Al Jazeera Brings Us Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Chinese Ambassador to Qatar Tells Us What is Really Going On: My Own Thoughts on the Situation Which Will Get Me in Trouble I Fear: Then Back in Malaysia for King Ong and the Poutine; Photos and a Reel of My Lexis Suites Family

Stayed away from serious politics for a few days because there is a lot going on in my life – all good actually. Not going to Mecca or Medinah, staying here in Malaysia – definitely going to be my new home.

An Opinion headline from Al Jazeera; Palestinian unity is key to the realisation of Palestinian statehood and China is committed to facilitating it. It was written by Cao Xiaolin, China’s ambassador to Qatar, published on August 29, 2024. Another Opinion writer speaks of the fact that all that the US is doing is prolonging the agony. My comment on that – Blinken is Blinking (hahaha).

Xiaplin spells out what needs to be done, clearly and precisely. He obviously knows what is he is talking about.

“The important consensus from the Beijing talks is to achieve reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions. The core outcome is the affirmation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people. The biggest highlight is the agreement on establishing an interim government of national reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza. The strongest call is for establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.”

It is obvious from the continuing remarks that we are getting the inside scoop on what is going on.
“Mousa Abu Marzouk, head of the Hamas delegation to the Beijing Dialogue, declared Hamas’s readiness to implement the Beijing Declaration, strengthen unity among factions and advance the reconciliation process to achieve Palestinian national unity. Mahmoud al-Aloul, deputy chief of the Fatah movement, said China is a light and its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions are rare on the international stage. European Union Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process Sven Koopmans stressed it is a remarkable achievement and fully demonstrates China’s positive and constructive role in the Middle East peace process.”

Everything is one step at a time. So true  and is emphasized in the Islamic Faith. Xiaplan outlines the three steps.

Number one:  The first step is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground. The international community should build more synergy for ending the hostilities and establishing a ceasefire.

Then tells us what the second step shall be.
The second step is to make joint efforts towards post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine”. Gaza is an inseparable, integral part of Palestine. Restarting post-conflict reconstruction as soon as possible is an urgent priority. The international community needs to support Palestinian factions in establishing an interim national consensus government and realising the effective management of Gaza and the West Bank.

The final step involves useless UN. We gotta get rid of the UN I think but admit that I am not an expert. However the UN is useless and impotent, anyone can see that.

“The third step is to help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-state solution. It is important to support the convening of a broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution.”

The conclusion is artfully presented.
The three-step initiative lays out a detailed and feasible plan for peacefully resolving the Palestinian question, contributing to building consensus among all stakeholders and guiding the Palestinian question back on the right track of a political solution. China has no selfish interests in the Palestinian question. It was among the first countries to recognise the PLO and the State of Palestine, and all along has firmly supported the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights.

I was in Riyadh, not long ago, however  it seems a lifetime ago. It was prior to Gaza. I was so happy when the Premier of China went to visit MBS. I thought it meant that the stronghold of the US over the world had been broken. But it was not to be. MBS speaks with forked tongue – his inaction – not his actions – have shown that his own selfish interests are controlling. Diplomats from other countries have spoken to me of his greed. I once believed in him – I did. Now I do not. I was fooled. I shall speak out from the safety of Malaysia. I was once impressed that the Quran is the constitution of KSA – that is a joke, the ultimate irony. The greed, the corruption rampant in the country. I thought it was the Western press lying – well Western press does lie about KSA. It is actually worse than what they portray.

I laughingly said to someone today. Maybe MBS will kill me and ground me up to be hamburger, but at least I will be halal. Well, of course that is a joke – in a way. If he does that to me I will be on a fast track to Jannah, I will not be running into him there, I am sure.

But back to Al Jazeera for the final conclusion of this article.
“China firmly supports the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights and supports the people of Middle Eastern countries in holding their future in their own hands. China looks forward to the day when Palestinian factions achieve internal reconciliation and, on that basis, realise national unity and independent statehood as early as possible. China will continue to work relentlessly to this end, making more contributions to promoting peace and prosperity in the region.”

Meanwhile Back in Malaysia

It has been a strange day, to say the least. But here is some prime time stuff. There will be photos to show you what I am talking about. I have decided to make Lexis Suites, Penang, Malaysia my home. It seemed only appropriate that this decision be honored in some way. Decided it should be honored by having a Canadian breakfast dish. However, the only cuisine of Canada is maple syrup and a strange thing called poutine. Heard of it but never had I ate it. Never in my whole long life. Nonetheless got in touch with King Ong – which is a nickname, his first name is not King. He promised to make me poutine and serve it to me, just me. At that I laughed.
Me: The is because no one else will eat the stuff.

I totally gave up, as neither he or it was at breakfast yesterday. I no longer cared. Was at breakfast this morning and who should appear? It was not Santa Claus coming down the chimney. It was King Ong with the poutine. Of course I had this momentous moment photographed. The King and I have had several  Message conversations regarding the dish. He is a busy man as he has new responsibilities – yes. He is now second in command – next to Ben Hur.

Me: The poutine is the best I have ever eaten my whole life. Also the first. Hahaha  And the last. Hopefully. . Hahaha
He: Not the last, If ever you feel like eating let me know.
Me: I will never feel like eating poutine – as wonderful as you prepared it. Other food of yours I certainly will be eating. Will let you know. Is that okay???

He: Okay.
The conversation continued, ending in this way. .
He: I’m glad the poutine made your wonderful day. King Ong can cook.
Me: So can Alexis. All this and I can cook too….After prayers I can order something to cook from your kitchen I guess I have to eat it on my patio because the Skyview Terrace is closed. Oh well. The view is about the same from here. It is a bit lonely – but whatever.

Photos will  include King Ong serving the poutine, and several of my Lexis Suites family taken on the night of their staff morale booster. I was invited at the last minute. Did attend but the reels and photos were sent to me as an invitation actually.