, super, stellar, ace, magic, A1, cracking, cool, awesome, amazeballs, way-out, def, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; brilliant, brill, smashing, bosting, Australian informal bonzer; spiffing, topping, tip-top, top-notch, capital. Antonyms:ordinary, poor
So the Pham Fantastic family is amazeballs, A1, out of this world, fab, bonzer and top-notch. But my very favorite is supercalifragilisticexpiadocious. Is not that not your very favorite? This is a conversation reported on this blog, was speaking to a Muslim man, who did follow his faith, faithfully.
Me: So I am convinced that Allah gave me this family, this Pham family. But don’t you think that he would have given me a Muslim family?
He: Well – you would have thought so. But who knows?
Me: Indeed!!!
As mentioned photographs of my birthday and its remnants will accompany this blog.
I almost forgot!! One of the highest moments of my day was a totally unexpected call. It was My Prince – I had not heard from him in weeks, have no idea what is going on with him and that immensely wealthy family. He is SO sweet, he wished me Happy Birthday.
Me: I am SO glad to hear from you, you made my day.
He: Of course, I was going to call you on your birthday Granny.
Me: How was I to know?? I do not understand Royalty very well at all.
He: No Granny, you do not.
Me: But I know you are under pressures that I will never understand. Having so much money can be a pain.
There is a song that comes to mind. Give Me The Simple Life. I googled it, and here are the lyrics.
I don’t believe in frettin’ and grievin’
Why mess around with strife?
I never was cut out to step and strut out
Give me the simple life
Some find it pleasant dining on pheasant
Those things roll off my knife
Just serve me tomatoes and mashed potatoes
Give me the simple life
A cottage small is all I’m after
Not one that’s spacious and wide
A home that rings with joy and laughter
And the ones you love inside
Some like the high road, I like the low road
Free from the grief and strife
Sounds corny and seedy, but, yes, indeedy
Give me the simple life
I do fear that I no longer have the Simple Life but the Pham Fantastic Family ground me.