A Magnificent Morning; Photograph of Dawn To Be Shown; A Funny Text Exchange: Tough on the Inside, No More Cute on the Outside; The Hood Godmother is the New Me; Saudi Secrets Soon to Be Revealed Taking the Place of Gallery on the Blog; Ideas Podcast Addresses Hope, Much Needed in These Troubled Times; Photos of Dawn, Bath tub and Bubble Bath; Mini Hot Dogs and the New Me

September 27, 2024

Allah (SWT) revealed Himself in all of His power, glory and beauty this morning. I was woken prior to Fajr prayer. The dark skies were illuminated by lightening – a lightening I have never seen. Portions of the sky exploded into colors clouds mostly red, but a different shade than I have ever seen. Photography was impossible because it was sporadic, perhaps a reel might capture the sight – however that proved impossible. The day dawned, those colors you will see see at the conclusion of the blog. So beautiful. WhatsApped to receive this response.

Me: This sunrise greeted me. On a day that shall end with your call. (Allhanduillah sticker)

He: Beautiful morning, we woke up with issues at the mine., rock slides, belt rips, , not pretty at all. I am at work already. Going UG soon

Me: I thought you had the day off my dear. My belt rips are easier to fix . Please stay clear of those sliding rocks.

He: Sent an emoji of a fat armed soldier with the caption. Suappy Commanding. That means yes commander.

Me: I absolutely 100% love the respect and deference you show the Hood Godmother.

Sending him a GiF of a dancing extremely old lady dancing in front to a stoop.

Me: Embarrassing this old woman dances better than I. But a great Hood Godmother. He gave me that nickname when I had sent him a photo of my new look. I am SO tired of people asking: “Where are you from?” And even worse being discriminated against in this hotel by an extended UK Hindu family (who were then encouraged and received benefits from Lexis Suites management). Does not make much sense to me to dress like a Muslim woman, in any place but Saudi Arabia (where you have no choice, actually)

Me: That is my Hilton Resort Hotel hat worn backwards and a phone holder around my neck. No one would mess with me. I look like an ugly American.

He: Tough on the inside. No more cute on the Inside. The Hood Godmother

Me: That is the new me!!! Very funny, I love it!!! I cannot see to figure out what the buffet food its. Look what I got off the kid’s table this morning.

Showed him the photo of mini hot dogs – very USA but strange breakfast food.

Back to September 28, 2024

A conversation of the previous morning revealed that breakfast could be delivered to my room, “Just like we do when you fast” I placed my order for 7:30 am. A knock on my door. My very favorite Amir brought breakfast which was enjoyed on the patio.

This is being written on September 29, 2024

My blessed yesterday of course included writing. I write every day. I wrote an email which I will incorporate into this blog.

Me: I will be renegotiating my stay at Lexis Suites for another month. I intend to spend my solitary, peaceful time writing. The blog will speak of my day to day experiences and encounters, hopefully, and usually, in an optimistic manner. However, I do have a bone to pick with Saudi Arabia. Bone to pick is a subject or issue that will require considerable discussion or argument “Bone to pick,” dates back to the 16th century, simply refers to a dog chewing endlessly on, and “picking clean,” a large bone. I have been waiting to pick my bone with Saudi Arabia until there was some resolution, some measure of peace in this war torn weary world. Peace is not on the horizon – certainly Saudi Arabia is doing nothing at all to advance the peace process, indeed, quite the opposite. The toxicity of Saudi Arabia plays heavily on my mind, writing and exposing certain matters will ease the toxicity, keeping secrets requires much effort. Telling the truth is cleansing. I have devised a way of keeping alive hope and optimism while at the same time speaking unpleasant truths. Discussed the matter with my blog master. The cheerful Gallery photos will be replaced by serious Saudi themes – not required reading, of course. This was done in the past. Free Palestine and Quest for Life were the site of two serious essays which remained in perpetuity, mentioned in the daily blogs only when additions were made. Obviously this had limited effect on the world situation – Palestine was not freed. My copy of the May 31, 2943 Life magazine was not returned, however the identity of the magazine thief was discovered and two copies of the magazine were located – one in Riyadh, the other in Jeddah. That too did not change the world but did discover that all was rather fruitless because for some reason most Saudis, and those in power, have no interest whatsoever in their history. More about that in the Saudi Section. .

But back to the hope and optimism of the day. Bravely corssed the street to go to Swiss Pharmacy to buy an eye patch and other medical supplies (no bobbles this time). The wonderful women greeted me with much enthusiasm. .

