The Day of Devastating Disappointments; Disillusioning Lies Were the Cause: Found Comfort in the Quran; Needing New Direction Made A Personal Agency Appearance: An Email Discussed Possible Outcome Inshallah: Fasting with a Friend Again; Photos of Two Unlikely Subject; Photo and Reel of Sunsets; Look at Another Youtube Reel

The day of devastating disappointments dawned four days ago. Three devastating disappoints, all involving lies, emanating from five or six people. Most were Muslims, which is worse. When a Muslim lies, does not honor the Truth, as instructed by our Creator, it is most unsettling, more so than when lies of a non Muslim are revealed.

Blessedly, found solace and comfort in the Quran allowing me to speak of that day dispassionately. Dispassion is  a lack of strong emotion or personal feelings. Wikipedia discusses the concept.
“Nonattachment, non-attachment, or detachment is a state in which a person overcomes their emotional attachment to or desire for things, people, or worldly concerns and thus attains a heightened perspective. It is considered a wise virtue and is promoted in various religions,”

Initially I looked to the Quran, finding in a Chapter called Night: Believers believe in the truth of what is right. Nonbelievers reject what is right and deny the truth. This brought comfort as it eloquently described my insistence on the importance of telling and living the Truth. Rejecting what is right and denying the truth summarized the behavior of those who lied to me,; in one situation to others. I caught people, who were Muslims lying, not directed toward me, but most disappointing and disillusioning.

Another person’s lies were discovered, piecing together a series of distortions over the months. I finally broke free, discontinuing communication. See now there was a rather subtle form of disrespect, It has been my experience, looking back at encounters with several people that  one cannot get respect from someone who does not respect themselves.

Another individual assumed an identity that was not his, a protracted discussion revealed what seemed to be the duplicity. In all fairness, he was the most gracious. Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps he is who he says he is.
Me: You do not believe anything I say. For some perverse reason you need to make me believe you are someone you are not.  You failed. I shall take care. You have nothing to offer me. I will spend time with Allah (SWT) writing for my readers. I was chosen by our Creator to do this and will continue to do so.
He: Okay
Me: Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your okay.

There is a Chapter in the Quran called Comfort. I took Comfort from the words found.
Have We not lifted up your heart, and removed your burden, that weighted so heavily on your back, and have We not given you high renown? So, surely with every hardship comes ease, surely, with every hardship comes ease .So when you are free, strive hard and to your Lord turn (all) your attention. (Chapter 94: 1-8)

Looking at my writing with some distance I am amazed at the number of  my descriptive words that begin with the letter D. Disappointments, devastating,, discussion, duplicity, dilemma, distortions, disillusioning. detachment, dispassion, disrespect. What if this? What if delusion is another word?  One definition of delusion is a false belief, judgment, or perception. Perhaps I was mistaken, misunderstood, misinterpreted, misbelieved, deceived myself? Perhaps he was who he said he was. Now we have words that start with m,

Muslims are assured that truth will triumph over untruths,  so I await further developments. In the meantime decisions need to be made about the direction of my life in the days, weeks, and months to come.
I explained my dilemma to friend Noor in an email telling her that the words would find their way to this blog.  They have. Instagram posted a PeaceBoat advertisement featuring a world cruise, that seemed perfect for my needs. Made several attempts to connect through email and the Instagram but was unsuccessful. A Penang travel agency was listed. Called the agency, made an appointment and hired a hotel driver to drive through the incredibly congested streets of Penang. Noor was with me, helping me make the appointment at the agency. I wrote to tell her of the results.

“As you know I thought it would be a good idea to go to the agency and talk to a real live person rather than try to talk on the telephone or or do an email. I always have much better luck (with everything) if there is person to person contact.

So to keep my piece of mind etc I hired a hotel driver, to wait for me as well as drive me. It was a great idea. His understanding of English was rather minimal but we were able to communicate.

I talked to the receptionist, Alicia. She was very helpful, hugely helpful. This is what happens. Two months before a world-wide cruise they shut down booking because they have to get visas and clearances in all the countries visited – and this depends on the country of origin of all the people. That does make total sense, I see the necessity for that.

