ALLAH  is Testing Me, A Cause for Both Fear and Jubilation; Background Explaining Contradictory Emotions; Examples of Tests Endured; Read on to Find a Humorous Sheer Surprise Ending; Being Humbled; Photographs of Views From Hotel Rooms

August 28, 2024

Awoke at 4, deciding this early morning wakening was a call of prayer. Needless to say it was dark, the Lexis Suites lighting is poor. I suddenly remembered seeing a flashlight in a closet, pulled it out to great joy. I could read from the Quran during prayer with the aid of the flashlight. Opened the Quran randomly to this page.
‘Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident those who are false.’ [Surah Al-‘Ankabut, 29:2-3”

This was a subject previously explored, after prayer typed Test into the search engine to find a prior ‘draft blog’. A topic interests me, I do the research, begin writing but do not complete the thinking waiting until the time is ripe. The time is now ripe.

 If you say that the time is ripe, you mean that it is a suitable point for a particular activity. It is opportune, the psychological moment, The Quran informed; Alexis it is opportune, the psychological moment, Martin Luther King, Jr. said: The time is always ripe to do right.”  Looking back over the day, the week, the year, and trying to figure out where we have come from and where we are going to, for sifting through the things we have done and the things we have left undone for a clue to who we are and who, for better or worse, we are becoming. Frederick Buechner, A Room Called Remember: Uncollected Pieces.

This quote from Maryann Chanell MsKaya is both comforting and disturbing. “ALLAH swt gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.” ALLAH loves those who are patient, and he knows which soul can bear each hardship. ALLAH knows which of his slaves are the strong souls, and will test those stronger. Keeping reminding yourself of the saying “ALLAH gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers”

Many wrote about the testing of Allah (SWT). Some said that that Allah tests us to bring us closer to him.Therefore, Allah tests you to remind you that he is here for you, and he is the only one who can help you and get you out of the hardship. .Additionally, a test is made to distinguish the true believer from the one who has weak faith

Moreover, it is said that Allah tests those He loves the most.  If someone gets closer to Allah, Allah will definitely test his faith and honesty. Allah wants to relieve that person from eternal pain. Allah desires to increase the ranks of that person. Allah wants to fortify the servant’s belief further in Himself; show him that He is there whatever happens.

It has worked so far. It is not altogether comforting to think that these tests are going to keep going on. But I did find reassurance. Allah assures His followers, “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease” [Surah Ash-Sharh, 94-5]. We are encouraged to embrace his promise. . Do not give up even if the pain seems never-ending and you feel worn out from carrying it all; there is relief and something even greater waiting for you just around the corner.

We are taught that things on earth are temporary, therefore even difficulties are not permanent. And those believers who persevere in their belief in Allah and practise patience in the face of adversity are then rewarded in ways that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

It is said that The Prophet (ﷺ) said:“The people who face the most difficult tests are the prophets, then the righteous, then those following them in degree. A person is tried according to his religion. So if there is firmness in his religion, then the trial is increased, and if there is a weakness, then it is lightened. Verily a trial remains with a servant until he walks the earth having no sin left upon him” [Bukhari].

I was tested from the very beginning. Was I ever!! Wait until you hear about it. This is how it all began. The British Family Court released its finding, concerning the matter under its consideration. The Ruler of Dubai was found to have kidnapped and abducted two of his daughters and mistreated his sixth wife, Princess Haya of Jordon. I had employed the regular services of a San Francisco taxi driver, who was a Muslim. .

Me: Is that how Muslims treat women?
He: No it is the opposite.

He was the only Muslim I knew and the only Muslim I was to know for interminable months, for reasons you will discover. Those were the days of the coronavirus, mosques were closed, as were all public places. I read, my first Qurans were downloaded from iBooks.  The taxi driver was useless, despite being born a Muslim in Pakistan several years before, he had never read the Quran and was staunch in his stance, saying he did not want to know more. He did eventually,  put me in touch with Inman Hamza of the Noor Mosque in Richmond, California, a thoroughly amazing man. It was a telephone conversation, lengtily and rewarding.  It concluded with him telling me to read the Quran and Allah and I would decide when I was ready. I made that solitary decision on October 20, 2020 – well not exactly solitary, after all Allah (SWT) was with me. The taxi driver, whose last name was Khan kept me from contact with other Muslims. Saw later that he wanted to take credit for my reversion to the faith. He was convinced he would be rewarded with a castle in Jannah. I have news for him, the castle might be there but it will not have any occupants. Most probably not, but not my decision. Those were pandemic days, as a taxi driver he was at risk resulting in my kindness and mercy, (not coupled with strength) coming into play. I supported he and his family for more than six months to the tune of three thousand American dollars a month, despite the fact he had two adult sons. I now regard that money as charity, required by the faith. I left San Francisco for Marin County, no longer requiring his services. My medical care, dentists, appointments were close at hand. He came irrationally angry hearing this, attacking a woman who was being helpful “I knew she was danger” he yelled. Years later learned that his behavior was characteristic of a hypocrite, the failure to meet commitments, the lies, the anger when questioned. He vanished from my life when I refused to pay him two thousand dollars a month for nothing.

