July 4, Declaring my Independence From the United States; Admit to Being Dependent Upon the Income from my Defined Benefit Retirement, But it Should Be Safe; Calm Cool and Collected; Speaking of and Showing Photos of Persecution Based on my Muslim Identity Which Caused Me to Flee the United States; A Timely Reel Provided by an Influential Saudi Man Revealing the Truth of 9/11; Biden’s Incompetence Seen as a Ploy to Blame His Administration for Ongoing Atrocities; Photo of the Harm Inflicted Upon Me

July 1, 2024 Canada Day, brought forth memories and phots from July 1, 2017. July 4, 2024 Independence Day in the US ignites feelings of freedom – my absolute independence from the United States of America.

There remains a connection to the Excited States as it is sometimes called. It is the source of my livelihood, the money that sustains is my retirement income emanating from California. My necessary peace of mind is secure at this time for two reasons. Although the USA seems to be falling apart at the seams – no matter what happens, the rich get richer and the poor  get poorer. The MCERA retirement fund is wisely invested in rich people’s investments. The availability of my retirement is governed by English common contract law. The world’s economy relies on the viability of contract law. That too is not going away. Therefore I remain calm, cool and collected.

What does it mean to be calm, cool, and collected? Self-possessed, calm and composed, not upset, not bothered by things. What do you call someone who is calm cool and collected? Imperturbable, nonchalant, and unruffled. I do love it. Nonchalant, Unruffled Alexis. Google tells how to be a calm, cool collected person. No wonder I am absolutely imperturbable – I do it all.

  1. Keep a journal. Writing about feelings can help us process them …
  2. Get creative …
  3. Be mindful …
  4. Sleep enough …
  5. Learn how to breathe …
  6. Get into nature …
  7. Take exercise.

My blog is my journal, allowing me to be creative. I am mindful, that required by the Islamic Faith.  I sleep enough, going to bed early, getting up for Fajr prayer. I can breathe, I can observe nature from my patio and I exercise dancing to tunes in the Lexi Suites  Big Pool.

For some reason there is a discussion centering upon  What is the kindest personality type?” “ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.” (I cannot discover what the initials send for)

They key to all is the Islamic Faith. If it were  not for the faith I would most likely be in residence in Marin County, California. There, in my glory days, I was an esteemed lawyer who turned into a pariah – when I suddenly  because I became a Muslim I was fearless, insisting that I wear a hijab when they photographed me for my still valid driving license. Was I EVER naive. I recall at the commencement of the harassment, recoiling in fear at the sight of police.
Me: OMA. This is how black people must and always feel when they see a guy with a blue uniform on. I have never ever felt this before.
Alter Ego: Why was that?
Me: My goodness I have white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. I have never committed a crime in my life. Marin County Counsel’s Office represented the Sheriff’s Department. I was a causal friend of Sheriff Doyle.  I was well respected. No one dared touch me. I definitely fell from grace.
To fall from grace is an idiom referring to a loss of status, respect, or prestige..

The photos following the blog will show what a police officer did to my right arm – throwing me in the back of his vehicle with the hand cuffs on too tightly. It is not a pretty sight. He couldn’t take me to jail as there was no way they could file criminal charges against me based on Amanda’s lies. Instead I was ‘escorted” to Marin General Hospital placed on a hold. I was released almost immediately – when the psychiatrist came on duty. It was patently obvious that I was not a danger to myself or others and I was also able to provide for my own food, clothing and shelter. Those are the criteria for a mental health hold. How do I know? I represented the doctors and hospital in Welfare and Institutions Code 5150 holds. I complained to the Central Marin Police Department – the man assigned to the case – a nominal Muslim y – suddenly went away on vacation. Leaving my undefended for the planned next step.

But those days are over and I am thankful for that hardship. My life here in peaceful Malaysia, not a world power, but a peaceful country that cares for its citizens. I do not pay taxes here but if I did they would not be used to purchase, armament, soldiers, bombs to kill those in Gaza and Palestine. The United States of America have always been responsible for the destruction of those who stood in the way of their world domination. Just yesterday received from an influential Saudi man of my acquaintance a reel – sent via WhatsApp. With any sort of luck at all it will be retrievable on this blog. (Occasionally my blog master is not terribly masterful). The speech emanated from a school in Berkeley California – a few miles over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge from my former residence.  The man speaking reviews a book  9/11 An American Empire. The book reveals all:  the 9/11 Commission Report was a hoax, America was never attacked by  Arab Muslims, War on Terror also a hoax as well as the invasion of Iraq based on a fundamental life. Described as the most important book of our time,- this not  hyperbole. The reel you shall hopefully see, is overlaid with Arabic writing translating the speaker’s English.

