Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, A Short and Sweet Blog

I woke up this morning after seven blessed hours of non interrupted sleep. I was always waking up at three in the morning, emailing away and then falling back to sleep, But not last night. Phew! I felt so much better, thoroughly rested, bright eyed and bushy tailed (whatever that may mean).
Then I opened my emails and OMG – the most wonderful of all surprises. It was an email from Son, the Crooner who is in the Philippines at his day care. The email said: “Hi mothership this is baby heillie she wanna say hi to yo” (Well, Son needs some spelling and grammar lessons but what a wonderful thought and gesture.) The Mothership immediately sent back a message:

Mothership: What a wonderful, wonderful thing to wake up to! Can I put this picture on my blog? It was absolutely the sweetest thing in life to wake up to – my son’s picture holding a baby. . So is baby hellie one of my adopted children? Does she have blue eyes like her mother??? (hahahaha) You did the most perfect thing in the whole world by sending me the picture, it made me totally happy. The Mothership

Son: Yes mothership you can put the picture in your blog xoxo
Then I went to Instagram and there is a picture of Son and his 92 year old grandmother who is in excellent health, he reported. I, of course, commented:

The Mothership: I loved the picture of your grandmother and you on Instagram my son. I guess she is my grandmother too. If you are the son, and I am the mother – oh no. She is my mother. This is getting so confusing. And she does not have blue eyes either – why am I the only one with blue eyes????? So much love to you my son.
Son, the Crooner and I joke about blue eyes. He wants blue eyes (I have blue eyes, although, come to think of it, my real mother had brown eyes. Blue is a recessive trait, Huh? Maybe she was not my mother after all. That explains a lot). Anyway, to Son the Crooner I say:

Me: Go and get contact lenses my son. Quit nagging me about the eyes.
I can be a very strict mother as you can see. There is no bitter without the sweet etc. etc.
Then another email was there. It was a thank you note from Ty – he came for dinner last night. I am getting to be the hostess with the mostest. His included a link to an architectural exhibit that I MUST see. I will go and tell you about it on my blog. It shows all of the architectural development in this fair city. This city that I am growing to love.
Then an email from my dear friend Lynne who asked me an incredibly incisive question about the events of Saturday night that led to a few incendiary emails sent by yours truly. It made me think and arrive at a truth that will probably remain private. Who knows though? I have such a big mouth (and blue eyes).
I must run as it is gym time and Hottie awaits. Hey, maybe an outside day. It looks good out there. Bye for now.

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