Did not falter in my faith, despite suffering from horrendous discrimination solely because I was a Muslim woman. Learning more from the Quran, researching. the internet and books slowly collected as bookstores again opening.  That was my first test, realized in retrospect. The tests have not ceased – are endless. Quite miraculously it seemed, had the blessed opportunity of an affordable Umrah. However eJourney, the Saudi company was ill prepared for the solitary experience they attempted to offer me. I was provided with a young female Umrah guide who attempted to scam me. Convinced me that she needed money to go to medical school in Egypt. Just in time learned that achieving Saudi women with good grades had their medical school education paid for by the Saudi government. She knew exactly the yearly cost of her f her Egyptian medical education, conveniently affordable. I escaped back home to Canada whereupon I read that even if your Umrah was flawed (which mine was at her hands) -if you had the intention, it would be valid. I am grateful to her, much later she sent me a reel of my reaction when I saw the Kaaba.
When I returned to Edmonton, in the midst of winter feeling most bruised and battered by eJourney, the corrupt Saudi travel company. Prior to leaving for Saudi Arabia I had ordered Martin Lings  Martin Lings, Biography of Mohammed (PBUH). Braved the cold to walk to the independent book store, hibernated, reading the thick book from cover to cover. It is instrumental in bringing people to the faith as you become on intimate terms with the Prophet (PBUH). I recommend the book to all, most recently to a man met in Bali. .

Trust me, The tests have gone on. I prefer not to dwell on them. Only the venue has changed, I was sorely tested during the time spend in Saudi Arabia, by other Muslims,,  I was naive in the beginning, thinking if one was well situated in Saudi Arabia and a Muslim you must be honest and truthful in your dealings. I was wrong! Examining their behaviors in retrospect see they were all hypocrites. Only way to deal with a hypocrite is to shun them. I have, leaving them to prey on others, I fear.

Through it all, my sense of humor, a gift from our Creator, has been my ally, my very best friend. I am able to laugh at the improbability of my existence. I shall now offer you borrowed humor

Onto Something Completely Different

Discovered an Andy Borowitz in my inbox – not him, something he wrote.
FALLS CHURCH, VA (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump on Tuesday backed out of a televised debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on the grounds that he died in a helicopter crash “many years ago.” “I was on my helicopter flying over New Jersey when all of a sudden it went down,” he said. “I was with Willie Brown, who is also now dead, quite frankly.” He said that he would never agree to a debate on ABC because the network “is very biased against dead people.”“You look at ABC News, which might be the fakest news there is, and they don’t have a single dead person on the air,” he said. “As a dead person, I should be allowed to choose the moderator, and I would never agree to George Snuffleupagus.”

I love it – massacred the name of George – one would think he would have changed his last name many years ago. ABC biased against dead people.

The End

Here is a very humbling Alexis McBride. The flashlight, rescued from the closet could not be turned off, moreover could not return it to its home as the mechanism too complicated,  What is a woman to do?? Went to the lobby with the flashlight (still on).  They could not turn it off but found an employee to return it to its resting place, thus ensuring its battery life. Was texting a man, known for his battery acumen.

Me: I really, really appreciate your support. You are fab. Fortunately I am building an army, so you are not alone. He usually responds (because he is supportive.)  If it is memorable you will hear about it, if not – you won’t. Acumen, by the way is a perfect word for the following reasons. It is the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain

Photographs are views experienced in various hotels I have stayed in. Would you stay in the one that looks like a jail? It is the Medinah Oberio Hotel, which overlooks the Prophet’s Mosque, I did not overlook anything, as you can see. No reason why not – do not think I shall give them a second chance. Would you????