Celebrating Our King’s Birthday; A Malaysian Orderly Transfer of Power Contrasted to Others; Then to the Serious Business of Hypocrisy; A Believer’s Obligation When a Hypocrite is Amongst You; My Obligations Have Been Discharged by Individually Confronting and Speaking Out Against the Practices of Others I Have Observed; Photos of the King, A Memorable Day with My Muslim Sister and “My” Clouds

I thought the hordes at Lexis Suites would diminish as school holidays are over but there seems to be a never ending supply of people checking in. Someone FINALLY told me what was happening. It is ‘our King’s birthday.’ 

My Malaysian Sister provided an image of the King and his Beautiful Wife, informing me

She: His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agnong. 

My Malaysia reading has provided me with some rudimentary knowledge of the monarchy in Malaysia. Wikipedia:: 

“The head of state is an elected monarch, chosen from among the nine state sultans every five years. The head of government is the prime minister.” 

Wrote to Someone on WhatsApp, including Sister’s image. 

Me: Malaysia’s King of the ‘moment’. An orderly process, an election from amongst the candidates.  Respecting the countries dynasties in an orderly fashion. Unlike the mess in Nigeria at the moment. Nigeria erroneously follows so-called American democracy instead of the parliamentary system. 

It is necessary, particularly in a monarchy, to mandate an orderly transmission of power. Succession is the ‘tried and true’ method. The eldest male can be a idiot at times, as history has shown. Having a fool for a monarch does create problems, but they are bound to die (or be beheaded).. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not ‘use’ succession. There were stories, promulgated by the West, as to the methods MBS used to achieve his absolute power. There is no way anyone will ever know. It seemed at one time (in the not too distant past)  that whatever he did was okay (to me anyway) because he seemed to be the man for the job. But Gaza revealed the truth. A diplomat described him as greedy – he was/is greedy for power, he is greedy for everything. MBS is not exactly thin and toned, as just one example.  

Alter Ego: Alexis, that is not your problem. You do not live there any more. 

Me: That is the truth. However, Mecca is within his jurisdiction, as is the Prophet’s Mosque. Greed has contaminated Allah’s sanctuaries.  

Alter Ego: That may be true. But there is not much you can do about that. 

Me: What you say is true. It is impossible for me to affect regime change in KSA, It does not take a genius to see that. But I do have an obligation to speak out about my knowledge, there has to be a reason I know so much (too much for my own good actually).  But I do need to prioritize. 

 I am trusting that some level of calm will descend after check out time tomorrow. I do need calm to collect my thoughts as I have too many irons in the fire. I am speaking in idiom again. 

To collect one’s thoughts is to take time to think about something, to get your thinking straight, to put your mind in order. The Internet helpfully tells one how to organize you thoughts. As I read the list, realized that I did all of them. 

  1. Record your thoughts. When you notice your thoughts are becoming less organized, take some time to document them. …
  2. Prioritize your thoughts. …
  3. Separate complex thoughts. …
  4. Reflect on your thoughts. …
  5. Develop a consistent routine. …
  6. Take breaks. …
  7. Make to-do lists. …
  8. Organize your physical space.

I need to sort  (love that verb)  because if someone has a lot of irons in the fire, they have several different plans, The problem is with too many irons in the fire they can sap one’s energy and prevent one from seeing which path to take. 

The verb sort has many synonyms: resolve, find an answer to, fix, work out, put right, unravel,  throw light on; hammer out, figure out. 

The Next Day 

Lexis Suites crowded conditions eventually led to calm. 

Alter Ego: Go to your room Alexis. 

Me: Okay I will. I am not a bratty child, but if I put up my do not disturb sign, will find peace so that I can collect my thoughts. 

I was able to reflect in the peaceful confines of my room. The only sound was the waves lapping upon the shore. 

I sorted, threw a light on, found an answer to with, I do believe guidance from Allah (SWT) led me in the direction of studying the effect of evil, in my life and the lives of others. I did find a solution for myself, not that drastic. But for others it could be. (Drastic, an adjective: likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect). 

Evil has infiltrated my life, causing me to loose my peace of mind. Evil is in the form of a male hypocrite. Reappeared actually as our original meeting was in December of 2023, but I had  intuitively blocked communication soon after first meeting him. I mistakenly allowed him back in my life. Thankfully though it turned into a  learning experience of rather epic proportions. Achieved physical distance quite soon but my peace of mind was in tatters, moreover I had been exploited during our brief time together.  I am too trusting and empathetic – it can be a sin. I have no excuse, because hypocrites have cluttered and contaminated my existence. I am victimized by them briefly, but recognize the signs and am able to flee their presence. The ONLY solution to their evil. 

Hypocrites are a problem the world over.

The Islamic Faith, different from other religions, provides a remedy. Yesterday undertook extensive research to see if there was a remedy. What to do with someone who has proven himself to be a hypocrite. 

First, at the Al-Hakam site, found a redefinition of hypocrite, combining both traditional and modern sources.. It was not possible to link the entire article.  

Hypocrite is assumed to be someone whose action is inconsistent with his words (Alicke, Gordon, & Rose, 2013; Aikin, 2008; Jordan et al., 2017; Kreps, Laurin, & Merritt, 2017). In accordance with the previous researchers, Effrona et al. (2018) said that hypocrite is a person who has ―word-deed misalignment. It means that there is also contradiction between what he is saying and doing. To sum up, hypocritical behavior is considered to be a negative behavior that lead to undeserve moral benefits such as being trusted (Effrona et al., 2018).Naso (2007), Ortiz et al. (2016), and van Prooijen & van Lange (2016) said that hypocrisy is a consequence of dishonesty and unethical cultures so that people transfer those habits into their social lives. 

