Nothing is ever perfect. At this moment I my left arm hurts – it has been diagnosed by a Abu Dhabi neurologist – I have tennis elbow. At first I was a bit surprised:
Me: Tennis elbow?? I have not played tennis in twenty years and I am right handed.
He took an excellent history also inquiring of my daily habits. The cause of the injury was not banging a ball but instead my writing habits. I type from bed on my laptop – my left arm was unsupported. My excessive writing has gotten me in trouble. I am not feeling sorry for myself – yesterday went to a pharmacy purchasing an arm brace – my left arm is presently supported by a pillow. Soothing music streams from one of my Apple devices.
I am thoroughly enjoying my new morning routine and rituals. For years and years I have been waking for Fayr prayer, writing and researching for a couple of hours,, then getting dressed and going for breakfast at a usually crowded breakfast buffet. Those days are over. This morning woke a few minutes before dawn, prayed, leisurely went back to bed. Drank the most delicious Penang coffee ruched at the hotel gift store and munched on a magnificent Kenny Hills’ Bakers cinnamon croissant crisp. Kenny Hills Bakery opened two days ago – just outside my back door. Great stories to tell you, a foodie reel or two. A story at the moment. It was super crowded on the second day of their ‘soft launch’. I was sitting on a bench waiting for a table next to a Malaysian Muslim couple. We began to speak, telling the woman next to me that I too was a Muslim. Their son was a new employee, they were going to dine at this table. We chatted, their son came downstairs to escort them to their table. The woman laughing and smiling said to me;
She: Please keep being happy.
Me: I shall!
Later when speaking of this interchange said.
Me: It was so meaningful and encouraging to me. If Allah gives you a gift should use it. supposed to use it. Allah has given me the gift of a sense of humor and extroversion. I use those gives and nothing makes Allah happier than to make another Muslim happy. It is in the Quran.
Something very amazing happened next. I dropped the contents of my purse, bent over to retrieve them, looking out the window. My benefactor Daddyo was sitting at his restaurant’s outside table Decided to go and talk to him, giving up my ‘place in line.” We had a great chat, decided I would just have lunch there. An older man, sitting at another restaurant, approached us.
He: Is that another one of your girlfriends?
Me: I am the newest one and the very best one even though I am older than he is.
M, Au joined us – they had been friends for years and years, opening restaurants at the same time. Much to my astonishment learned that he was the owner of the newly opened Kenny Hills Bakers. He was in Penang for the opening, most of his other establishments are in KL and other parts of Malaysia. We had a long conversation about religion. As he left he asked if he could take a photo of us.
Me: Yes, of course. And one for me too.
You shall see photos of the building which houses Kenny Hill’s Bakery. It is an old building that was meticulously rehabilitated. One photo captures the old E & O Hotel, the extremely modern Lyf Hotel and the renovated building. It speaks of the evolution of portions of Penang. It is interesting to be here at this point in time. It is, of course, unlikely that I am here.
Strode through the parking lot to meet with my beneficent benefactor.
Me: It is fascinating. I feel I belong here. I have never felt I belonged anywhere. Did not feel at home with my dysfunctional family in Canada. Then never felt at home in the USA even though I purchased homes – bigger and better ones all the time until the divorce. Then London, just a studying stopping place. Returning to California so changed by my experiences and my newly acquired faith. Totally felt like an outsider in Edmonton. Saudi Arabia was painful. Penang Lexis Suites was an isolated monastic experience. But there is vitality here, many different nationalities, faiths. These Malaysians so welcoming .
DaddyO and I went for Chinese food. This was like no Chinese food I have ever eaten and no Chinese restaurant that I have ever visited. Chin’s exceeded any and all my expectations. Oh my goodness I have NEVER seen such a restaurant I was too stunned to take photos of it but did capture a flaming dish. I shall return to photograph the interior more thoroughly. OF COURSE, DaddyO knew the owner, They had been friends for years. We laughed and joked. At one point the owner went to be photographed with birthday celebrants.
Me: How many times have you posed with celebrants. Probably hundreds.
He: Believe me I have lost count.
Interesting men I have been meeting. Restaurant owners, older men. I have met four, the owners of Kashmir, Izakaya’s Japanese Restaurant, Chin’s, Kenny Hill’s Bakers. All have contributed to their communities, employed hundreds of Malaysians over the years, raised families, support one another. I have never eaten so many gourmet meals, such delights,
I am leading a rather rarified existence.
Time, perhaps, for a little humor. As far as I am concerned this is the best Andy Borowitz EVER. It is timeless, not at all political but says it all ridiculing Trump and his fellow Americans.
HEAVEN (The Borowitz Report)—In a wide-ranging interview on Thursday, former President Jimmy Carter said that the best part of Heaven “by far” is the knowledge that he will never see Donald J. Trump again.“Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful for the gift of eternal life,” he said. “But an eternity without Trump is the greatest gift of all.”Carter said that he was “far from alone” in appreciating his Trump-free existence, adding, “Nelson Mandela just said the same thing.” Asked if he had seen Trump on cable news criticizing his sale of the Panama Canal, Carter responded, “We don’t have cable news up here. I’ve heard it’s on nonstop in the other place.”
Such a perfect fate for Trump, Musk and their ilk. To be forced to listen to CNN nonstop. They deserve it. The Quran talks about hell on no uncertain terms – but CNN did not exist them. An addition needs to be made. Hahaha.
I woke in an alienated mood this morning, gradually and slowly finding comfort with Allah (SWT), with the Quran, Instagram and a great breakfast.
This Inspiring Instagram from Dr. Raniaaward.
“The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) had a daily practice that included specific adhkar, or remembrances, especially in the mornings and evenings. One of the most powerful supplications he recited was a dua asking for refuge from worry, grief, incapacity, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, being heavily in debt and being overpowered by others. This dua is a profound reminder that the Prophet’s practices were intentional and not random. Each word was chosen to protect us from various struggles in life, It is a daily call for strength, peace and resilience. “
I shall incorporate this into my worship. It is just the guidance I need. The Instagram link:
I was also Instagram inspired by receiving six Likes to this response
Me: Fascinating dialogue, Thank you. I needed it at the time as I am too often trapped in seeking validation from other people. This morning read Chapter 103 of the Quran which has the same message. Alhamdulillah.
Quran 103: 1-3 The Passage of Time Wake-Up Call to Humanity
By the passage of time 2. Surely humanity is in ‘grave’ loss. 3. Except those who have foot, do good and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.