Planning to Speak of Profound Experience at Grand Mosque But Instead Am Diverted to Another Topic; Keep Safe the Motto of the Pandemic; I Will Keep You Safe Motto of All Who Surround Me in Abu Dhabi; Profound Defined; Safe Defined; Indifference Defined; Sheikha Fatimah Has Teeth Cleaned: A Total Win If You Throw In Mars; It is Never too Late; Photograph in Dental Chair

I was planning to speak of my profound experience at the Grand Mosque on March 10, 2022 but after waking, morning prayers and much reflection decided on another topic, However, first of all, in anticipation…

Sympathies Extended to Queen Elizabeth ii; Life Getting More Exciting Every Day: Name in the Sand Hopefully Renews Contact with Dear Friend; I Am Destined to be Happiest Person on Earth; Amazing My Rewards; Poverty The Issue Not Covid; The Rich Get Rich and the Poor Get Poorer; Photographs of the Fun Moments at the Grand Mosque

I began the day with glancing at The National, my new Go To newspaper to find some alarming news – my sympathies go to Queen Elizabeth II for the following reason.” Queen Elizabeth has held…

I am Bad Languages Teacher; Muslim Persecution Rampant Since 9/11 Receiving Little or No Attention; The Chaos of Our Existence; The Apocalypse in the Quran Made Possible By Islam Is My Love; Women’s Day Celebration Ignores Suffering of Muslim Women in India; Cartoon Sent by Yuri; Photos of Alexis With Painted Face and Robots

S.A.D. (Sheikha Awesome Driver) escorts me through the highways of Abu Dhabi to much laughter and jokes. Here is an example:He: You are my teacher!Me: Your teacher?He: Yes – you are my bad languages teacher!Me:…

The Ritual of Powering Devices; Two Totally Diverse Instagram Messages; Walking a Tight Rope: Deciding That Today To Bring Cheer: With The New Yorker Aiding and Abetting in This Process; Andy Borowitz Reports That Putin Upset As Ukrainians Are Not Like Trump; Legitimate Reasons For Not Going For a Run; Link to the High Cost of Being an Extrovert; Photographs Taken at the Abu Dhabi Louvre on a Glorious Day

I wake up to the sound of chimes – my iPhone alarm, quickly discover the moment of sunrise and pray on my inexpensive but rather cozy prayer rug, make myself instant coffee and then rush…

Andy’s Humour Again Saves the Day: All is Well That Ends Well; Alexis Declares Humbleness; More Stolen Humor From Andy Borotiz; Putin Grovels at Being Called Smart by Trump; Abject Defined; Improbable Defined; The Rest They Say is History Defined; Putin’s Call for Invasion Laughed At by Troops; Photo of Fatimah’s Arrival at Grand Mosque

Well, as we all know the situation in the Ukraine is a mess. But here is good news from wonderful Andy Borowitz, whose satire constantly cheers. “As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to encounter…