I will begin with my praise of Instagram for its occasional inspiration, giving examples. Then turn to the evil that is pervasive, because it gives equal weight to lies and the truth.
This morning I was inspired and delighted to find an Instagram post, a quotation from Winston Churchill defining diplomacy. Diplomacy is on all thinking person’s mind since the announcement of the ceasefire..
“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
That is so funny, so topical and so true. I clearly need to practice the art of diplomacy and I would love to give hordes of people the direction to hell. Most of them are well on their way there anyway. Perhaps they would just get there faster and not be forced to take detours. Hahaha
Also found inspiration this morning from a reel which discussed the meditation practices of a an Order of nuns and priests. Their meditation practices brought kindness to themselves, the first and essential step to what Muslims call peace of mind. Here is the link to the Instagram reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEZsAzRTa_1/?igsh=cXJpbmZwejg1aDc5
Onward to the Opposite: Today a replayed reel of MBS announcing that the Middle East will be the ‘new Europe” I publicly responded:
Me: I have seen this before months and months ago. Why is it being repaid?? It was shown before the atrocities of October 7 began. Replaying after the ceasefire in which he did nothing to achieve??
One woman responded. Someone translate plz respect to King MBS. I did respond.
Me: He is not the King.
You see that is why I have problems with Instagram. People with little or no knowledge use, and are used by the media. She is asking for respect for MBS with no knowledge of his role or the role he has played for years. It is not laudatory at all nor deserving of respect. He put in place reforms when the Saudis were not ready for them. Went to complete3 freedom of restrictions and the people were not ready for such freedoms. It has torn the fabric of their society. Learning the truth takes effort and diligence. Instagram can inspire on a good day but it is not a forum for sharing the Truth. It is best to know nothing than to believe a Lie.
I was outspoken publicly on Instagram. I could get in a lot of trouble speaking in this manner against MBS. I have no particular desire to turn into hamburger, as did the journalist who spoke out against him. However, my sense of humor rescues me.
Me: At least I would be halal hamburger – not a McDonald’s Big Mac.
I have more than a modicum of courage for this reason. Should I be killed by the forces of evil for telling the truth then I would be on Fast Track to Jannah as long as I continue with the good deeds and cheering up other Muslims.
Then another feisty public comment on Instagram. Cambridge Muslim College reported that they were training imams s to deal with contemporary problems faced by Muslim communities
Me: Why not train women to become imams? They would certainly do a good job helping solve community problems.
This from Wikipedia, Women as Imams. :
“Historically, certain sects have considered it acceptable for women to function as imams. This was true not only in the Arab heartland of early Islam, but in China over recent centuries, where women’s mosques developed. The debate has been reactivated during the 21st century as the west and the world revisit sexism. Those critical of the ruling that women cannot lead congressional prayers have argued that the spirit of the Qur’an and the letter of a da’if (weak) hadith (saying of Mohammed) indicate that women should be able to lead mixed (albeit children) congregations, as opposed to sex-segregated congregations, and they suggest that the prohibition against the practice originated from sexism in the medieval environment and from inaccurate patriarchal interpretations of religious texts, rather than from a spirit of “true Islam”.
It is a thorough article listing different countries and their observances. When one reviews the entries they are often only rare and not a regular practice anywhere except China and Copenhagen.
Back to my primary function, cheering up fellow Muslims. This is an example, a text exchange with a Muslim man actually brought via the auspices of Instagram. I sent him a photo taken last night – me and he and and his niece with this message.
Me: Who is that guy ruining the photo?
He: Such a good looking man
Me: That is what everyone says. The handsome thing.
He: I was kidding.
Me: Handsome is as handsome does.
He: I am so full of myself but I am still hungry.
Me: I absolutely love that.
Handsome is as handsome does is an old-fashioned phrase said to mean that you should judge someone by their actions and not by their appearance. The first known recording was in Oliver Goldsmith’s 1766 novel The Vicar of Wakefield. The vicar’s wife describes her children as “handsome enough, if they are good enough; for handsome is that handsome does.”
