This was most fortuitous, most serendipitous,- even (perhaps) heaven-sent. Instagram was ‘advertising’ Monash University Application Day. Did not know where the University was located, had no idea what they were offering but, rather auspiciously, I registered.
Auspicious is a great word as it means conducive to success; favorable, OR giving or being a sign of future success:
The day dawned. I did have some misgivings, wondering if it would be worth my time. Put our feelers to one individual who did not respond. Later when breakfasting with a fascinating Malaysian family – mother, father and their young son. The father was a professor at a northern Malaysian University, his wife was most accomplished in many fields. She at this hotel for an audiology seminar.
Seeking guidance I asked for their advice.
He: Yes, do it! Go, what do you have to loose?
She: I agree with my husband.
Me: Well, okay. The most I have to loose is the money it will cost me to pay my GRAB driver.
The other individual eventually did get back to me with this advice.
She: How long is this research? Okay don’t stress yourself.
Me: No idea how long it is or how I would fashion my program. That is why I am going to the event. To find out.
Thought a little more about the advice being offered, deciding to respond at the risk perhaps of ‘hurting’ this person’s feelings.
Me: If that was my aim in life – no stress, I never would have gone anywhere or done anything. Sometimes you need a little stress. Not a constant diet of course. Making sure you have no stress in your life is itself very stressful. Funny hahaha. But true.
Well, I did not think of this. What I did have to lose was time, After some difficulty but aided by Lexis people, got GRAB. It seemed to take forever to get to the E & O hotel, endless traffic jams and them the driver stopped for gas. Arrived at the wrong entrance to the E.& O – had to walk miles (it seemed) to a different building. I was NOT in a good mood when I finally found the Monash folks on the fifth floor of the adjacent building.
But as soon as I ‘touched base’ with the Monash folk it became evident that this was most timely and opportune. You shall probably learn more about them and me in the ensuring days and weeks – but it seems ideal.
Faithful readers are aware of my thwarted attempts to study at the Islamic University of Medinah (blog of June 24, 2024). This seems a better route – a Straight Path, for many reasons. This is what I mean. These words from Monash’s outreach. .
“Our desire to make a difference is what defines us. You’ll leave with a greater sense of purpose, a global outlook and the skills and confidence to make a positive change – to your own life and the lives of others around you.”
There was also a link to a short powerful YouTube entitled: If You Do Not Like it Change It.
That is me – I want to make a positive change to my life and the lives of those around me. It is a challenge – I definitely want to change the things that SO desperately need to be changed.
Look back at my morning with amazement. If I had listened to the first person, there is a strong possibility that I would not have gone, enduring the inconvenience for what seemed at the time, no appreciable gains. Instead, the lack of response meant that I spoke to two individuals who were, I see in retrospect, more qualified to give advice. They are university educated, risk takers – just like me.
Do have to admit that I feel Allah’s guidance in all of this. It has resulted in far less stress in my existence. After a day of encouragement, respect, exchange of ideas and a promise for the future I returned to Lexis Suites. My joy increased because I was greeted with the best of news.
Alter Ego: What news Alexis?
Me: My missing iPods had been found in Lex Spa. My self styled water aerobics can return. I was forced to abandon it – with no tunes.
Alter Ego!I cannot imagine how happy you must have been.
Me: Yes. Emerged from the day SO positive.
Alter Ego: That is your goal, that is your gift.
Me: Alhamdullah Yes.
I am writing this portion of the blog on July 1, 2024 recalling July 1, 2017 – seven years ago if my math is right (it seldom is) It was Vancouver, it was Canada, it was Canada Day. I was doing it! Elated to be back in Canada, my birthplace and native land. In celebration, painted my face like the Canadian flag, dressed in Canada colors (red and white). My motto being – anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Everyone wanted a photo of me and fortunately I was ‘equipped’ with a volunteer, talented photographer and an iPhone. I recall great numbers (87) Canadians said “Welcome Back” and asked to be photographed with me in all of my glory. I departed Canada for the USA fifty years before, in 1967. Was so happy to be back. The happiness, the joy, the elation did not last. It was not permanent, that is for sure. Left Vancouver in 2019 – back to Edmonton in May of 2022 – left again in September 2023. Never to return. But with me – who knows??? Only Allah (SWT)
This July 1 somebody said something extremely complimentary to me.
Alter Ego: What was it Alexis?
Me: I was told that I could be described as being 3V – not 3D
Alter Ego: What do the 3 Vs stand for?
