No News is Good News Vs. All The News That is Fit to Print Vs. That’s News to Me; The Truth is Almost Impossible to Ascertain; Thomas Friedman Speaks of Saudi Arabia; Impartial Defined; The Importance of Investigative Journalism; You Do Find the Truth of This Blog Here You find the Truth; Off to Malaysia: Photos of Greetings and Colorful Attire

I am exhausted just from writing the title. Perhaps I can just stop with the title, and you can use your imagination for the rest. I would hate to be a faithful reader of this…

Evidence of the Effectiveness of the Edmonton Escape; Nothing Left to Chance Defined: No Stone Unturned;  You Can’t Get Something For Nothing: Taking Clean Teeth to Saudi Arabia; London Drugs Will Enlarge Two Photos; To Art of Cake for Two Treats; White Dress and Role Model Found; More Word Definitions; Another ‘Coincidence”; The Photos and Alexis’Abaya 

I do admit to an excruciating ecstasy I find in naming – people, places, and things. Naming people takes the form of nicknames, The naming of things is more complex – Saudi Sojourn: my recent…

Hallelujah My Search Engine is Back; Looking Backward and Then Forward, Then Forward and Backward Again; West Edmonton Mall Apple Store Gives Forth Computers and Assistance; Step in the Right Direction Defined and Illustrated; The 99 Names of Allah Found on the Muslim App of my iPad; Final Word on World Cup is Prosaic Which is Defined; Get Thee Behind Me Satan; Peaceful Photo of View with Moon 

I have been operating under a handicap for months now. The search engine icon disappeared from my devices leaving me totally unable to find anything that I had written about in the past. It was…