Hope versus Optimism: An Eclectic Life Style Resulting in Musings on Management or Lack of Same; New Readers

 This blog shall begin with a wisdom from my birthday book; It’s Gonna Be Okay. “Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” Who said that? Vaclav Havel. At the conclusion of the blog there will be an application of this saying. 
Yesterday was a big day, I picked up at least six new readers. I met a charming couple on their honeymoon up here on the UL (Upper Level). volunteering to take their picture and then, of course, giving them my blog card. They reappeared later – the groom said he read my blog and it made him laugh. So I hugged him. Then two more couples were made privy to the site and then later Christian. This thing keeps getting bigger, I do wonder why.
I admittedly have, at this present moment, an extremely eclectic life style – one could say it is down right weird. Living on the 19th floor of the Trump International Hotel. It is a cosseted existence, I am mollycoddled to death. My informal nickname is Queenie because I am treated like a Queen. But it has not always been thus. 
Prior to taking up residence here I lived for eight months in London, England at Dolphin Square. It is indeed square with brick buildings on four wides of lawn, trees and a dolphin fountain. Many people live within this fortress. As I recall there are 1,240 apartments and there is a hotel within its confines Dolphin House its name, I think. Both places, the one in Vancouver and the one in London are equipped with a pool, a gym, and a spa. 
For those unfamiliar with the Vancouver site there is the Tower immediately adjacent to the hotel. There are seventy floors. apartments are privately owned. 
Are there similarities between the two, Yes, as noted. Are there differences? Vast. The major difference between the two is the management style practiced by the General Managers. Here at the Trump it is heaven, there it was sheer hell. Looking at the situation now, it is manifestly clear, the extreme contrast is because of the quality and professionalism of the General Manager.  
The Dolphin Square flat was a studio leased for a year, with an arbitrary break away clause. I do not rush about with a ruler but suspect that the square footage is almost the same – the studio apartment in London and my room at the Trump. I did not live in the hotel at Dolphin Square but the whole place was under the management of the general manager. I am aware of the facilities of Dolphin House because a relative and a friend stayed at the hotel and I visited them  
The man in charge of the Trump International Hotel I call The Emperor. The one in London I shall call The Dunce. Although earlier additions of this blog speak of experiences at Dolphin Square the name of The Dunce is not mentioned. That was on the advice of a London law office. Obviously, The Emperor is not the Vancouver guy’s real name but his nickname protects his privacy. 
The Emperor is on top of things; he is accessible to all of his staff, to guests and perhaps strangers. The Dunce never was, his staff is forbidden to allow any access to him. I somewhat accidentally got the Dunce’s email address – he goofed. If a manager is accessible he gets to know what is going on. The Dunce never knew because everything was filtered through his minions. The Dunce surrounded himself with minions – the Emperor does not. 
The Emperor, by and large, surrounds himself with extremely competent and able people and then he grows them. His middle management people are very loyal to him, of course they are. They work tirelessly for the man because they know he appreciates it and them. The Emperor’s team includes women and those of different ethnicity.
The Dunce’s middle management were flunkies, by and large. One woman, who does an excellent job, but the Dunce, gives her little, if any, authority. Dunce’s middle management rushed around the hallways in their suits stepping no where near the places they were supposed to be managing. It was almost unknown, for example, for the man in charge of the restaurant to be in the restaurant. It did eventually occur to me why the Dunce hired his staff. He picked inferior people so they would not show him up. He looked good in comparison to them, they were that bad. There were others in “control” at Dolphin Square. Some people owned flats and lived at Dolphin Square for a long period of time there was a sort of Homeowner’s Association. (a United States phrase) But these people were ninnies. One woman, very unattractive, sort of a hag, had written a book called “Fifty Years a Mistress”. It is apparently a boring book. But the topic? She is proud of that? To be someone’s mistress means that the mister did not want to be around her full time, that he had no respect for her and probably blamed her for his infidelity. If that were me I would be hiding the mistress status, not bragging about it. This woman did not like me. She ungraciously yelled: “We are glad you are leaving!” She was talking about herself. Some people wept when they heard I was leaving and need I remind you that this was the United Kingdom, a country not known for their demonstrative ways. 
Tomorrow’s blog will discuss the effect of bad/excellent management on one’s actions and behavior with some help from David Sedaris. 
So when the break away clause was evoked at Dolphin Square HOPE played a role. It made sense for me to leave London, to come home to Canada. As a wonderful UK friend emailed in light of the recent terrorist attack: “Ah how I miss the sanctuary of Canada.” A dear man at the Trump said: “I am so glad you are safe with us Ms. McBride and not in London.” Awwwwww!

And then along the same line: “Who can have too much love.” The later spoken by a new reader. 
The photograph was taken from my flat at Dolphin Square. There was a concert. Not everything is all good or all bad. It was a good concert. 


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