Me: Vitality/Vibrance/Vivacousness.
Alter Ego: Is that a compliment?
Me: Of course it is.
Vitality: the state of being strong and active; energy AND • the power giving continuance of life, Synonyms energize: Liveliness, , animation, spirit, high-spiritedness, vivacity, exuberance, buoyancy, verve, vim, pep, brio, zest, sparkle, effervescence, dynamism, passion, vigor, zeal, , gusto, elan; zing, fizz, get-up-and-go, oomph, pizzazz.
Vibrance: the state of being full of energy and life
Vivacious: attractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman)
Synonyms are so full of life: high-spirited, effervescent, bubbly, ebullient, carefree, happy-go-lucky, jfull of fun, full of the joys of spring, cheerful, perky, sunny, irrepressible, zestful, full of vim and vigor. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Of course I LOVE to be seen as a 3V bright-eyed and bushy-tailed individual. Do wonder at it all. I have just spoken of the massive disappointments, let downs and betrayals suffered at the hands of my native land. It must be because I remember the fun of face painting, the Welcome Backs, the photographs showing how much fun I was having and how much fun people were having with the outlandish me.
I am slowly and carefully reading Leonard Cohen’s A Ballet of Lepers, one of the few books I bought with me when I fled Canada. I came upon this passage, He is looking back at a certain time of his life.
“I don’t suppose that I will ever again have that feeling of integration, dedication and mission, the delicious surrender of my life to a higher cause. Even now as I remember this period, I recall it as a glorious march among passionate men. I do not wish to recall it too intimately. I want always to be reminded of it but not in detail, but rather like a gold blur somewhere in my history” (pg. 97)
That is how I see that day, July 1. 2017 – a gold blur somewhere in my history.
Something like that happened yesterday, at Lexis Suites, now famous, breakfast buffet. Back to Lexis Suites. As usual, I meet the most interesting people at breakfast. One Malaysian family in particular brought great joy, reminding me of positives found in my former life.
Spied a man wearing a NorthFace baseball hat and remarked:
Me: Look at your hat! It reminds me of days of old. Northface began in Berkeley, California. I lived near there – reminds me of my good old days in California. When there was hope and optimism.
He: My mother gave me this hat, years ago. She died – I wear the hat so frequently, that is is now grey and faded – black was its original color.
Me: That is so touching! The memory of your mother lives on. That is beautiful!
Went back to my table with my breakfast choices. A little boy was sitting at an adjacent table. As usual with little kids, I smiled and waved at him. His father, leaned over and spoke to him. The little boy manfully got off his chair walked over to me and kissed my hand. I almost fainted in sheer rapture.
Walked over to speak to the parents, she was feeding a small three months old baby. .
Me: That was the sweetest thing EVER. I am SO delighted, thank you. How old is your son?
The Father: two and a half.
Me: Oh my goodness, It is you! I recognize your North Face baseball cap. .
He: In Malaysia we are taught, and we teach our children to respect elders, by calling them Auntie and kissing their hands.
Me: I love your country – it people, its habits, its customs. Its kindness, its peacefulness, the manner in which you celebrate the Islamic Faith in your everyday life.
The family left, somewhat ceremoniously the little boy came to me, kissing my hand.
Me: My goodness. I cannot remember when I last had someone kiss my hand. I am sure the man was much older than you. I will never wash my hand so your kiss will still be there.
With those words I suddenly remembered the last time my hand had been kissed. It was London, it was 2014.. A man whose nickname was Dinham kissed my hand.
Me: I will never wash my hand now. Not ever.
Well of course I have. I perform ablution five times a day, for example. This now will render the story rather unbelievable. I actually loved the man- it did not work out, needless to say. Left London going home to Canada. We continued in email contact for some time. He emailed telling me he was a Muslim. I was shocked. I was not a Muslim at the time, and was totally ignorant of the fact that Muslims come in all colors and shapes. He was black, from Jamaica. Later learned that people from Ethiopia settled in Jamaica. Lost contact with him years ago. I consider myself blessed: he has now become a golden blur in the history of my life, retrievable by a two and a half year old Malaysian who kissed my hand twice.
Over breakfast one Malaysian family brought happiness in the present, mixed with happy memories of the past.
It is the Islamic Faith which has allowed and encouraged this in so many ways.
Photographs of the the Face Painted Alexis and Many Canadians. Cover of A Ballet of Lepers and Multiple A + Stickers.