However, I made a strong in person argument that the company should waive the requirement in my case for several reasons. One being my blog with its world-wide appeal, the second my flexibility being only one person and adaptable as to rooms etc 3) my Ikebana experience and Japanese travels which might mean I could contribute to ship board entertainment. (I did not mention my stand up comedy abilities and experience, hahaha). Alicia said she would contact the company with all of that information. She scanned my passport. American passports are acceptable in most countries.

So I felt really good about what I did. Put in the effort, not just sitting around waiting for Allah (SWT) to do something for one. Praying but no effort.

But the most interesting thing happened. The driver and I were leaving, on the way out  noticed various brochures sitting on a table. Believe it or not there was one on Melbourne Australia – a big fat book.  Even with a tiny section saying Muslims in Melbourne. So even if the cruise does not work out I still have a lot of help with that as it talks about things to do, neighborhoods, restaurants, transportation in the city – everything.

Alicia is going to call me when she gets in touch with them but it looks like I have done everything possible to make it work out, if possible. Otherwise there is Melbourne. It is looking good at the moment. I have peace of mind. PHEW. So nothing to worry about now. I am happy, happy, happy.”

That was that. That is an idiomatic expression meaning that something has ended. It also have variants or that’s that. used to say that a decision or situation cannot be changed.

Muslims often repeat Inshallah constantly and continually.  It means IF Allah wills it. What would my blog be without another  quote from Wikipedia.? Here we go again.
Inshallah (/ɪnˈʃɑːlə/; Arabic: إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: ʾIn shāʾ Allāh Arabic pronunciation: [ʔin ʃaː.ʔa‿ɫ.ɫaːh]), also spelled In shaa Allah, In sha Allah, Insya Allah, İn şa Allah, and Inchallah, is an Arabic-language expression meaning “if God wills” or “God willing”.[1] Its use is mentioned in the Quran[2] which required the use of it when speaking on future events.[3][4] In an Islamic context, it expresses the belief that nothing happens unless God wills it, and that his will supersedes all human will;[5] however, more generally the phrase is commonly used by Muslims, Arab Christians and Arabic speakers of other religions to refer to events that one hopes will happen in the future, having the same meaning as the English word “hopefully”

Do admit that I am remiss in saying, and writing, Inshallah. Jumping to my defense I say:
Me: It goes without saying. Nothing in this world is going to happen in the world unless God wills it. I do not need to be reminded of this. However, sometimes Allah (SWT) needs some help which is why I went to the agency the other day.

I was comfortable that I had done everything humanly possible. The next day was Thursday, a day of voluntary fasting. I voluntarily fasted, having Sohour brought to me room. This conversation with Noor.
Me: I am fasting today. I forgot to tell you that I was.
She: Alhamdulillah. Same here.
Me: Mashallah Really?!? We were both fasting without telling each other. Alhamdulillah. These watermelon hearts were included in my sohout. Oops sohour not shout out hahaha.
I included a photograph. This is what is amazing.  This Malaysian fruit is delicious. I have always disliked watermelon, did not find it tasty at all. I revert to the Islamic faith, find myself in Malaysia fasting on a Thursday. Food is brought before dawn, including a heart shaped fruit, it is utterly delicious. I love it. Now what is the likelihood of that??!

I include two unlikely photographs. The watermelon hearts and the page from the Melbourne Australia book speaking of Muslims in Melbourne. A stunning sunset photograph and a reel I sent as a story to ‘close friends’. Received so many direct mail responses from people I had not heard from in a long time. I just might do it again.

Go to my YouTube, going to the four bar menu and poking YouTube. There you will finally find the Bali Fish Market reel. It is under Shorts features colorful fish. I received a very funny comment from Blog Master Chris.
He: That video is very depressing sitting here in very grey and wet southwest UK.
Me: So sorry it depressed you. I am fasting today. It was so reassuring to see the blog posted. Fasting zaps your energy, it gave me a boost.

When in my YouTube go to Latest, there you will find a reel called Magical View (ed. I’ll just link it below!), made 9 months ago at the Bahrain Rex Carlton. I had forgotten all about this. While staying there someone would come and leave flowers in my room, unannounced and unsolicited. Such an interesting life I now lead.