Gaza has revealed this, the truth to become self evident. Do remember the beginning of the US Constitution “We hold these truths to be self evident.” Do remember also that same Constitution promises freedom of religion for its citizens. I was, and remain an American citizen. Not safe in my country because of Islamaphobia. What sort of a threat could I be? A short, rather chubby 77 year old lady, not in the possession of firearms? I was,  and I remain, a threat because I tell the Truth – have the courage of my convictions and do not fear death. I recall an expression, dead from the neck up. The people who live in fear and denial are dead from the neck up. It is an idiom, alluding to being “brain-dead.”

Does this not accurately describe President Biden’s performance in the recent debate? He acts brain-dead because he is going to take the blame for the USA’s continuing and everlasting support of Israel. Not only did it occur during his administration, it has been the corner stone of policies since before even I was born. How very clever that ploy – playing to the brain-dead does not require the truth nor a sense of history to make it viable.

The definition of which is the perfect word to describe the antics of the Democratic Party. Ploy, a noun: a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage.
The synonyms describe the evil of it all, scheme, ruse, tactic. trick, cunning plan, maneuver, contrivance, dodge, subterfuge, game, wile.

Gavin Newsom is apparently being suggested as a contender. Cannot think of anything worse, anything more absurd. He was in power in California during the pandemic. He thought only of its political viability – nothing of the havoc he was creating with his erratic behavior and color coded system of shut down not based on science.  I was living in San Francisco at the time – a victim of his caprice. We now know that all of the isolation, social distancing and school closure was a ridiculous reaction of uninformed politicians, trying to save their own skins.

If someone is trying to save their own skins they are to try to save yourself from something dangerous or unpleasant, often without caring what happens to anyone else.Used in a sentence: The government is trying to save its own skin rather than trying to help the victims of the disaster. Does that sentence not typify the USA and the Gaza genocide???

I typed Gavin the Governor into the search engine of this blog and 19 entries emerged. This brilliance from a November 2021 blog.

“Recently the topic of discussion has been my continuing ability to be right, correct, brilliant and intuitive, not all of the time, but most of the time. This is particularly when it involves politics, both Canadian and American national politics. It is my belief that both Justin Trudeau and Gavin the Governor (the California guy that escaped recall) are of the same cloth. Gavin continues bumbling as does Trudeau. Getting Canadian news in the USA is well nigh impossible so not been able to catch up with Justin but as I am presently unsafely trapped in the USA I have more discouraging news of Newsom. The Marin IJ’s headlines proclaimed that Newsom Remains Out of Public Sight. Now that might be ok but he is supposed to be at the highly important Glasgow climate change conference. He was to attend but instead said he had an inexplicable ‘family emergency’ that kept him away. But folks will be comforted to learn that: He posted a photo on his Instagram account of four children, aged 5 to 12, dressed as pirates on Hallowe’en. How is that for a fine command of priorities? Democrats have a death wish and an ability to shoot themselves in the foot. As I have pointed out in the past Gavin needs to be a Republican as he has all of the traits – one can imagine Trump doing exactly the same thing. Ivanka, Eric and Junior would look most cute dressed as pirates.”

Gavin was mentioned in my November 15,2020 blog as well, he was acting in an arrogant manner, by hosting a birthday party for friend in violation of covid regulations. How timely, how topical – almost three years later. Some things never change. Well. I do. Here I am safe and sound, with peace of mind living n Malaysia.

Photographs will include my right arm and another catastrophe. Went to London in 2013, going back to graduate school so that a student visa would enable me to live in that city for two and a half years. The second day I was there I looked the wrong way and was struck by a motorcycle who was running the light. Was unconscious for 8 hours, if the wound was one inch deeper I would have died or been brain dead. The motorcyclist was never held accountable by the police – civil remedies not possible. The photo shown on a previous blog brought this response. “The reason why you are so ‘popular’ is because you are real – not striving for perfection. I am real and honest. The truth shall set you free and in the long run – good does prevail over evil. It does require patience however. My heart goes out to those in Gaza.