Raucous Caught My Eye; Raucous From The New Yorker The Tale of an Iranian Artist Tala Madini; Fascinating Life But She Needs Ordinary Life Now; So Do I;  Photographs From an Ordinary Saturday Depicting a Statue of Chief Crowfoot and a Painting of an Indigenous Alberta Lt. Governor;  Word of The Present Alberta Lt. Governor; Ending With an Unlikely and Improbable Meeting Between a World Famous Jockey and an Old Lady

The title of an article in the January 22, 2023 New Yorker caught my eye: A Raucous Assault: How the Iranian Artist Tala Madini sees Men – and Women.  It was riveting because, to be quite honest, I did not…

The Walrus Brings Us One of the Last Studies of the After Effects of the Pandemic; The Walrus Mission Statement Finds Favor; It Seems My Brain was Affected by the Effects of the Pandemic But I SnapedBack; Staunch,Shoals and Intuitive Defined; Two Bulletin Boards Photographed with Their Paraphernalia Explained. 

I have a new source of news and views which will guide me through the shoals of misinformation and the trivialities that we social medians face on a daily basis. Many definitions of shoals but…

Back to My Original Inspiration and Goal; Feminism and the Right of Women: Alexis’Idiomatic Explanation of the Rise and Fall of the USA; Not Fleishman in Trouble But the Stripping of Women’s Selves: A Remedy for Angst; Photo Taken in Khrome Nail’s New Location. 

I read extensively, the reading is not limited to the Islamic faith although that my major concentration. A source of, shall we shall call,  more earthly ‘delights,’ is The New Yorker, the magazine edition is delivered weekly…

What a Difference a Year Makes; The Rather Accidental Discovery of the Alexis (aka Sheikha Fatimah) of a Year Ago; What a Difference a Day Makes, the Song and the Truth Behind it, Drivel Defined with Its Fabulous Synonyms; Quotes from January 1, 2022 Blog; True Circumstances Revealed; Hypocrite Defined and Illustrated: A Great Fish and Chip Meal at the Legislative Cafeteria. Photos of Food, Me and ATM machine 

Do admit that I took the title from that terribly romantic song: “What a Difference a Day Makes”. It is actually utter drivel  but it inspiring (if you lack education and credibility.) First,  we shall…

Epiphany Defined, Illustrated with Possible Sources Explored: Common Sense Perhaps; MissMash Defined and Illustrated by this Blog; The Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms Explored; The Right to Abortion; Then Unexpected Humor From and About the USA; A Hodgepodge of Photos:

At sunrise yesterday morning I was struck with an extremely strong, positive feeling. I earnestly searched for a word to describe it, finally deciding that this came close – epiphany. It has several meanings but…

Saudi Arabia Visited; Not Revisited As Yet; This is Saudi Arabia Has No Sponsors as Yet; A Response to an Instagram Post; Urban Planning in Riyadh, not in Dubai; Book on Saudi Arabia Pictured; 20 Steps From Lounge to Room; Photos of View from Riyadh Hotel; A Photo Of Makkah and the 1943 Dirt Road that was Riyadh 

I promised myself (and others) that upon my return to Canada I would speak of Saudi Arabia, as I found it, and it really was. Not the way it is portrayed in Western media –…