The Islamic Faith dictates that hypocrites must be shunned. The origin of shun is instructive: “Old English scunian ‘abhor, shrink back with fear, seek safety from an enemy’.

The Prophet (pbuh) was forbidden to even pray for a hypocrite upon his death. Has told us Musaddad said, had told us Yahya bin Sa’id from ‘Ubaidullah said, had told me Nafi’ fromIbn’Umar ra. That when ‘Abdullah bin Ubay died, his son came to the Prophet then said: “O Rasulullah saw.:”Give me your clothes for to understand my father and pray for him and ask for forgiveness for him.” So,

the Prophet gave him his clothes and said: “allow me to pray for him.” When the prophet wants to pray, ‘Umar bin Al-Khaththab r.a suddenly came and said to the Prophet: “Did not Allah forbid you to pray a hypocrites?”

Hypocrites inflict terrible long lasting damage on all those around them.  M.Quraish Shihab stated that the damage they did was reflected for them, who were reluctant to

seek treatment so that the disease they suffered was getting worse. Furthermore, the destruction will certainly spread to their families and children, because the badness is transmitted through the exemplification of bad character (Shihab, 2006). Not only that, the destruction caused by hypocrisy also has an impact on social life by preventing others from virtue such as by spreading negative issues, instilling hatred and breakdown the society (Shihab, 2006).

It is evident that hypocrisy  can spread to families and children. Therefore, hypocrites MUST be shunned by all, particularly their families. Shun is a powerful word. Its origins are instructive: “Old English scunian ‘abhor, shrink back with fear, seek safety from an enemy’,  its meaning is not clear to you, look to some of the synonyms: avoid,steer clear of,  recoil from, keep away from, keep one’s distance from, to, have nothing to do with, leave alone, not touch, turn one’s back on,cut dead, ; reject, spurn, repudiate, ostracize.  

Hypocrites cannot be expected become social, they are asocial, have few friends, no true friends because, of course, people will stay away of them when they find out their hypocrisy behavior and attitudes.

The Quran forbids association with hypocrites. And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire touch you.’ (Surah Hud, Ch.11: V.114) 

We are told that it is no small mistake to choose to be friends and helpers of those whom Allah Almighty describes as surely being in the lowest depths of the Fire.“They are helpers of those wrongdoers about whom God Almighty has said they will be thrown into the lowest depth of the Fire.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, 5 August 1938, pp. 504-505). If you have an affinity with them, start to join with them it is natural that you will become more and more like them It is no small mistake to prefer the munafiqueen as friends over sincere believers. If we join with them and tolerate their disrespect of Allah and His signs we lose out sense of respect and gradually become like them.  Allah says, as is quoted: :  “‘You let people who spread disorder come into your homes and you converse with them. As a result, these people have become bold. The result of this negligence of yours is that the blessings of Khilafat will come to an end and the unity of Muslims will be left scattered.’ Now look, what Hazrat Uthmanra said is what happened.’” (Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 25, pp. 415-416). 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, deals with hypocrites and those that harbor them, sternly. He said:

“Those who keep meeting with munafiqeen because they are relatives or loved ones, I give them a conclusive argument after which they are responsible, and I tell them they will certainly be seized by God. You are making God and His religion into a toy and are making light of it, but your cunningness and arrogance will not help you at all in front of God. Whoever encourages munafiqeen with his actions and conduct, should listen clearly that Allah Almighty will disgrace them in this world in front of us and the next world in His presence. Thus, avoid the enemies and munafiqeen, and when they say something that is hypocritical, separate yourselves from them.” 

Two of my most recent encounters with hypocrites (one Saudi, one Nigerian) brought me in contact with their families – with their mothers. Both of these women, not only tolerated their son’s behaviors but encouraged contact with all family members, in one case a huge extended family. This is absolutely forbidden:, for the following reasons using a very apt analogy.  

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said: “If you wish to stand in support of the munafiqeen and to protect them, then I ask you whether you would be willing to keep a rat that had died of plague in your house, then I will understand that you are honest.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, 16 October 1936, pp. 681)

I was speaking to a young Muslim Malaysian woman, a Lexis Suites Lex Spa employee about  the faith and my recent encounter with hypocrites, and recently their families. This your woman knew of the extreme importance of shunning hypocrites from families. At first, when completing the research was of the belief that these two mothers could not have known of their obligation to shun their sons. One woman, retired from  being a principal of a Mecca school for thirty years, revered by community had to know. I observed her faithful prayer practices in her home. She is knowledgable. The other mother comes from an extremely well educated Muslim family. They must have the knowledge of their responsibilities – so too should other family members. Perhaps the sons’ poisons have already taken affect. 

I pray this is not true. The goodness of these women, their acceptance and gift giving lulled me into a sense of trust, allowing me to be exploited by their sons. I pity them, have given to others some of their gifts. 

My Islamic duty is to confront the hypocrite, telling him of my insight into their characters and warning them. I have done so in both cases. I have a continuing obligation to speak out about it. I have fulfilled my duty by writing this blog in which I clearly communicated. That is all I am required to do. I now have peace of mind. Allhanduillah. 

I do realize that this has been serious. The attached photos will perhaps bring a measure of cheer. Texted my Malaysian Sister. 

Me: My gloomy blog posted in a couple of days is made more cheerful by your King’s photo and the photos you sent of the two of us on May 27. Thank you for them. It is great to be able to share them with the world. I am going to bed. 

She: Good night my big sister. Sweet dreams. 

The other photo is one taken from my Lexis Suites balcony – an amazing collection of clouds. Clouds bring me closer to Allah (SWT). He should have 100 names – Artist being the missing one. I do think they are painted just for me – but everyone can share. Alhamdulillah.