But to be fair and to be honest the man’s actions are above reproach. He is kind, faithful loyal and funny. Besides that, he reads my blog.
The photo became the wallpaper of my computer, sent him the photo of the screensaver.
Me: My new computer wallpaper. You got stuff all over your face. I will attempt to remove it. When I have nothing better to do with my time. Hahahaha.
He: (several laughing emojis)
Me: I love, love making you laugh.
He: I love to laugh so u can make a joke.
Me: What a team!!! In a minute or so I will send you a photo that will bring you joy.
I sent him a photo of my computer screen saver
Me: See you are a priority! You can see your handsome face again.
He: So gooood. Now ur MacBook will be worth more.
Me: Or less. Hahaha
He: Certainly less. Bring back the documents. The devaluation of my property
We have great fun communicating with messages and in person. He is around. Communicating with people that do not live in your world is a waste of time. Usually they are poor correspondents, their schedules always more important than yours. Distant communication always gets garbled, problems arise and are never resolved unless you see one another to work it out. Very simple.
Yesterday evening proved very exciting to say the least. Some tremendously important relationships will remain private until more details can be worked out. First there was a very important predinner meeting with a young woman and her mother. I wore a white dress, a black abaya and my Palestinian scarf dropped around my shoulders. This was worn in celebration of the cease fire. BOB and I went to my favorite Japanese Restaurant to eat their inspired sushi. I had made two or three private visits with BOB. One morning went on a shopping expedition with a Muslim woman who was wearing a colorful scarf. I was as well as she has give en me three or four easy to assemble scarves. I suggested the Japanese Restaurant, she said she could not go there. I was totally mystified as to why but did find out.
This restaurant is non halal. Malaysian Muslims are forbidden to eat in non halelal restaurants, their owners are forbidden from allowing them entrance facing tough fines and possible closure. It is because they serve pork. I do not go to a sushi restaurant to eat pork. What is the government doing by enforcing such standards? It is a total mystery to me. It seems they are infantilizing Malaysian Muslims, saying they could not avoid the temptation of eating pork in a sushi restaurant. It is absurd. What did I do that day for lunch? Took off my head scarf, entered the restaurant and had the Benito Sashimi lunch. I am positive the restaurant felt safe as I am obviously not Malaysian and I had eaten there before. The Malaysian government does many other things to infantilize its citizens. But it is not my problem. Not going to make it my problem although I do have a solution.
In the meantime, for me it is simple. I just follow the advice of BOB who wisely tells me not to wear a headscarf. Then I can eat anywhere. I do not exactly look Malaysian. Scores of people keep asking that awful question: Where are you from? My answer is on my YouTube channel and is most amusing.
It is definitely time for some humour. Relying on the Borowitz Report as usual.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Blasting Donald J. Trump’s decision to move the Inauguration indoors, Senator Bernie Sanders issued a post on Friday declaring, “Wear some fucking mittens.” Sanders offered to lend Trump a crocheted pair from his extensive mitten collection, but added, “Won’t you keep warm with all those oligarchs hugging your ass?” The Vermonter, who seemed incredulous at Trump’s low tolerance for cold, ended his tirade by asking, “What do you think the temperatures are like in Greenland, moron?”
My two favorite one liners; What do you think the temperatures are like in Greenland, moron.
And the mittens not helping with the oligarchs hugging Trump’s ample rear end.
Photographs include one of me and the funny man with the four letter nickname taken after we both realized we were wearing black. Had an old fashioned outdoor meal – pizza with anchovies, he drinking whiskey. We laughed a lot.
Sent the photo to Praiseworthy saying:
Me: Don’t be jealous Hahaha
He: I am happy for you. Enjoy your time in KL
Me: I am not in KL. You must be confusing me with another woman
Also pictured my breakfast of the morning. A fish congee – so delicious. And the Lyf media bag. And a positivity reel.