The New Me: A New Title for the Blog; Obliterate Defined; Obliterate the UAE, Abbreviate Saudi Arabia; Perhaps More to Come; New International Family; So New I Am to Malaysia; Discovered Malaysia Can and Inshallah Will Become My Second Home; Malaysia Thankfully Not a World Power; Photos of Another Beautiful Sunset; A Complimentary High Tea; Folk and a Traffic Sign at the Breakfast Buffet  

Faithful and observant readers will see that there has been a major change in the title of this blog. Sitting in the lobby of the Lexis Suites waiting for my Malaysian daughter to come and…

My Prayers Have Been Answered Without My Making Them; Absolutely Loving Lexis Suites, the Place of Anyone’s Dreams: Allah (SWT) is the Greatest Planner: Understanding Fixed and Flexible Qadars; Exploring the Adjacent Streets with My Muslim Malaysian Sister; Photographs of the Surroundings

This seems more than a little unusual within a faith that emphasizes prayer. Five daily prayers, unheard of in other religions,  more recommended in the night at troubled times, special prayer times during Ramadan, prayers…

Megan and Harry Were in Nigeria; News of Then from Their Trip and Other Nigerian News Leading to Dismay and a Gift of Knowledge From a Dear Saudi Friend Passed Onto You;  Prior Almost Clairvoyant H and M Blogs; My Destiny Becoming Clearer; Photos of My Morning Greeting and Some from the Bahrain Museum  

To be totally honest (which I always am) I do receive Punch, a Nigerian online newspaper. It was therefore possible to lean that it was not a CNN rumor as but a fact. Prince Harry and wife visited…

No News is Good News Vs. All The News That is Fit to Print Vs. That’s News to Me; The Truth is Almost Impossible to Ascertain; Thomas Friedman Speaks of Saudi Arabia; Impartial Defined; The Importance of Investigative Journalism; You Do Find the Truth of This Blog Here You find the Truth; Off to Malaysia: Photos of Greetings and Colorful Attire

I am exhausted just from writing the title. Perhaps I can just stop with the title, and you can use your imagination for the rest. I would hate to be a faithful reader of this…

Snafu and Anthesis Defined and Illustrated: July 21 and July 23, 2023 Blogs Speak of Being Trampled in the Holiest of Sights and Meeting my Malaysian Sister Whom I Shall See Soon; Unchecked and Unrestrained Greed Leads to Unlicensed Haj Tour Operators Putting Pilgrims at Risk: Rome Was Not Built in a Day; Photos from the Day of Trampling

I shall travel to Malaysia in a few days. I was supposed to be there now but was stalled in Bahrain because of a Chase credit card snafu. I shall eagerly explore my new intended…

Money is the Root of All Evil; Two Examples, Currency Exchange and an Unexpected Raise in Pay: COLA Over All; Muslims Warned to Be on Guard Against Greed; Money Does Not Buy Happiness; Dancing in the Streets by the Mamas and Papas; May the Best Man Win: Photos From the Bahrain Kojo Restaurant; Perhaps a Reel of a Coffee Machine

We all know that phrase – money is the root of all evil. That has special meaning here in Bahrain which has the second highest rate of exchange in the whole world. (Kuwait beats it,…

I Did Venture I Did Gain: My Instagram Presence Explodes With Profound and Positive Messages; Praiseworthy Absolutely Found Not to be Praiseworthy; Goodbye to Mere Mortal Men; Lunch at the Crossroads Surprisingly Yields Books, A Quote from a 1928 book about a Tragic Age; Photos of Fallen Skies forward, Good Morning by Treasured Muslim Sister and the Books at Crossroads 

Faithful readers found me contemplating venting with possible gains relating to an extremely, one would say, trivial matter. Did not want to be viewing CNN from the breakfast buffet. There wee two televisions. I ascertained…

Despite So Many Set Backs My Positivity Prevails; Examples From Likes to My Responses to Instagram Posts; Thoughts on USA Student Protests Featured on CNN; Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained Research Miraculously Discovers an Article of a 87 year old Nigerian Grandfather Scholar; Importance of Knowledge in the Islamic Faith From an Earlier Blog; Photos of a Good Morning Message and Chocolate Free Night Shirt

I do admit to having a strange, peculiar, extraordinary mind. Thinking over my long life with its many ups and downs, catastrophes and godsends, undying love retreating to casual rejection,  truths followed by utter lies;…