Today is Guy Day; What is the Matter With Men, from The New Yorker, Letter to the Editor, Book Review, Excerpts from the Book; Synopsis, Malaise and Revanchist Defined; Alexis, You Think Like a Man; Heavy Rainfall and Flooding in California Brings Joy; No More School For Me: The First Cut is the Deepest; Cartoons to Bring Humour 

Yesterday was International Women’s Day – much fanfare and recognition. I, myself made a contribution. But today, here anyway, is Guy Day. The trusty January 30, 2023 magazine editor of the New Yorker in the Book Section…

International Women’s Day is Upon Us; A Statement from Prime Minister Trudeau Reminds Us That Canada is Doing Much Better Than Our Neighbor, the USA; Put This in Your Pipe and Smoke It Defined;  A Rosie the Riveter GIF Brings Mixed Responses; Coincidences Abound Making it Perhaps Destiny; Last Minute Appearance by MBS; Photographs of Book Covers   

Prime Minister Trudeau, the leader of my country, Canada issued a statement which is quoted (in part) :  “Each and every day, women and girls help shape Canada into a fairer and stronger country. As…

Broken Hand Brings Joy; Paradigm Defined: Get Well Card Found in Mailbox; Walrus Article Discusses the Unionization of Starbucks; Instagram Reel of MBS; Link Provided; MUSAG and I Want o Meet Him; On a Lark Googled Surgeon; Photos of Hand Splint; Get Well Card; and Martini Cartoon 

This seems far-fetched, but this is true: the  broken hand has brought joy to my life. Examples of the delight I experienced because of this misfortune shall be shown throughout this particular blog. It seems…

TMI About My Best Day Ever; Over the Rainbow Pealed Forth; Impromptu, Flip One’s Lid Defined; Proud Mary From Speakers: Long Talk With M.A.N.; Meeting Muhammed; Not He But Huwa; Photos of Morning View; Food; and Statistics with Musings; Ban Defined; I am Taboo.    

The best day ever did not conclude with the Instagram reel filmed within the confines of the Alberta Legislative Cafeteria. More events sparkled the day, some (yet again), scarcely credible. The original plan included a…

The Past, The Present and The Future; Past Email Conveys Information About the Broken Hand; Surgery May Prove Necessary; Future Mobility Uncertain; Appointment with Hand Surgeon Difficult to Obtain But Help Comes From a Trusted Doctor; The Present Brought a Prompt Appointment; Incredible Up-To-Date Statistics; Laugh and the World Laughs With You Explained; Cartoons and Statistics Provided 

At this point in time I am intending to make this blog short and sweet. But with me: Who knows?” The Past  First: The Past. Emailed Computer Guru. Subject Line: All Bets are Off.  Me:…

Confirmation of Comforting Tidings; Efface Defined; Knowledge of Other Religions Brings Me Greater Appreciation of the Islamic Faith; Organized Religion is Explored; Organized Religion Big Business; Mosques Have Never Played a Large Role in my Practices; Photo of ‘Grandson’ at the Happiness Desk of the Grand Mosque; accompanied by Three Others.  

On Friday morning, awake prior to Fajr prayers, I was reading Martin Lings’ riveting book Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources. I have been studying the faith for almost three years resulting in knowledge,…