Statistics Can Be Misleading; But This is an Attack on the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia That is Well Deserved and Documented Despite The Fact That It is None of My Business; Skies No Longer Orange, so Phew; Photograph If I am not Lazy; My Goodness What a Day!

So for some strange and unusual reason I went back to my Amazing Statistics which can be read by typing those words into the search engine of this blog. The verifiable scientific report reveals that I have 4 readers emanating from Saudi Arabia. Well, that is better than none, unless the Crown Prince is one since I am telling him he had best get his act together and stop terrorizing and repressing. People let you get away with it – but you are so corrupt and dishonest! The investigations into whom you entrusted your whole economy are seriously being questioned! Everything from all sides is coming to bear upon you. Those of the brave read readers iwill follow these two links – hopefully he is NOT going on, to the glory of the Middle East. He was the favourite of his father when he was a boy – now the father is demented and so he has control, he has attempted to destroy any and all opponents. But Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia you shall not destroy me, nor my secret about you. You sicken me and all of those in the Islamic faith and the world in general. No one has stood up to you because of your wealth – but it is fading because you squandered your resources – you did. Why does this bother me or affect me, a woman born in Saskatchewan. Because I HATE evil in all of its forms and fells so good when it is defeated. My Uncle Dave Dryburgh sagely said: “Alexis, stop fighting! Go to the sidelines they will do themselves” iWell Crown Prince of Saudi Arabic you will be done in but only if Arab counties and the USA confronts you. u. Qatar has! Join forces with Qatar- do not sit idly by, or like the UAE, support him! Even if he offers to give you money, he takes it away. Look what he did recently to Pakistan???? Well he actually has hardly money to give. Follow the links, do not expect me to spoon feed you.
See how corrupt and horrible he is. Do something about it, you cowards!

So listen and watch these, my lazy readers! The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is evil and there is simple and solid evidence that he is a practicing homosexual. That does mean that he is subject to execution under the laws of his land. Absolutely solid evidence, I am after all, a lawyer.

Why am I involved in this mess?. No idea do I have whatsoever. But it appears to be my duty, my command to strike down evil whenever I see it – and goodness knows I see it here.

Here at home, in San Francisco, the skies have lightened as promised with no smell of smoke. All Praise to Allah.

So do a little work and listen and watch an accurate reportage of what goes on in this world. All Praise Allah and Al Jazeera.

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