Great Advice From Instagram; Hearing From My Homeless Man; Forgetting the Power Cord to My Computer; An Appointment with my Internist Then Obtaining Inexpensive Prescription Drugs in the USA

I woke up super early this morning to great advice from Instagram. Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you die today. #James Dean. It was posted by iamnicholschow who is apparently from Adelaide. I initially responded”

Me: Excellent advice.

He: Yes.

Me: I will put it on my blog.

I then go to his site and read his prior entries, I am most amused, he is so funny, send funny messages back to him. It was so amusing, I do love Instagram. Well I do not appreciate being hit on by guys that probably do not exist but many aspects of Instagram I do totally like. As a matter of fact this blog shall be enriched by an Instagram contact. There is going to be a new section to the blog which will take the place of Betrayal which was never used as intended. It is going to be called Long Lost Strangers, his idea and rather brilliant if I do say so and I did.

At the moment I am suffering under a severe handicap. There was no room at the Inn at the Opera and so, in order to avoid sleeping on the street, I came by ferry to my Marin County Inn.. I called rather desperately:

Me: Hello. This is Alexis McBride. Do you have room at the Inn for three nights>

She: Hello! You need a room on the first floor.

Me: Oh my goodness you remember me! I am going to cry.!

I did not but was so touched and was greeted enthusiastically when I got here by another member of staff. But I had to move out of my room – get packed and bring some stuff with me. In my hurry I forgot the power cord to my computer so I am limited in my capacity to write. I suppose I could learn to write on my phone but this seems too daunting and slow.

At first I was distressed when learning of my homeless state but, with the help of Reggio’s example of problem solving, came up with this solution. It probed to be a win/win as I was able to make an appointment with my Internist up the street – met with him on an important matter and got a prescription for some pain medication. The pain medication cost $1.60 – take that and smoke it all you Canadians that talk about your cheap drugs. The pharmacist said that Canadian drugs are not managed nearly as effective as the FDA does in these United States. Another reason that I am happy to be back here.

I do retain my Canadian connections however. I got an email from my favourite homeless man two days ago. He was a little slow on the uptake and wrote:

He: Look forward to drinking and eating Swiss cheese with you. I won’t talk about Trump until the drinks and the Swiss cheese has run out and then you can kick me out.

Me: Silly! I have already come and left Vancouver! Never to return.

So I guess he will have to stop being homeless and come to visit me here. That may be difficult and, of course, I am homeless as well at the present time. We did used to fight about Trump and he used to get kicked out or voluntarily leave to end the battles. We did have fun however. He is my first homeless friend – he uses the computers at VPL and that is how we sporadically remain in contact with one another. So I have a friend who is homeless and had a friend who was the benefactor of homeless people. Very strange and most strange is the fact that I prefer the homeless man to the benefactor. We shall make benefactor the word of the day; patron,

benefactress, supporter, backer, helper, sponsor, promoter, champion; donor, contributor, subscriber, subsidizer; philanthropist, good Samaritan, sympathizer, well-wisher, friend; informal angel, fairy godmother.

How funny – the benefactor guy would just love to be called a fairy godmother- he, who is so proud of the fact that he is ‘giving back”.

Life can be very funny! I do have a plan in mind with regards to the missing power cord. It is possible to go to the Apple Store across the way and get the computer charged – I hope. The cord is prohibitory expensive to buy – particularly since I have two already. So I had best save the juice as there are a couple of tasks that must be performed on the computer.

So I am riding off into the sunset – not exactly as it is barely day break. It is off to breakfast I go. If I ever do get an apartment I shall be completely helpless – not having to cook breakfast in months and months as it is provided in these – my homeless shelters. It looks like a dreary day but time will tell. I want it to be sunny as there is a pool and a jacuzzi here. It is a very classy homeless shelter.

The picture I posted on Instagram showing Bunny and Pretty in their temporary quarters. They I remembered but not the power cord. Prioritize Alexis, Prioritize!

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