It is Embarrassing to be Inspired by Instagram: Examples of Instagram Inspiration; The Zumba Class Adventures and Misadventures: Discovering the Benefits of Zumba: It Was the Best of Times, The Worst of Times; Photograph and Reel of Zumba Class, Reel Seeking Retrieval of Lost Sunglasses

It is almost embarrassing to admit, the Alexis who receives inspiration from the Quran, has instead gone to strive at a diverse end, The other morning I was  inspired by reels on Instagram. Yes, Instagram.

I often respond to reels I find meaningful. Frequently my profound responses are swallowed up, never to be seen by man or heard from again. Leaning from past experiences this time before I sent the response off to never-never land I decided to share it with you, the gentle readers of this blog..”The statement made is so profound because it resonates in my life. People have abusing what I brought to the table. No matter what one brings to the table of some people they will abuse it. So one says: “Excuse me”and leaves the table never tor return. They will find a replacement.  The reel is powerful. Unfortunately something went wrong and I am unable to link it. .

Another reel spoke of the importance of dignity within the faith illustrating and illuminating the importance of treating others with dignity, not insults. The speaker used the example of Marianne, who wanted to die rather than return to her village with the baby Isa. Another example offered was from a Hadith in which the Prophet (PBUH) equated  the dignity shown to others comparable to the dignity shown to the Kaaba. For once, I had nothing to say so did not respond to that reel. Most people’s responses are emoji, which to me is not really a response, but that is just me. Far better an emoji or a Like than nothing at all, which is the involvement of the vast majority of Instagram scrollers.

But wait  until you hear this!! The Response I made to the comic sketch of first mentioned in the blog of October 13, 2024 has now received Astral first mentioned in my ????? Blog has not received 572 Likes. Mashallah. This was my exceedingly popular response: Excellent!!Humor is important in these times. Laughing at Israeli’s absurdities is a weapon, very r rarely used and myst be deployed. The link to that can be found in the earlier blog. To access earlier blogs go to the Older Post at the bottom of this page and work your way backward. This blog is a bit primitive but you get what you pay for,  you are not seeing any bothersome ads nor any pleas to send money to me or any dubious cause. It is free. Interestingly, it is one of my contributions toward charity, admittedly not mentioned in the Quran in the same verses as orphans and building mosques etc. (Hahaha) Do I need to point out that there were no blogs at the time of the Quran? One is allowed to use reason and interpretation in this branch of the Sunni faith.

Serious responses are written to serious matters. This is as example of a Response made to a reel about the necessity of feeling in order to experience healing.
Me: Very interesting and enlightening to hear. I was abused as a child dealing with it by not feeling. It was not until I reverted that I truly healed and the faith allowed me to feel. Prayer was essential. I am 81 and reverted to the faith on October 20. 2020.
I received 49 Likes to that response. Again, see the original reel as it is most meaningful:

This has been serious. I shall not attempt to find something amusing about being 81.  One of Lexis Suites employees spoke congratulating me for a daring act on my part.
He: I saw you yesterday during Zumba class. It is so great seeing an 81 year old exercising.  Me: Thank you. Some people say it is such a gift to be old, have a long life. I tell them, no it is not. Not  if you are not mobile and do not have your faculties, your functioning brain. If you are senile, incontinent, and immobile it is not a gift. No one can be mobile, alert and alive with ideas if you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and expecting others to take care of you.

This is how I happened upon the Zumba class, it was a series of adventures and misadventures A misadventure is a mishap, a setback, a reverse of fortune, stroke of bad luck, a car crash. It is not a piece of good luck. Two days ago I saw the announcement for the Zumba class posted outside the breakfast buffet. Decided it might be a fine idea to give it a try. But started to think better of it, when a guy said he would call at 5. First told of my Zumba plans but then became hesitant remembering my on again off again sciatica pain. Texted okay, call me, thinking it would be best if I took it easy.  Five o’clock came, the setback of receiving no call. Decided I could at least go down to be beach to watch what was going on. Great music, looked like fun, the women enthusiastically asked me to join them. So I did!!! A 8th floor staff member was observing, passed him my phone. There is now a photo or two of the group of women and me and a reel of me participating most enthusiastically. I was so happy and proud of my effort, thank goodness for the no five o’clock mishap. Him not getting my message turned into a piece of good luck, It is a weekly event, I definitely plan to go back next week. Alhamdulilla.

Before going to this class I knew nothing of Zumba. Now I do and you will too. Zumba Fitness uses a wide variety of music, including salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton, hip-hop, and more. The music is upbeat and designed to keep you moving and motivated throughout the workout.This question was asked. Is Zumba for old ladies? Answer: Zumba is great for older adults because it is a low-impact exercise. For many older adults, the choice to remain sedentary can be due to painful inflamed joints or stiffness. This means that strenuous exercises can be difficult, or even impossible.

Photos will include the Zumba class. I captioned the photo sent to a man of some renown
Me: I am the one in the hat. Haha
He: Did you go to the gym?
Me: No it was on the beach. There is also a reel with my Zumbing. Impressive!! Writing the blog

Photos will include the Zumba class. I captioned the photo sent to a man of some renown
Me: I am the one in the hat. Haha
He: Did you go to the gym?
Me: No it was on the beach. There is also a reel with my Zumbing. Impressive!! Writing the blog
ed to a very unusual discovery from a blog written about a year ago. Which did concern you.
He: Oh wow That’s good. Good things I hope.
Me: Yes good things.

I sent the Zumba reel to WhatsApp friends including the man who did not call.
Me: Thanks for not calling!  Look what I did. I am the one in the hat. Hahaha

That was a day, like so many days, that exemplifies and included the best of days, the worst of days
 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” ― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities “It was the best of times, was the worst of times” is the opening line of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. The phrase suggests an age of radical opposites taking place at the same time. One meaning is to be optimism but also be prepared for all possibilities.

Researching the best of times, the worst of times found an article written by the mayor of an unknown UK city during the the pandemic, those Covid=19 days.  .
“How we change after getting up off the mat to defeat and control the COVID-19 virus in the future will shape what life in the aftermath looks like. If we recognize that, for a moment, we were able to set aside our differences and prejudices and simply support each other, we have a chance of gleaning something positive from the virus. “The best of times” is the potential in all of this … in all of us. The possibility of transformation is the message of The Tale of Two Cities. The closing line of the book is “It’s a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done…” uttered by a character about to sacrifice his life for a better world. We need not make that sacrifice to make the world a better place post-coronavirus. We only need to slightly change our view of each other and always, always appreciate the simple things in our lives.”

It is very difficult to see the good times at this particular time in our lives. Indeed we can see the worst of times with Gaza, with the United States and their allies supporting Israel and the genocide. I have no solution, instead shall appreciate the simple things in my life. At this moment the Zumba class. Perhaps, and in a very strange way the simple Zumba class may lead to transformation. .

A transformation can be a conversion, a reshaping, a metamorphosis, an overhaul, a transmogrification. It is not a preservation nor a conservation.

As I often say. Stay tuned.

Photos shall include the Zumba class and its new member, and a reel of me putting my my very  best efforts. I lost a precious pair of sunglasses, decided to make a reel announcing their loss and put it on Instagram with this caption  “ I cannot find them, So if anyone has seen them please let me know. Don’t know if this will help but it can’t hurt.”