My Blessings are Boundless; Boundless and Bounty Defined; Quran 59:29; ‘My People’ Give Gifts of Bounty and a Blue-Eyed Eagle Ring; Sanguine Comes to the Rescue; Over the Moon; Back to An Analysis of My Blog Statistics; Canada Graciously Loses to Saudi Arabia; Photos of Elephant Man’s Delight, the Blue-Eyed Eagle Ring and My Statistics   

My blessings are boundless – this word boundless came to me as I awoke this July 6, 2023. As is my custom I shall explore the meaning of boundless. Such a word it is! Boundless: unlimited or immense. Synonyms abound. Limitless, untold, bottomless, immeasurable incalculable, inestimable, abundant,  inexhaustible,  never-ending, without end, infinite, undying, interminable, unfailing, unfading, ceaseless, everlasting. 

This portion of the blog is being written on July 8, much of the remainder written on July 5. I read the Quran daily. This morning, randomly opened to 57: 29 “The People of the Book should know that they have no power whatsoever over God’s grace. His grace is entirely in his hand and he bestows it upon whoever He wills. God is truly infinite in His bounty.”  

I was awe struck to read this, knowing the how this blog began and the word bounty appeared, as if in answer to my thoughts and prayers of gratitude. The concluding sentence is my ‘companion’ blog: “For God is the Lord of infinite bounty.” 

Bounty can be unusual and can come from unique sources. Bounty has many synonyms. You shall feel blessed in the reading of them. Magnanimity,  munificence, largesse, liberality, lavishness, indulgence; benevolence, beneficence, charitableness, goodwill, big-heartedness, kindliness, compassion, care; blessings, gifts; almsgiving. 

Yesterday, after witnessing the magnificent sunrise, gulping down a rather hurried breakfast in a crowded melee of families, I retreated to my room to write, productively, probably about four thousand words. At some point, after Asr prayer, got bored with my own company, venturing out to see ‘my people’. My People, are numbers of Lexis Suites staff. These fine folk could be considered My Family – but in my lifetime families have never worked out very well. Therefore therefore, instead they are My People. Received bounty, largess, charitableness, good will, kindliness, compassion and care. Much to my amazement there was a surprise gift, gifted by  from Elephant Man – that is his nickname, he is a person. 

He had a ring with blue stones on his finger. 

He: How much would you say this ring cost. 

Me: I would say $100 dollars. 

He: American or Malaysian 

Me: American, it is so beautiful 

He: It is an eagle. 

Me: I can see that. An eagle with blue eyes, like me. Very unusual. 

He: I bought it for you. 

Me: Oh my goodness!! It is beautiful. I love it.

Put  it on the third finger of my right hand. We took a photo, which you will see. It is a black and white photo – but trust me, the eyes are blue. 

A couple of days ago I had given Elephant Man ear pods, originally belonged to a man whom I will never see again, the final cement of him.  He has stuff of mine that I will never see, given up on getting it back. 

No need to talk further of this man except to say this. It is much better  to admit you walked through the wrong door rather than sending your life in the wrong room. I walked through a wrong door about three months ago. I first thought that the improbability of our meeting meant our meeting was destined. Paradoxically, instead it was a test from Allah (SWT). The man’s character was revealed – he was a hypocrite. I shunned him as instructed. Spoke of this in my June 4, 2024 blog. 

  “The Quran forbids association with hypocrites. And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire touch you.’ (Surah Hud, Ch.11: V.114)”   

One month later I have been rewarded with a blue-eyed eagle ring. Its value is immense, a gift from Allah (SWT)  via Elephant Man.   

Back to the boundless beginning of the blog. When composing the thought of boundless on the computer a message popped up.  Arabic writing with this message: Please stay in touch. Mashallah! It was the Saudi family mentioned in an earlier blog of urging me to visit. Mashallah. I was actually feeling a bit neglected – some people say they will stay in touch but never do. Their disappearance does not being pain nor even missing as I have grown sanguine over such disappointment. This is my reasoning. 

Me: If everyone who said they would stay in touch with me actually did I would never have time to do anything else but write them, 

Alter Ego; Is that right? 

Me: Yes. Over the more than seven years of this blog’s history there may have been hundreds. I would have no time to write the blog much less anything else – meaningful or not. 

Alter Ego: Well, that is true. Just writing one or two people when you could be writing to so many more. 

Me: Exactly. Moreover I was said to be Chosen by Allah to write the blog – not correspond with unreliable people  

Sanguine is optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. I do love this definition: disposed to look on the bright side, upbeat. 

Nonetheless this seems to be a super family so you  can imagine then my reaction to get this message. I was over the moon. The phrase ‘Over the Moon’ means extremely pleased and happy. You can use the phrase ‘Over the Moon’ when describing your feeling when something great had happened to you.The origin of this expression comes from a well-known 16th century nursery rhyme called ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ (originally written as ‘High Diddle Diddle’) The rhyme itself is apparently nonsense and has no meaning, but it goes like this..

“Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such fun
And the dish ran away with the spoon!”

Enough of this frivolity!! The gist of the Message was that the family had returned to Saudi, the whole family had read my blog of praise and they all wanted me to visit, making sure I stayed in touch. Not exactly sure when this can be, but there is very good news. They live in Jeddah, it would be very easy to combine a visit with them with an Umrah as my December 2022 trip was flawed. Inshallah  If it is to be it shall be. 

This family is Saudi, therefore, this topic of conversation shall seamlessly lead to my recent statistics which were pictured in the previous blog. Wrote to a Saudi acquaintance. 

Me: My blog statistics reveal that Saudi Arabia continues in huge numbers. Thought they went away but no. Cannot download at the moment to show you. How are you by the way. 

He: Doing fine thanks. You are a renowned blogger. Saudis are grateful for writers who are respectful of their country and its culture and above all its rulers. We despise what is being dubbed as ‘creative chaos” by some politicians. 

Me: Saudi Arabia is the opposite of creative chaos. 

He: Thank God. 

Me: No. Thank Allah (SWT) I love teasing you. Unfortunately both words, chaos and creative. . But believe me sometimes creativity is NOT a blessing. It is my cursed creativity that loves teasing you. 

He: The term was used by an American politician. 

Me: Never trust a US politician as the world now sees so clearly. 

Goodness knows we do see, as articulated in my July 5, 2024 blog. Who knows what is going on in that quagmire, that swamp. 

Back to the analysis of my blog numbers, their meaning and the challenges I face. More texts transpired between the Saudi acquaintance and myself.

Me: I sent you my statistics by email. 

He: KSA is #2 

Me: No 3. Canada is #2

I looked at the statistics more carefully, realizing that he was correct. 

Me: I am wrong. You are right. KSA has more views. Canada has more viewers but views are more important. I do hate losing but I am gracious about it all. Oh by the way, influential Saudi man back in touch. Men ?!?! Oops, you are one. 

No further response from him 

Photographs will include Elephant Man’s look of joy upon receiving ear pods, the photograph of my eagle ring. A replay of the Lexis Suites shirt declaring undying love. And another copy of statistics so you can see the views/viewer composition.