I shake my head in amazement.
Me: It could only happen to me.
Alter Ego: Please explain.
This is the example. The other day I went to a relaxation class but getting to the class I got stuck in the elevator. As anyone knows being stuck in an elevator is not a good way to start relaxing – it is rather terrifying and claustrophobic. So I tiptoed into the class late. The instructor was having the class perform various contortions, poses that were ver difficult to achieve particularly when you do not know left from right. Put your left leg here and your right arm there takes extra effort on my part because I have to think’
Me: Which leg is my left leg?
Alter Ego: I cannot believe that you do not know left from right.
Me: I know. I read somewhere that this ability must be taught by your parents at a certain age. If, for some reason, they do not take on this task at the appropriate moment if it impossible to hard wire it in My parents were clearly not paying attention at the right time.
The other problem with the class was that many of the poses required kneeling, putting weight on my damaged knees. May poses were impossible and deadly to perform with my arthritic knees. So my mind had to be on high alert to make sure no damage was done. But then this was the real killer. The end of the class was a guided meditation. Participants were to go down a road, look to the other side of the river and envision a future self – twenty years in the future. Getting rid of all obstacles to be the perfect self. But in twenty years I would be 95. It was not a pretty sight and not the least bit relaxing. Another woman faced the same dilemma and afterwards spoke with the instructor.
She: That is a difficult task when you are in your 50s. I might have dementia and be crippled when I am in my seventies.
Me: Just imagine that you are me. I am 75.
She: I cannot believe you are 75.
All in al, I could not wait for the class to end and it does not meet my needs. It may meet the needs of other younger women who know left from right and have great knees but not me. No way.
Then later, in the middle of the night, the shower broke again and water came pouring out of the broken faucet. Phone calls were made but, despite promises, nothing happened. With the help of wonderful Klaus the shut off valve was located the next morning and a friend turned off the water. Then it was off to the YWCA for my water aerobics class to be followed by the jacuzzi, a wonderful place to relax and meet men. I got to the Y to discover the the the jacuzzi was closed and broken. I get in the pool for the water aerobics class and the water is cold. I complain to a Y woman:
She: All your problems seem to be water related.
Me: Oh my goodness. You are right. There is some guy in the picture as well.
She: What sign is he? Is he a Pisces? That is a water related sign
Me: I will have to find out.
Things slowly began to improve. A plumber did call and his visit is anticipated today at 11. The following encounter had occurred the day before at Le Soleil, the wonderful hotel next door to the YWCA. The two doormen and I joke around al of the time. One said that they were trying to describe my personality. They googled and decided that eccentric would be the term that fits me perfectly.
So I guess it will be the word of the day. Eccentric (noun) he was something of an eccentric behavior: unconventional, uncommon, abnormal, irregular, aberrant, anomalous, odd, queer, strange, peculiar, weird, bizarre, outlandish, freakish, extraordinary; idiosyncratic, quirky, nonconformist, outré; informal way out, offbeat, freaky, oddball, wacky, kooky. ANTONYMS conventional.
Eccentric can also be used as an adjective.eccentric behavior: unconventional, uncommon, abnormal, irregular, aberrant, anomalous, odd, queer, strange, peculiar, weird, bizarre, outlandish, freakish, extraordinary; idiosyncratic, quirky, nonconformist, outré; informal way out, offbeat, freaky, oddball, wacky, kooky. ANTONYMS conventional.
I decided that I liked kooky best. I was wearing the fur jacket that I bought at the Car Boot Sale in London for a mere ten pounds. They decided I was “kooky bear”. A video was taken and placed on Instagram A picture of the three of us is attached to this blog. The other picture is the sign of a club just down Hornby Street from the YWCA. It is a sex club, very incongruous.
Look that word up on your own.