Monash and Me: Going a Long Way I Hope; What Do You Have to Lose; 2017 Canada Day Revisited; Being not 3D but 3D; Leonard Cohen’s Wisdom and Words; My Hand Kissed Twice, Mashallah: Photos of My 2017 Canadians and My Face; A Book Cover and Multiple A+ Stickers

This was most fortuitous, most serendipitous,- even (perhaps) heaven-sent. Instagram was ‘advertising’ Monash University Application Day. Did not know where the University was located, had no idea what they were offering but, rather auspiciously, I…

The Secret of Staying Positive, Actually Several Secrets; Lexis Suites Guests Bring Joy with Continuing Contact; Wearing My Alexis Chef’s Hat Brings Fame and Opportunity to Share Credentials; Off to the E & O Hotel, Learning of its History and Impressive Guest List; Greed Has Ruined Another Iconic Structure; Photos of Alexis Shirt Declaring Undying Love; The Lovely Saudi Family; Elephant Man and I in Loving Embrace and a Sunrise 

Had a conversation with my Malaysian Daughter the other day. She is well up the food chain of authority in this hotel. Higher up the food chain refers to someone of higher importance, status or…

Email Means You Might Not be Reading This  When  it is Being Written: Glastonbury Taking Precedence; Dunya Discussed: Being Stood Up Leads to the Blessings Found in the Nearby Omi Restaurant; Eating the Best Sashimi Ever;  An Internal Conflict Faced, it Came to the Fore; Appears I am Androgynous; Rediscovering Amina Wadud; Good Prevails Over Evil but It is a Constant Challenge: Bye Bye Notifications; Photos of Omi Sashimi and Me: Links to Instagram and Wikipedia

Dateline: Penang, Malaysia June 28, 2024  Received a word of warning from my Computer Guru Chris  He: Hi, Posted this morning, in a rush as I was going to be late for work. I am…

Self Sufficiency is the Key that Unlocks the Door; The Quran Provided the Key; Different Outcome of  Perceived Need for Further Education When More Knowledge Obtained; The Concept of Win/Win Explained; Breakfasts So International in Cuisine and Fellow Guests; Meeting My First Yemen Muslims and a Saudi Family Thought to be Malaysians; Malaysian Delicacies Being Consumed by an International Me

Dateline: June 25, 2024  I have finally (and I do mean finally)  reached a place of safety here in Malaysia. Safety is the condition of being protected. Reading the Quran this morning enhanced my understanding…

Catalyst Defined: To Be or Not to Be a Catalyst for Female Admission to the Islamic University of Medinah? : Revert Explained; Where am I From?; Examining the Formation of the University Discovers Salafism; Now Egg on My Face: Readers Urged to Sign Petition Allowing Acceptance to the Islamic University of Medinah; Other Possibilities Being Explored; Link to a University Founded by a Woman  

June 22, 2024   During Fajr prayer (this one offered when I was awake and somewhat alert) the word catalyst arrived.  I had awoken after a long and merciful sleep to discover my common cold…

Somewhere Over the Rainbow Could be a Jannah Precursor;  Forsaking Revenge to Find a Sunrise of Hope and Inspiration; Gratifying Reactions to Photo; Inspired to Seek Greater Knowledge: Searching for Islamic Learning Took My Breath Away: Medina University of Islamic Studies Does Not Accept Women; Messages of Distress Bring Encouragement and No Response From Saudi Man; Having to Eat My Words, Not ALL Saudi Men Distort the Image of   Islam: Photo of a Sunrise Bringing Hope Then a Usual Sunrise  

  I find peace and serenity when writing by listening to the playlist Classical Chill streaming from my Apple devices.  The instrumental Somewhere Over the Rainbow streamed into my ears. I added the lyrics from…

My Eye Shall Soon Be on Medina But Now News of More Fun From Lexis Suites First; The Possible Cause of Amazing Room and Rate Found, It is the Blog; Eureka: The Comforts of Lexis Suites Discussed; Breakfast Buffet Stellar; A Sticker Campaign in Full Force; Alexis Suites the Goal; Build and they Shall Come; Quran 5: 12-13: Hope is Heartening; Photos of A Stickers and Scarf Tying 

  ;  I travelled to Penang approximately a month ago. Came to visit my Muslim Malaysian Sister whom I met in Medina on July 22, 2023. It was an aborted trip. I was delayed in…

Celebrate Mercy, a Day of Arafah Program Brings Inspiration: Riba was the Prophet’s Most Important Prohibition in His Final Speech; Heart Monitor a Hardship/Benefit Analogy; A Change of Pace to Lexis Suites Fun Times; 293 Likes to an Instagram Response; Tears of Joy; Falling/Turning a Deaf Ear; Photos of a Breakfast Companion; A Team Staff Members and a Greeting

This morning I watched Celebrate Mercy, its Day of Arafah program. I am ahead of the times, so to speak (actually in more than one way). Malaysia is hours ahead of most of my readers,…

Notes from My Fasting Day of Arafah 2024; Writing a Contract, One Contract Term Discussed With Inspiring Messages from the Quran and Instagram Provided; Intrepidity and Disheartening Defined with Examples Provided; Slippers, Slippers Everywhere: Breaking the Fast with Raisins from California; Photos of Sunrise, Slippers, Raisin Box, Strange Blue-Eyed Animal

    This is an extremely significant day, this Day of Arafah.  The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the Day of Arafah; since it is on this day, the pilgrims gather at the mountain plain of Arafah,…

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous; And From the Ridiculous to the Sublime; The Alexis School of Interpretive Emojis; The Sublime: Ways of Make the Most of Arafah from Yaqueen Institute; A Sense of the Ridiculous; Waking to a Censored Reel and Two More Emoji; My Beautiful Morning; Remembering a Sunday School Hymn; Photos of my Pedicured Toes, My Quran, Perhaps a Delayed YouTube Water Aerobic Reel

The phrase suddenly came to mind. phrase. If you describe something as going from the sublime to the ridiculous, you mean that it involves something that changes from something important to something silly. Used in…