This is going to be a very serious blog so it is best to begin it with humour and Andy Borowitz of The New Yorker comes to your rescue. This one is priceless: “Explaining their vote against an impeachment trial, Senate Republicans asserted that it is unconstitutional to hold government officials accountable unless they are Hillary Clinton.“I’ve consulted with the finest constitutional lawyers in the country,” Senator John Cornyn, of Texas, said. “Without exception, they determined that the enforcement measures that the Framers created, in 1787, were intended only to be used in cases of Hillary.” It goes on in uproarious fashion. “Senator Josh Hawley, of Missouri, concurred. “To see legal guardrails that James Madison explicitly designed for Hillary Clinton used on someone who is demonstrably not Hillary Clinton is a disgrace,” he said.
Senator Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, struck a more conciliatory note, suggesting that there were circumstances under which Senate Republicans might support an impeachment trial next month. “If a decision were made to put Hillary Clinton on trial, we would be on board with that,” he said.”
I do wonder if Hilary Clinton reads this and laughs, but do recall that she seemed to not have much of a sense of humour. A sense of humour should be mandatory if you have a philandering husband, do please remember that she did. The victim was an intern in the office – that make Former President Clinton a Harvey Weinstein. It just goes to show that no one is perfect and that perceptions of evil can be altered. Harvey Weinstein is considered evil, but President Clinton was not considered evil. Impeachable but not evil; whereas Former President Trump is both evil and impeachable (times 2)
Which leads us to the promised discussion of evil in the Islamic faith, promised for so long. The following touches upon evil but primarily deals with a more complicated and important concept in the Islamic faith
A Mystical Dimension of Islam
There is a mystical dimension of Islam, traditionally represented by Sufism
One of the most influential Sufis of Islam is Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, born in 1207 known for his mystical poetry. Rūmī has been considered as one of the greatest intellectuals of the world because of his ability to interpret difficult theological concepts in poetic language. His most important work deals with notion of evil and human suffering.
Runi, in his wisdom points out that mankind has the tendency to forget Allah when he is granted wealth and during good health. When healthy man says: Where is God, I do not know and I do not care. But in pain the dialogue changes, he begins to say: ‘O God! O God!’, communing and conversing with God. So health is seen as a veil keeping him from awareness of God. was his veil and God was hidden under that pain. When man has wealth and resources he can get what he wants and is preoccupied with that but, when poverty strikes he becomes obsessed with God.
When facing affliction man prays that the suffering will quickly end. But should instead see that suffering has been granted by God for beneficial reasons, to learn from the suffering. Rūmī further invites his reader to ponder about times of afflictions when his prayer in ending the suffering appears not to have been granted by God, and to recognize and appreciate that this is more beneficial : the longer the hardship lasts, the closer one remains in close contact with God. If a person tries to flee from sufferings using various techniques and escapisms that person is fleeing God. The only way to escape suffering is to seek refuge in God and abandon one’s own ego. Another, even greater impact, from adversity and sorrow is it can transform and purify human character.
An example given is that is that if someone beats a rug with a stick, he is not beating the rug; his goal is to get rid of the dust.
Rumi teaches that there are two important virtues that should be )used in order to turn hardship into spiritual growth (without slipping into despair. The two virtues are patience (ṣabr) and trust in God (tawakkul). The core of Rumi’s teachings rests upon the virtue of patience. His most well known story is the Nevertheless, it is in the parable of the “chickpea,” where the importance of patience in the face of hardship is clearl shown. The story centers on a conversation between a housewife and a chickpea that is being cooked as part of a meal. The chickpea complains to the housewife that cooking in boiling water is painful and tries to escape by constantly jumping out of the pot. When that does not work then the chickpea pleads with the housewife to take it out of the water. The housewife then consoles the chickpea but by explaining that patiently enduring the boiling water is needed for growth – in this instance, becoming a juicy edible chickpea. Here is some of the conversation:
The chickpea constantly and continually comes to the top of the pot and cries out :‘Why are you setting the fire on me? Since you bought me, why are you doing this to me, turning me upside down?’
The housewife hits the chickpea with the ladle time and time again saying: Do not jump away from the one who makes the fire. I do not boil you because I hate you, it is because, with cooking, you may become a delicious taste. This temporary hardship is not because you are hated but for this other, rather righteous, reason.
The chickpea responds: OK. I will happily boil, but give me more help by smiling while you skim with the spoon -thn we both shall be happy in God’s world.
This is the final word, in a way the translation of the chick pea parable. When a man journeys the mystic path and is able to attain the state of inner contentment (rizā) even while suffering, he has absolutely submitted to the will of God—has become a Muslim. So if one patiently endured suffering and at the same time trusts in God and the overall goodness of His creation, man will be able to overcome any anguish and climb up the spiritual ladder to be closer, and eventually be with God.
The above wisdoms were taken from the Internet, a Google search “ Evil in the Islamic Faith” found all of the information but it was so poorly written as to be almost unintelligible. I read, I thought, I rewrote and through that process learned a great deal which I am passing on to you. . The previous author was trying to impress the reader with his vocabulary, with his astute thinking. He was not trying to communicate which is the purpose of writing. Writers want readers, that is their aim, that is their goal. It is sometimes necessary for them to also make a living, to support themselves and their families through their writing.
I am spared the onus of earning a living. I thank Allah, my hard work and education and the Marin County Employee’s Retirement Association for this luxury.
I also thank my computer guru for supporting my efforts and posting for me, quickly and efficiently.
I thank Care Giver for making things easy for me, by driving, being utterly reliable, protecting me throughout this dreadful pandemic and helping organize my life. Many more people must be thanked but, like the Academy Awards presentations, I must, and will, cut it short.
However, an explanation of some words are necessary for a clear understanding. I shall not be cast in the same light as the Internet writer.
Parable is one word that requires explanation. The definition is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. For example, Jesus spoke in parables. There are applicable synonyms: moral story, moral tale, lesson, exemplum. The Jewish term for parable is Haggadah.
The photograph attached to the blog shows Delhi Llama and Horney, the Unicorn in their new position, on top of the bookcase with two tiaras. One of the tiaras is emblazoned with Here Comes The Bride. Who knows??? It might just come to pass.