They: You are back! We specially ordered the baby bubble bath for you and it came.

Me: Oh my goodness. ! I feel so special! I will have three bottles please.

There is a story behind my affinity and addiction for Johnson’s Bedtime Baby Bath. My student visa expired, was forced to leave London. Decided during those Trump days to return to Canada instead. Flew to Vancouver, staying with my cousin. We had toured Scotland together – she in search of her father’s history, me in search of our Uncle Dave’s history for my (as yet unwritten) biography. Stayed with her for three weeks. She introduced me to the benefits of Johnson’s Bedtime Baby Bath – made bubbles, smelled great, was soothing and left one’s skin soft. Decided to spread my joy by texting her,

Me: You will never believe this. Remember when you told me about and supplied me with Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Bath

She: I do!!!

Me: Went across the street to pharmacy. Everyone so excited!! We ordered it special for you and it just came in. I bought three bottles.

She: Hahaha

Me: What a precious memory. Came back to Lexis Suites and told everyone. Will take a photo of it and the bath tub and send it to you. Without me in it, of course. Hahaha

She: You are funny. I only shower not take bubble baths.

Me: I hate showers never can get the temperature right. I did do a reel of my favorite room, the one with the bath tub cannot find it at the moment.

She: Okay!!!

Me: So here is the photo. The bathtub, the view, the bubble bath but no me.

She: Looks lovely. You will enjoy your bubble bath for sure.

Me: I love them! Thanks to you.

She: You are welcome.

We then went on to talk of other matters. She got in touch to tell me that she had cataract surgery.

She: I had one eye done in Left eye 2017. Right eye 2019. I hope you are as happy with your new eyes as I am with mine.My eyes work great.

We spoke of many things, she approves of my dream to live in West Wymess Scotland, that rhymes with dreams. Her approval means SO much to me actually. Then we had the greatest of conversations. We are almost the same age – she two months older than I am

We were speaking of another of the Niece’s Nexus who lived near Sydney

Me: Where did she live?

She: Port Macquarie

Me: Thank you. I looked it up on the Internet. Looks super interesting. What did we ever do without the Internet?

She: We’d be lost.

Me: I know. Have to run to the library or have an atlas. We would not be able to chat like this. Eye drop time again.

She: I am glad those days are behind me.

Me: I cannot wait until the over part. This my life at the moment. Eye drops, pray, talk on WhatsApp to a guy in Indonesia, eye drops, pray, eye drops. The Internet again!!! What a life!! Soon just prayers, and hopefully all the Internet stuff – with you and others.

Then a bit later I listened to an Ideas Podcast: Times are Urgent, We Must Slow Down: A Lesson in Hope. These words from a Nigerian poet. I cannot find the name of the speaker, She spoke of the effect of the words which ‘ reorganized the furniture of the speaker’s brain.” What an interesting way to put it – changing one’s ideas, one’s beliefs, one’s way of seeing the world – reorganizing the furniture of our brains. Just when her book about Shakespeare and Hope was published, her life fell apart – first covid meant no schools, she a university professor. Then her husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. At first she turned to writing, that was her act of defiance. That sounds most familiar to me, defiance was the impetus for this blog. But I was smart enough to know that an angry diatribe would not provide me with a following. My sense of humor was put to use. The blog used to be funnier – before the Faith, before Gaza before many events and disappointments. I am able to slow down. She spoke of the importance of metaphors. Faithful readers will be well aware of my use of metaphors, definitions and idioms.

I was texting MAJOR, trying to come up with a word. Finally finding it, defining it by the use of its antonyms. This our conversation.

Me: The word is incomparable. It is described easiest by its antonym. It is not ordinary, not commonplace.

He: I used to have synonyms and antonyms blocks. I liked them over my dictionaries.

Me: I totally agree. I use synonyms in the definition of words on my blog. It usually takes more than a couple of words to capture the true meaning of a word.

It is now September 30, morning time. I return to the E & O as I have a doctor’s appointment, then the right eye cataract surgery, performed with general unaesthetic, thank you very much. Meeting my Muslim Malaysian sister for lunch. Hope she shows up at the right time and the right place.

He: Taking the day off. I haven’t finished my taxes. Can you please send me a short email just on the details of tomorrow? Also if you need cash and who to send it to. Thanks

Me: You are the greatest of men. Do not need cash at the moment thanks and will not know of details of tomorrow later. Then I sent a funny imaginary conversation to him which made him laugh.

Me: I love making you laugh. Whereas you love torturing me with words I do not understand. Is this fair????

Bye for now. Photos to follow.